well, it passed.

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The start of this little rant may not make sense completely as it was written in response to a friend of mine on Facebook. But I spent a shit load of time on it and wanted to share it with you kids as well...

Fining insurance companies is not going to make them change their ways. If anything they will find more loop holes. They have an army of lawyers that do just that, dig through mountains of law to find a way to sneak through.

This will also impact small business in a huge way. By requiring all employers to provide "approved" health care options is going to stifle the innovation that America was once known for.

Let’s pretend that a fellow by the name of Bill drops out of college. He is a smart dude that wants to make something called an operating system. So he gets a few friends together and they start working out of their garage making punch card machines more or less. Well Mr. Government finds out about this. They are pretty pissed that Bill did not provide affordable health insurance for his employees so the IRS comes in and fines the ever living hell out him for being a law breaker. Bill goes bankrupt and has to spend a stint inside. Now where are we?

It is only affordable because taxes are being raised across the board. Something that President Obama promised would not happen. And again, this is all under the assumption that this program is going to run just as planned. The CBO numbers that came out are not even firm numbers. It’s a shot in the dark.

Why not address healthcare in some other ways that I have mentioned? Tort reform and offering incentives for preventive care. How about enabling people to find their passion and help them get on the path to getting a career. Wouldn’t that serve society better as a whole? There are fringe cases where people simply cannot afford to provide for themselves but in the past it has been the compassion of others that have helped them out the most. But because we have changed our priorities as a whole we do not raise our children to help the needy and pitch in a few bucks here in there to help good honest people get back on their feet. We are to worried about gossip magazines and playing left vs. right to address the serious underlying issues we have created ourselves. We are so busy telling everyone how down trodden they are that it because a self fulfilling prophecy. It becomes easy to blame your strife on the world when everyone around you tells you how deep of a hole you are and how you will never get out.

We are enabling people to sit around and make them dollars rather than showing and or forcing them a way to provide for themselves. When I was working at Safeway I saw a gentleman in line pay for some milk and cheese with food stamps or WIC whatever it was. Which is fine, I was a poor college kid with a new born and I used WIC. But the difference between him and I is I did not buy a carton of Newport’s when I was on WIC. A carton at that time was around 75 bucks for Newport’s. He then went outside and hoped in his SUV with chrome 20's on it. So figure a couple of grand for the rims alone. Plus another couple hundred for tires. So why exactly is this guy using food stamps? It breaks down to the old saying; fish for a man feed him for a day, teach him to fish feed him for life. People are comfortable in their poverty. Why get a job or go to school when you get free housing, healthcare, and schooling. And you still get to drive the nice care and smoke 80 dollars worth of smokes in a week and a half.

The issue is not cut and dry. But Congress along with our President has treated it as it is. There was no debate it was twisted into a left versus right issue and everyone bought into it hook line and sinker. On other pages and websites I see a boat load of "Well Bush did...." comments. What Bush, Clinton, Bush Sr., Reagan whoever did does not justify another wrong. An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind. And most of the complaints that folks have about Bush was because the tactics he used to get things like the Patriot Act approved where viewed as horrid. Well what tactics where used to get this passed? There was nothing American about passing either of these bills. No debate, no discussion, no independent reviews of the issues. It was a hammer, a square peg and a round hole.

I have no desire nor do I take great pleasure in seeing folks down on their luck and I have no issue with extending a hand. But if that is all they are doing is simply lifting a hand then sadly there is nothing I can do for you. I have faced hardship as have all of you. And did you not feel stronger and more confident after you met the challenge?

This legislation just highlights how broken our government is. Insurance providers and doctors are not the issue here. It is an issue of the federal government over steping its bounds and the American people sitting by with idle hands shrugging it off because "we cannot change it". It’s the lesser of two evils etc. etc. It’s only the lesser of two evils because that is the beast that we have bred. And guess what, we made the beast and we can slay it. But it takes an educated and well informed populous to make it happen. It takes independent thinkers who are willing to put the effort into researching the issues and asking pointed questions. Because I am sorry if you stick to mainstream media and mainstream only then you are missing out. Even more so if you stick to either ABC or Fox. You are getting maybe a quarter of the information you need to make a decision.

Anyway, that is my crazy ass warmongering right wing nut job opinion.
It will be challenged and almost certainly killed in the courts

Forcing people to buy health insurance violates the first amendment

Allowing certain religious groups to opt out without penalty, while the rest of us cannot, violates the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment

Obama's Executive Order preventing federal funds from being used for abortion is a violation of the separation of powers in somuch that it attempts to add something to a law not present in the law itself.

Some of the States are actually challenging this, I doubt it will be long before it is overturned.
I think from now on you should need the majority of R & D to pass a bill. Not just an overall majority. And since they can't agree on shit, they won't do anymore damage.

