Think you're having a rough week? Read on...

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I can't believe after all this no one said talk to your roommate. He's the one who brought her in so it's his responsibility IMO. Let him know that the way shit has been going lately at the house is unacceptable and that if it dosent change x, y or z will happen.
I can't believe after all this no one said talk to your roommate. He's the one who brought her in so it's his responsibility IMO. Let him know that the way shit has been going lately at the house is unacceptable and that if it dosent change x, y or z will happen.
pretty much. he knows what you have in your car, so tell him it's missing and get some money from him. if my roommate had a gf he just let squat, i would be pissed.
missing the simple answer here... you dont need to involve the dog at all...
for instance:
dog pisses on your entertainment system and floor... go into his room and piss all over his stuff
dog pisses on your laundry... open up his closet and or dresser and piss all over everything
dog takes a shit on your floor... go drop a steamer on his floor
dog chews up your sneakers... take his favorite pair of shoes and light them on fire

you get the idea

no cruelty to animals, and they still get the point
pretty much. he knows what you have in your car, so tell him it's missing and get some money from him. if my roommate had a gf he just let squat, i would be pissed.
used squat and pissed in the same sentence pertaining to a woman without actually refering to urination.:D