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I just finished trying to replace the alternator in my 91 CRX HF. I got everything loose and lifted the car to remove the pivot bolt. And as luck would have it, there was no bolt head or nut for me to remove, but the alternator is still in there tight. it looks like the pivot bolt simply rusted apart. I thought to remove the alternator by the mounting braket but one of the bolts is too tight to break.

Any suggestions on how to break the bolt? or how to get the broken bolt out?
Cut it out? Drill it if you can get in there? Make sure you keep a few pieces intact so that you can match it up at a hardware store or bolt store later.
Any idea where i might be able to get another bracket? I would go to the junkyard, but that part is on the bottom of the car and rather dificult to get to in a junkyard.
Is there a way I could get the bracket and the pivot bolt? I'm sure I could by it from the honda dealership but that means lots of $$$$. LMK what you would want for it.
I have one guy (the guy I bought it from) that might be able to give me that bracket and bolt, I'll know by tomorrow. If he can't I'll give you an offer.
Well, it turns out that the bolt was not stuck in there at all, there was no bolt in the alternator. It was just holding on very well. I do need to know how you are supposed to pull the alternator out from the engine. The only ideas I have are to take the right engine mount out and lift it, or take down the axle. both of those seem a litle extreme for an alternator...
On almost every car I've worked on the alernator was a bitch to get to. If necassary I'd go the route of removing the axle.
just undo the bolts and pin inside the car and carfully move it asdie do not pinch the lines
Originally posted by 12 2004, 01:29 AM
just undo the bolts and pin inside the car and carfully move it asdie do not pinch the lines
[post=389223]Quoted post[/post]​

werd...i dont even worry about the pin....but it can be done either way.