Upgrading to XenForo

  • Thread starter Thread starter Briansol
  • Start date Start date
  • Replies Replies 79
  • Views Views 23K

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We are leaving the vBulletin platform for good. Continued poor leadership and 2 major versions of fail have left us with no choice but to migrate to a completely different platform or stay here forever on antiquated technology.

XenForo - Compelling Community Forum Software is the new solution. If you use boards a lot, you've probably seen/used it already.

It's way lighter, faster, more mobile friendly, and contains cutting edge tools to make everything easier to use. Best of all, it's written by several of the original owners of vBulletin.
I have a theme almost ready to go from a 3rd party provider, so it won't suck.

The ForumRunner app will no longer work, so if you don't use it for other boards, uninstall it from your phone.

I'm considering a tapatalk app, but that will come later, if ever. The responsive design makes it almost not necessary. And its expensive for the site owner to set up.

Sometime over the weekend, the site will not be responsive as I will have to shut it down to get the full backup and then perform the database transformation.

I'll post on FB any status changes/board down times/etc so if you're not liking our group page, you should
This page also re-posts to twitter if you use that more

The gallery should come with us without issue. There is a plugin for it for the new board software too so hopefully everything comes through and connects up without issue.

I'll do my best to maintain data integrity across all platforms. But as always, no guarantees :D I'll have backups of everything so nothing will be lost forever, it just might be a bit of a wild goose hunt to find it.

Any questions?
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ok, we are up!

The theme work/ads/etc are coming back tomorrow. I wanted to open the board as-is before signing off for the night. it's usable :) it only gets better from here.

see any issues, please let me know.
seems pretty simple to use......but where can I find the unread posts?
The links on people's signatures to forum threads are broken. Just FYI for people, check your links and re-link them.

Edit: Also when you go to a member's profile page and try to search the posts or threads by that user it comes up with an error.
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yup, the mobile advantage is huge with this. just wait till i get the skin up today too.
lots more to come in the next 5 hours!
Like it so far, but how do you edit your signature?
hover on your name in the top right of the page. items like 'persona details' will take you to those types of sections to edit
Yea, the look and feel will take time to get used to but I like it so far. Keep up the good work B.
B, I was looking in there before I posted this and didn't see it. Am I blind?

Recked, on the main page where members lounge is, there is an icon for subforum. The nws is in there