Why do Muslims hate us ?

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Why do Muslims hate us so much ?
Part 1
I often ponder this question. I often ponder the question in a broader sense - Why does the world hate us so much ?

I can't slip into the minds of the masses, not to the degree I would like to. As well, when it comes to people from around the globe, they are representing their land - And in today's age of freedom (Global Freedom, yes) what people think are no longer based in religion, secular histories or as many stereotypes as it used to be.

The people are also more intelligent. They are more plugged into the human race than ever before. We have an idea now, pretty accurately, of how people live in other regions of the world.

We may not have our fingers on the pulse of the globe, We may not receive accurate news - And we may not care. What we can do now (In answer to "What the hell do you know about _______ ? Have you ever even been there?!) is get an idea of how we would percieve the lifestyles of the many people we share our world with - through our eyes.

We will look at the family living in Rwanda. Regardless of how the news affects our ears from their region - Rwandans love their children too. They have families, jobs, buildings and electricity. Car companies sell to their markets, and they don't have to hunt to get food. Life there, is actually very close to what an american might enjoy. But there are differences.

Rwandans may not care what another Rwandan is wearing. They may not care not because they are more advanced and forgiving of a culture than ours (Or yours) but because they simply aren't exposed to so much variety and market competition that labels and styles become THAT important.

They may not be jealous of their neighbors. In a land that lies between the vast riches of the West and the precipice of the wild tribals, They may not consider what model or equipment their car is - But the fact that they have one may be all they need.

In fact, I'm pretty sure of that.

This formula works for all cultures, everwhere. Some aren't too concerned with Internet connections as they are getting good work. Others are completely stressed out about the results of a Soccer game while others are more concerned with their water is coming from. Others take to the streets with rifles and fire to flush out an invading army while still others run in fear of how little they compare to the larger forces outside of their own gates.

This is why it's so important to realise why the world seems to HATE the US. But I could type on and on about cultures, one at a time - Or I can get to what really matters.

Why does the Middle east, and particularly muslims hate Americans ?
In reality, Islam, like most other religions, has both its positive and its negative sides. It imposes a host of admirable responsibilities on its adherents: for example, zakat, the presentation of regular, substantial contributions to the poor. Allah also demands that his followers "give glad tidings to those who believe and work righteousness," "cover not Truth with falsehood nor conceal the Truth when ye know (what it is)," and "treat with kindness your parents and kindred and orphans and those in need."

However, Allah issues many a darker order as well. And the percentage of modern Islamic adherents who have focused on Allah's calls to combat is dismaying. Today, the descendants of the Persians who fought the Greeks in 480 BC are devout Moslems. In the '30s, one of them labored diligently to become an Islamic scholar. He pored over the Koran for years. As he demonstrated his superior knowledge of Allah's pronouncements, he rose in the ranks of Iranian holy men. Finally he achieved the penultimate title--ayatollah (roughly equivalent to a Catholic cardinal).

His name was Ruhollah Khomeini, and he wrote books, pamphlets, and even taped and distributed his speeches to inspire the citizens of Iran with sacred virtue. The ayatollah's words roused Iranians to overthrow the shah and usher in a government based on strict Islamic doctrine. What did the ayatollah's pronouncements say- Among other things, that infidels are like dogs. Their existence is an affront to Allah.

Here's how the ayatollah himself put it: "...Moslems have no alternative... to an armed holy war against profane governments. ...Holy war means the conquest of all non-Moslem territories. ...It will ...be the duty of every able-bodied adult male to volunteer for this war of conquest, the final aim of which is to put Koranic law in power from one end of the earth to the other. "The leaders of the USSR and of England and the president of the United States are ...infidels.... ...Every part of the body of a non-Moslem individual is impure, even the hair on his head and his body hair, his nails, and all the secretions of his body. Any man or woman who denies the existence of God, or believes in His partners [the Christian Trinity], or else does not believe in His Prophet Mohammed, is impure (in the same way as are excrement, urine, dog, and wine)[sic]."

Concluded the Ayatollah, "Islam does not allow peace between... a Moslem and an infidel." Though many of us imagine that the promotion of harmony is a prime objective of every major world faith, the ayatollah disagreed. "The leaders of our religion were all soldiers, commanders and warriors," he wrote, "...they killed and they were killed."

The concept of a peaceful prophet was so alien to the ayatollah that he was convinced Christ's message had been deliberately distorted by Westerners. Said Khomeini, "This idea of turning the other cheek has been wrongly attributed to Jesus (peace be unto him); it is those barbaric imperialists that have attributed it to him. Jesus was a prophet, and no prophet can be so illogical."

What does that mean ? That means that in a land, a land that is very different than the land that chances are, you know well, There are people that take religion very seriously. When I say seriously, I don't mean they go to their rites once a week, or follow through the motions of it. They are serious. They love their religion, their religion keeps them warm . It makes them want to go on with life. They all work as one people, bound by not what they believe - But what they all revere as TRUE. In fundamentalist Islam there is no grey area. It is all true - And there is no one better suited to translate what the Koran means in today's terms than the Ayatollah. And the Ayatollah told not only the people of Iran - But the people of all Islam - EXACTLY what the Koran tells of .. well, Everyone else in the world.

