Surgery (sp?)

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so my son is getting surgery today, im spazing and trying to distract myself by browsing the internet. i hate doctors and i hate hospitals. i hate the smell, i just wish i could do more, i feel helpless sitting here doing nothing. oh well, i guess ill troll the boards until its done. wish him luck.
Hope everything works out for him.... :(

I know I was freaking when my wife had her operations....I was a mess.
I lived the first 6 years of my life in a hospital (No lie)

Kids heal very quickly, and their organs and bones (overall systems) are clean and manageable. Of course it's worrisome, but even in Brain surgery kids walk away with SIGNIFICANTLY less injury in surgery than any adult.
he has a tube in his neck from when he was still a fetus with gills, the tube never healed up and closed off so it has to be removed. he is only 6months old, thats why im freaking
My prayers are with your son... hope everything turns out okay.
Just relax as much as possible. My son had surgery on his ankles when he was 6 months old, and it was extremely difficult..

We were also at the hospital with him last week because he began having seizures. He goes in for an MRI on Wednesday....

I know how you feel man... Just hang tough...
Hang in there man, hope for the best. Try and be strong for your wife/baby momma. Remember that as worried as you are she's prolly comming unglued and needs somone to be her rock.
I know how that is. It's horrible. But, during the time when you feel you can't do anything... know that just by loving your son is the best you can do at this moment. He'll pull through. If he's been through all that I can tell the guy's a fighter. :) My father lived 1/3 of his life in the hospital as well... I've heard stories about how much it sucks. I'm thinking of your family and sending wishes of good health, good luck, and Godspeed. Just as you're going through this, know your wife/gf/baby's mother is too. Be there for her as well... you need each other at this moment.

ok, he did fine and they got the whole tube out. scary thing is we thought it was only going to be about an inch long, it turned out to be around 6-7 inches long. it also had a sist (sp?) attached to it so they removed that too. but he is doing fine and should be coming home today, thanks for the support and well wishes i really do appreciate them.
bet you can wait to get him home and hold him. I'm glad everything worked out.
he is home now with my wife (who is his mother also by the way). she said she even managed to get a smile out of him this morning, so he is doing good.
Yes, he is. He's probably just happy to see your faces after all that sleep! :) I'm glad everything went well. Give him some snuggles for me. I love babies. :)