What about a B18 into a 82' Pinto??

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Junior Member
Would a B18 have ANY chance of fitting into a Pinto? I mean I think it'd be sweet if I could swap one in, probably a lot of work I can imagine!
holy shit, you certainly have aspirations of world domination don't you. It's pretty much a motto around here that with enough money you can do any thing.
I've seen a crx with a 350...of course about 40% of the engine was sticking out of the hood :D
good point how much does that beast weigh?
Originally posted by jgerb0@Oct 27 2003, 11:42 AM
Would a B18 have ANY chance of fitting into a Pinto? I mean I think it'd be sweet if I could swap one in, probably a lot of work I can imagine!

no, no, no....
haha jeef said 5.slow hahahah. NO bad! ;) just messin jeef. if i had a pinto and the money ide go big block old school. go grab a 390, in fact i got one for sale! hit me up for it
The pinto is a RWD car... B18's are generally only FWD setups...

I think you need to get out of the junkyards more often. ;)
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