Type R Mini Van

  • Thread starter Thread starter beau_safken
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Check out what I snapped while on the way to talk to my mechanic regarding my engine swap. My girlfriend was laughing too...Thats pretty stupid to put this kinda Shit on a van... You be the judge

it could be like the van that was once on speedoptions with nos and shit..the oddysey but in dodge form...lol..
I was driving on I-4 the other day and I saw a caravan jookin through traffic, the tag said SECRET W (eapon I'm guessing?) first thing I thought of was that caravan that ate the camaro!! :rolleyes:
Trust me this van was nothing like that caravan that gave the camero an ass pounding...This woman had easily 5 kids running around...
Originally posted by beau_safken@Feb 9 2003, 07:10 AM
Trust me this van was nothing like that caravan that gave the camero an ass pounding...This woman had easily 5 kids running around...

Maybe she hits the track on the weekends :lol:

But actually,Renault has a line called the race,it is their answer to the type R.There is a minivan in the line up,my wifes mom has one,and let me tell you,it is NO punk.Hauls ass and handles very well. ;)
Originally posted by strictlyJDM@Feb 8 2003, 11:28 PM
it could be like the turbo van that waxed the camaro :lol:

I remember that Vid, some funny shit