Where the &%#$ is phyregod?

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On top of that I treat them as cash, if I don't have the cash then I don't spend on the card.

I just can't figure out how some people can't hold back on spending.
Makes me wonder if those same people were handed a gun, would they start shooting random things just because they have it.


I'm actually more irresponsible with cash as opposed to cards. If I have cash on me I feel like I'm always looking for something in the amount of cash that I have to spend it on, and it's usually something dumb (food, CDs/movies that I don't really need, games on sale, etc.). If I have to pull a card out and swipe it though, then I start thinking about how my bank account balance is going down or that I'm going to end up with a bill a month from now, and that deters me...
It used to be that if I have a line of credit available to me and I saw something that I wanted, I'd buy it. I'd mean to pay it off at the next paycheck/month/whatever but something would come up and I wouldn't pay it off, or only partially, or I'd find more shiny things to spend my cash on, carrying a balance. If you have enough self control to stay away from such scenarios, great for you. I didn't for a long time.
So, I won't be swapping Dave Ramsey into the rex any time soon, so I was wondering if anyone knew where I could score a very clean low mileage VX or HX full swap? (engine, trans, harness, comp, blah blah blah...)