Went Dead On Me and Misses!! HELP

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ok..for awhile my b16 has been kinda missin..like while im goin down the road itll start wantin to pull back and when i put the pedal to the floor itll jump and run fine but about acouple miles down the road itll do it again..and here lately it got alittle worse now itll miss and when i put it to the floor itll just miss and not fix it...and yesturday i was goin to school it would just die on me....also this only starts when my rpm gauge starts jumpin and it starts....im thinkin its my distributor or my fuel..or maybe a ground prob. and i've tried puttin injector cleaner in..didnt work..tried cleanin my manifold up..im out of ideas.... :wacko:
check your cap and rotor and maybe even your plug wires, but im betting its your cap and rotor. $10 fix
hey rich, nice to see you here. i'm telling you ithink its your distributor, just pull it apart and look.
the shiney metal posts on the underside of the cap. they'll look worn same with the rotor
i looked last night and my ecu is blinkin codes..light will stay on a second then blink 5 times..any have a clue??