what do YOU pay for car insurance

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im up to 300$ or so a month for a 1990 CRX SI

btw, no accidents, no speeding tickets, no points on my license
$191 A month covers my 99 civic ex via liability and my 96 civic dx sedan via full coverage.

I've had at least 6 speeding tickets and 2 accidents, but I think only 1 speeding ticket is on my insurance. Plus, if I get anymore tickets, my insurance won't know about it because they don't pull a driving record unless I get in an accident.

I'm on the Allstate Preferred Plan, don't ask me how, but I think cuz I was on my parents insurance for so long.

My insurance also told me that when I get a bike, they will insure weekly. So if I wanna ride, I just call them up and tell them to bill me for the week and then the following week I will not be covered or billed unless I call them again !!!
$200 a month, theft, collision. 1 ticket on record, 1 accident. on my parents plan still :spin:
Yeah, Insurance sucks period unless you get into an accident. They did this study and found out that insurance companies bring in like $5 billion a year. You know they are not paying out $5 billion a year.

I have no clue how I qualified for the Allstate Preffered Plan but I did and so I get really low rates. My agent also told me that my policy covers anybody of any age as long as I give them permission to drive my car. I'm not sure how other insurance works but I thought only yourself and family could drive your car.

Oh, and I live in Oregon
91 civic dx, 95 a month, liability, 17 years old, 1 speeding ticket, 2 accidents. on my moms plan with multi vehicle discount, good grades discount, and home owners discount.

without all those discounts my ass would be broke. :lol:
93 mirage es - full coverage, 2500. $300/bi-monthly.

20yr old, step 24 in MA, im paying %63 more than a beginner driver. thats with drivers ed and a training course.
$266 a month.....

includes 87 CRX, 74 260Z, 90 Jeep Cherokee, 85 AE86.....

full coverage on all, I am the only licenced driver in household, 31 years old, one DUI in 1999, one speeding ticket in a U-Haul truck with the CRX in tow, and live in CT.......

Hint on getting insurance low is to get a job at a major company, and go on a group inssurance plan...I got Met Life....and no problems for 1.5 years, plus I also have renters insurrance from them at $12 a month, but thats also in the above amount.
When my car was insured (the saturn) I paid about 100 a month, 3 speeding tickets, 1 accident and was 16 years old....full coverage under my grandfathers name.
$268 a month on my 2000 ITR. 24 yrs old and in Cali with full coverage and I upped the uninsured motorist for property damage.
Most insurance companies operate under an underwriting loss which means they pay more in losses than they bring in in earned premium.

insurance companies bring in like $5 billion a year. You know they are not paying out $5 billion a year.

Actually, most insurance companies pay out more in loss related costs than they bring in in earned premium. For example, in 2000 (the last year I looked) State Farm was paying out about $1.35 in loss related expenses for every $1.00 in premiums collected. We call this an underwriting loss

How do they (and everyone else) stay in business? They have massive reserves from the years of investment return and the great years when they only paid, say, .96 for every $1 in premium. Reserves are not profit. It's like a savings account that every state's DOI DEMANDS stay at a certain level (3:1) or they will step in and take over your company.

Insurance companies, for the most part, make money off investing your premium dollars and keepng as much of the returns as possible. Do insurance companies make lots of money, sure. But are they subject to catastrophic losses, absolutely. Hail storms, hurricanes, wildfires, tornadoes, floods, etc.

Something else that is unique to insurance companies is that in some states there are laws that state the company can only make a certain level of profit. If they make too much, they have to return some of the money to their policyholders. We had to do this in Florida in 1991. Anyone remember what happened in August of 1992 in southern Florida? What would Wal-Mart or AT&T or Coca-Cola or your local Mom & Pop business think if the state government told them they were only allowed to make so much money? Since its insurance, no one gives a flip.

Oh yeah -- $126/mth for a '97 Expedition & '92 Civic --- both with "full coverage"
I'm 21, & through state farm. 2 accidents, 3 tickets. one of each wiped clean off record, I've taken a DD class & I pay 186.xx a month for full coverage on my Civic. Right now it's at 232 a month for the first three months because of some shitty "change of vehicle" policy. :angry:

but under 200 for this car surprised me, as it also was the same for the V I had...