The Last Samurai

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Originally posted by SiR Kid@Dec 6 2003, 02:41 AM
I've heard it was put in comparison with BraveHeart... THAT was a hell of a badass epic movie... Is Last Samurai up to that comparison for you guys?

well, i saw it last night...

my opinion, it didn't come close to touching braveheart, but it was still a bad ass movie.

to much tom cruise is a superhero bullshit....

pissedoffmovie: 8
I want another movie to be on the scale of braveheart. Braveheart was one of the best movies of all time.

"They may take our lives, but they'll never take our FREEDOM"
Originally posted by arpee79@Dec 7 2003, 09:34 PM
I loved the movie and YES I WANNA BE A SAMURAI i freaking loved that red samurai armor with the mask that tom used in the last battle but he dint use the mask OMG sweet ,I came home looking for KATANAS on ebay,I found this website on swords
i just love this movie as much as BRAVEHEART .

next fad of the month: samurais and katanas :ph34r:
It's great that you guys gave this movie such good reviews.. im making my gf go with me.. this weekend we watched "Honey" instead.. anyway, ive always been into the Feudal Japan shit... love Rurouni Kenshin, Inuyasha, Fuishi Yugi, etc..
Katanas are a fun little hooby I just got my second

new one


close up of head, nice shadowing


old one


close up, gotts love the dragon squaring off with the serpent on the handle

wow, those are ugly as shit, no offense man, but I'll stick with my stealth blade katana. Right now I'm making a new handle for it and am going to wrap it in black sharkskin and silk cord. Should look quite pimp! :ph34r:

definatly prefer the traditional style ... not into the dragon handles and such
Haven't seen the movie yet, planning on next weekend. I do have to say though that I am glad it's finally out in theaters; for the past 6 months it seems like there has been a preview for it at the beginning of every movie I have seen.

Anyhoo,...if anyone is looking for a good laugh, I would highly recommend Bad Santa. I seriously think it's the funniest movie I have ever seen; I laughed my ass off through the whole thing!

My 2 cents worth...
Originally posted by E_SolSi@Dec 7 2003, 11:51 PM
definatly prefer the traditional style ... not into the dragon handles and such

well when you plan on having 20-30 of them you need varietaaaah (cartman voice). I've had more traditional pieces in the past and will own them again, I'm just rebuilding my collection right now
thats cool .... i plan on getting a set or two soon...
ive found a few places to get hand folded and fordged ones with ray skin handles and all that.... very nice stuff :) (but costly)
OMG, link me please. Real forged Katanas are almost impossible for me to find for some reason. Hook me up
just hit google and search for "folded forged katana" or something similar .... you will find lots :)
Well, I have read everyones feedback' I guess I must go and hit the theater today.......which has been a long time...

Last movie I have seen was Kung Pow...and that was years ago.

<---not current on movies and media...hell, not even current on cars...still old school.

Also...My ex-wifes great great great grandfather was a sami...

and I also have had a few swords in Japan...I never brought them here though..thought I couldn't get thru customs...hehe
If your looking for modern folded katanas look for Paul Chen. He is considered the best of the modern katana mass producers. His sword start around $500 and go up from there! Hope this helps :D


Airjockie - Its called International shipping. I did it for mine and I had no customs problems!
i havent had a chance to see it yet but i have a hard time believing that the meji gov would hire a bunch of white guys, frankly that was the beginning of the imperialist era and they wouldnt trust westerners that much, but i might be wrong, it was also the time of the japanese industrial revoulution and foreign expansion. they could have asked for help but it doesnt seem like a very japanese act to me.
check out the History channel

they have been running a "history vs hollywood" on that movie.... its actually somewhat acurate i guess