well crap

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i went to go bid on this for project: White Trash and won the eBay auction for it but because i didnt meet the reserve price, i cant get it it now. FUCK!! and i really wanted that header too. maybe the seller will sell it to me at that price anyways ($100 was the high bid which is what i bid) just so he can get rid of it. if not, then oh well...i will keep looking around i guess.
Looks good, Just ask him how much he wants for it and if your willing to pay, buy it. If I had an Escort Gt, I'd buy that.
I emailed the seller and he replied back that he wants $150 plus shipping for it. I am not going to buy it because i BARELY have the $100 now which is what i bid on it.
He's just a guy, like you and me, that probably overpaid for that header. If you have the money, in the next week or so, email him back and ask him if the offer stands. If you REALLY want that fucker, you'll pay the extra 50 bucks.

Rule of Thumb for Auctions, something is only worth what someone else will pay for it, some people don't like the reality.
ehh i am not really in any rush for one right now, but it would have been nice to go ahead and get it. i can always wait for another header...im patient :)
Originally posted by TrailorParkPimp@Jan 9 2004, 09:59 PM
ehh i am not really in any rush for one right now, but it would have been nice to go ahead and get it. i can always wait for another header...im patient :)

i can imagine, as you waited like 2 years+ get get your lisense back?