Tenzo Racing valve covers

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last week i made a trip from ice cold canada down to Virginia to visit my G/f who went down there for school. up here i had a tough time trying to find a blue valve cover for my B16. so down there i do some shopping at ride revolution, first thing i see is this blue tenzo racnig V/C. im like sweeeet. so after lookin for a DC sports ignition wire cover to fancy up the center, i realzize that the tenzo covers wont accept a stock ignition wire cover. what the hell is that about? that would look ugly as hell with the studs stickin up, i was disapointed and left. and now im back home freezing my ass off with still no valve cover haha.

so whats with that? anyone else seen that or got one of these? does tenzo make one??

any other company anyone knows of for blue valve covers then?

personally i think thats retarded as hell they would engineer that.
tenzo sucks. Just get a stocker, strip the old paint off, and repaint it. It will probably cost you a total of 50-60 bucks, maybe less. I just polished mine. THe VC cost me 25 dollars.
hey thanx for those links, those covers are sick. i originally wanted the keep the wrinkle finish but that candy blue looks super nice.

ive never had powdercoating done, but i got the number of a guy who gave me his card for it a while back, its in my toolbox somewhere. did you guys just take your covers to a powder coater? anything i should know when taking it, or anything specific to ask for ?

thanx for the replies!

p.s those e bay ones are reasonable, the one at ride revolution was 139.99 U.S. works out to be 180 bucks canadian.
I painted one of mine candy red, then another powder coated like the one on ebay, and i also bought the wrinkle red fake type r one from ebay, I like the the powder coated factory one, it was a sick color, but i never hadd any probs with others i had either
tenzo is just more RICER crap!@!, :puke: anyways, if you want a nice blue one, you should have it powder coated. much better on the heat resistance. try talking to erebunicrx,, just pm him, he did mine and cost me like $60 shiped. he did an awesome job. thing is so shiny and beautiful. eveyone who sees it loves it. thats an option, or you pay out the but for the tenzo apc crap!
here check it out, this is his work


thanks again Erebunicrx :lol:
I just took some aircraft stripper to mine and used blue andozied paint, I am happy with the way it came out and have had several compliments on it. I spent $15