I want to see Barbara Walters ask Obama, "What the fuck are you thinking?" And tear him apart with logic with a lisp. I say her because she's one of the only media personalities that could say that and still have a career. Then at the end, "Thank you for watching America. I'm Barbara Walters, bitch."
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guess who profits from this....

healthcare providers and the congressmen they bought off.

this is one of the few times i really hate corporate america.
Crystal Fxcking Deris: In response to what is constitutional, I didnt see people putting too much effort into changing or bitching about the war when ALL BUT TWO laws of the bill of rights were broken.. but i guess thats beside the point.

what about a president that puts us in a war that congress voted against that killed THOUSANDS on our side alone.. which i personally know several that perished and still have family and a husband that are in the mess.

the patriot act which was a complete infringement on personal privacy. that is unconstitutional.... See More

george w. putting a ban on filming caskets with flags over them. that may not be unconstitutional but its certainly disrespectful.

im not going to sit here and post every little thing that has happened while w was is office because it will take absolutely too long.. but check out democarticunderground.com and ask yourself the important question of

where the fuck were you when this shit was going on? were you blind to what bush was doing? i mean seriously, he raped everything this country stands for... and because a guy comes in and tries to better our countrys HEALTH, people are getting seriously butthurt.


thats what our country is based on now... greed, not humility.. and its disgusting.

Absolutely pathetic. She had no response to anything that you said, so she just went off on a Bush rant which basically comes down to, "Well, yeah, Bush did some shit that might have been unconstitutional, so why can't Obama?"
Absolutely pathetic. She had no response to anything that you said, so she just went off on a Bush rant which basically comes down to, "Well, yeah, Bush did some shit that might have been unconstitutional, so why can't Obama?"

And this is what helps them sleep at night. I shit you not ladies and gents I felt almost sick all day yesterday. I just have a feeling that this is not going to go over well. I really hope that Silver is right and the Supreme Court does the lawful thing and strikes it down before it gets going. The extreme left has to come up with some sort of self preservation system to keep them from seeing how wrong they are with their social justice campaign.

So out of everyone on this site do we not have a single person who thinks this is a good idea?? I would really like to hear from someone who thinks this is a good idea. And it isnt to bash anyone but I think healthy debate is always a good thing.
Quit paying your taxes. Quit paying them right now. Go to the accounting department, ask to update your W-4, and mark the box that says you are exempt. Stop letting the IRS rule you through fear. If every dissenting American does this, we can stop them. I am deadly serious. Your words mean less than shit to them. As long as you allow them to extort money from you to pay for this, YOU ARE THE PROBLEM. Stop being the problem.
Crystal Fxcking Deris: Haha at all you conservative, right wing, upper middle class cunts that come from money and have rich parents that pay for everything bitching about the healthcare bill. Dont worry, bitch to mommy and daddy a little more and they'll buy you a new car and other shit you dont need.. God forbid that it helps someone in ne...ed out. Shame on the government for wanting to improve health and make change.

in case it hasn't been mentioned yet, this bitch is fucking stupid. where was this posted at? link?

E, are the red names the ones who voted FOR the bill?
E, are the red names the ones who voted FOR the bill?


a Y after their name means they voted to pass the bill
an N after their name means they voted against the bill

i highlighted all of the people with a "Y" vote in red
how does this pass without a single republican voting for it?

and god damn there are a lot of dems.
Hey everyone! Let's all piss and moan and research and debate and do absofuckinglutely nothing to actually change anything!!

We have become a bunch of sheep. Everyone is pissed but no one is going to do dick. And in time we'll get used to it, and it will just be "the way it is".
Hey everyone! Let's all piss and moan and research and debate and do absofuckinglutely nothing to actually change anything!!

We have become a bunch of sheep. Everyone is pissed but no one is going to do dick. And in time we'll get used to it, and it will just be "the way it is".

what do you want us to do, vote? that worked out well in the past. </sarcasm>

what am i going to do about it? work my fucking ass off for the next 10 years and gtfo. where i'm going, who knows. but i'll have the money that will give me the options to do whatever i want.
Hey everyone! Let's all piss and moan and research and debate and do absofuckinglutely nothing to actually change anything!!

We have become a bunch of sheep. Everyone is pissed but no one is going to do dick. And in time we'll get used to it, and it will just be "the way it is".

Hey everyone! Let's all piss and moan and research and debate and do absofuckinglutely nothing to actually change anything!!

We have become a bunch of sheep. Everyone is pissed but no one is going to do dick. And in time we'll get used to it, and it will just be "the way it is".

is there a course of action proposed somewhere in there that i am missing???
or are you just pissing and moaning about the obvious current state of things
We have an obligation to work within the system until it becomes so corrupt that you simply cannot fight against it internally. Now what we have been doing for the past 70 years or so has not been working from inside the system. It has been playing right versus left. We need to vote every ass bag out of office. All of them. Starting with Mayors, Governors, state reps the whole fucking lot of them. We must prevent douche bags from ever entering the arena of politics. It is because we give them a foot hold at the local level that allows them to climb the ladder.