This might get interesting....

  • Thread starter Thread starter Airjockie
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  • Replies Replies 28
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you know, this could make for an epic movie one day.

i'm going to start working on a script. now i can write it out, and pitch it to movie studios.
there is too much going on in the site. it's bogged down. wont do anything for me.
it does take a while, but it could be a time killer for those bored at work...
yup, after you make an account,'s step by step.

other sites embed, this site I can't figure out how to do it, but I'm not a computer geek...maybe darkhand can come up with a way.
Okay kids,,,start making your movies....and post them up...

"thread of the year"


we could make a thread using just these to make a reply....
i expect royalties :)
do you want royalties because the site led to the movie maker or because you think you will be part of the story?

i think if we took all the posts from me, steve, and bryan, we would have a pretty damn crazy movie.
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30% should do it :)
so you own this....what i just typed.....damn you own a part of me. Oh well, you'll be very disapointed. :P
the site just takes too damn long for this thread to ever get interesting...