Think you're having a rough week? Read on...

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she's not my bitch, she's my roommate's bitch.

and FWIW, the tiny tires held up better than the 275/75/15's that were already on the trailer did.

I think I'm just going to sell the bike, part out the rex, sell my trailer, pay off my truck, and move to the midwest.
holy crapola. you should run over her dog. that'd be some sweet justice. actually that'd be really cruel...bbbbbbbbbbut you could feed it some choco exlax and spread a bunch of the chick's clothes and shit out on the bathroom floor and then lock the bastard in there. woo.
Never seek revenge on an animal. That is TOTALLY not cool.

I would rather see a human get beat than any animal. Fuck humans, they prolly did something to deserve it anyway.

For all this advice, I can't believe how violent you fuckers are.
beat the bitch WITH her dog (sorry cel but if a dog pisses on my shit its dead...)
sell your bike to me
pay off the truck
and move to tokyo
she's not my bitch, she's my roommate's bitch.
Possession is not an issue when the solution is chopping her into pieces and burying her in the neighbors backyard while their at work and covering it with fresh sod to cover your tracks of digging. :ph34r:

ha, ha...
Just be glad your body isn't sore 99% of the time from doing my line of work. I've done, and sometimes had help in, doing over 120 wire runs in attics, on ladders and drilling through concrete brick, wood and metal over the past week and a half.
The simplest and best thing I can offer you is to keep you in my prayers, my friend. I came close to losing my job today as I figured I would for what happened, as well as a few other things that do not need to be discussed, so I really wish you the best and will pray that your life turns a few leaf. Take care.
holy crapola. you should run over her dog. that'd be some sweet justice. actually that'd be really cruel...bbbbbbbbbbut you could feed it some choco exlax and spread a bunch of the chick's clothes and shit out on the bathroom floor and then lock the bastard in there. woo.

I don't NEED to lock my door from my roommates but I do anyway. One day I drove from home, back to school, only to find my roommate and his gf sitting on the couch in my room, watching my tv. That wasn't cool.

Or the time I come home from work at 4am and find his drunk ass friend passed out on the couch in my room.

Or the time I come home from work at 4am to the basement door wide open, lights on, and my turbo LSV sitting there in plain sight.

Or when I come home to find them eating my food, or using my bowl/pipe/bong/steamroller, or other stuff.

Come to think of it, I should lock my fucking door.

But back to topic, tell her she needs to toss money towards rent/utes. She is not on the lease, she has no right to actually be there, she has to play by your rules.
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sounds like someone has a case of the mondays :)

i on the other hand took the day off "sick" to play with the car. hehe.

I did that today. From the sounds of everyone elses Mondays, thank God I did.

I think I'm just going to sell the bike, part out the rex, sell my trailer, pay off my truck, and move to the midwest.

Don't sell your bike, or part the rex. I've been following that rex. BTW, what kind of bike do you have, and when does the superior service department think you'll get it back, with working brakes?
I agree with B. Fuck the chick, angry sex is always fun especially when the chick is sexy. except don't eat the dog. I ain't down with animal cruelty. But take more than $400 worth of stuff cause that dog pissed on more than $400 worth of home entertainment equipment anyways. Then leave a note saying fuck room mates. You owed me the money so I pawned your shit, fucked your bitch and peaced out on this month's rent. Move far away and get yourself a small house for yourself. Any place that you have to lock your door from your room mates is not a place you need to be, especially if that bitch is so dumb she can't close the fucking garage door behind her.You have more patience than I do man. I would been punching holes in the wall next to that chicks head cause I would never ever hit a girl. but that is fucked up and from the sound of it she hasn't tried to pay you back for your loss of the hondata and p28, or anything that dog pissed on.