But I digrees, all religions have some sort of hardline, deep devil inside of them. Well, perhaps not some - But the top 3 that rule the world definately have touches of the dark entwined. And while other religions have a grey area of how things work - Islam is blessed to lack that. Things are the way they are in Islam - And there is no questioning of that.

"Why not question authority? Why not question the Koran?". These are thoughts that simply NEVER occur in Islam. The idea of questioning Mohammed is as alien to them as it may be to you to NOT question. The very idea that you would question makes you weak in the mind, the very idea that you COULD question makes your religion fundamentally weaker. Makes sense, no ?

You may think that this is the past - And that today, we are far better people. "I think once the Muslims get to know us, they'll change their mind."

You've never been wronger.

Recently I went out to a nice meal. I'm not a bloated rich american by any stretch of the imagination. I grew up ultra-poor and I appreciate every bit of food that is placed in front of me. I recognise that for most of the world - like, 99% of it, the life that I lead is like winning the lottery. But while sitting at this restaurant I began to slip into the mind of the enemy - To observe american culture at it's funkiest.

A family dined to my right. 3 adults, and 3 children. The children's ages were from 8 to 12. The played, laughed and made funny noises much to the dismay of the other patrons (Including me). Their parents told them to stop, in a hushed voice. The kids continued on. When they got so loud that people around began to scowl - The parents would quietly ask (Ask) their children to quiet down and be considerate of the world around them. The children ignored the requests. After dinner (Which mostly comprised of 3 fork fulls of the good stuff and tall, full glasses of chocolate milk and milkshakes) Were tossed in the garbage, out came the Gameboys and the children sulked and played video games. The adults got up from the table, had to lead their childrens bodies into their coats (All the while the games didn't even pause) and guide them out of the restaurant. Another party was waiting at the host station - 2 adults and 3 children all being given the same primer... "Please kids, If you behave yourselves we'll go out for ice cream after dinner." (ICE CREAM !)

Allah Akbar.... Maybe they're RIGHT ? Try the experiment for yourselves. Watch how many people tighten their expensive coats to protect themselves from the outreached hands of a homeless man. See how many of them will yell at and flip off fellow humans on their way to work. Watch what you say about the way someone looks. Check out who you respect. Count your money. Worship the rich. It all goes towards what the rest of the world views us for - The mark we leave on this place.

A brief word about Muslim dignity and honor:
On November 28, 1943, Franklin Roosevelt met secretly with Joseph Stalin and Winston Churchill in Iran. When Roosevelt returned home, he sent a telegram to the Shah thanking the Iranian ruler for his hospitality. The President explained that he'd noticed the hills in Iran were bare. American agronomists had learned to prevent soil erosion and enrich the landscape by planting trees on slopes like these. Roosevelt suggested an experimental tree-planting program.

The Iranian leader thanked FDR. But privately the young potentate was highly insulted: According to Moslem standards, the gift demeaned his virility. Stalin was far more understanding of Mohammedan culture. He offered the Shah tanks and planes.


Here is something good to watch - This about wraps it up in a way that our soft minds can handle...

Through cartoons !

Why do Iraqis hate us ?

-> Steve
As stated in your source of reference, Muslims hate us because they believe we are evil, and that the reason God made them was to destroy us.

Out of all the religion's in the world, Islam is the only one that decrees extermination of all non-muslims.

Its funney, christianity gets a bad wrap for being "intollerant" of issues like pre-marital sex and drug use, while muslims are COMPLETELY intollerant of anyone who is not muslim.

oh, and in case u were thinking of becoming muslim because you are afraid terrorists will take over the world, think again. You have to be BORN into it.

Regaurdless of what anybody thinks, radical muslims are a major threat to our country - weather they are in Iraq, Afganistan, Iran, etc. We would be stupid to let these countries get to a position of power where they can "carry out allah's orders" and destroy us.

**BTW, most muslims are not of the radical fanatic group i just described** Many live here to escape the radical muslims in their home countries - which is why we as americans should respect them.
Pretty good. And you've pinpointed the thing about the Muslims that we, as americans, live alongside of.

And you don't need to sympathise with them to get an idea of what they are about. It's important to understand what they are about as well.

I've had for years a few Muslim friends - And they look at everything with the same context, but in a different light. Check out www.islamicity.com for some interesting articles.

It's important not to hate someone blindly. I do encourage everyone, as I have, to read and learn as much as you can about the people that will shape the future of the globe, and of our own lives. Also, it's important to understand that our cultures are SO VASTLY different, that seeing eye-to-eye may never happen - And I mean never as in, tens of thousands of years. Possibly to the ends of civilization.

-> Steve
Originally posted by Celerity@Feb 7 2005, 08:29 PM

You've never been wronger.

[post=457770]Quoted post[/post]​

now it's time for YOU to go back to english class. :P
Originally posted by Celerity@Feb 7 2005, 10:49 PM
Pretty good. And you've pinpointed the thing about the Muslims that we, as americans, live alongside of.

And you don't need to sympathise with them to get an idea of what they are about. It's important to understand what they are about as well.

I've had for years a few Muslim friends - And they look at everything with the same context, but in a different light. Check out www.islamicity.com for some interesting articles.

It's important not to hate someone blindly. I do encourage everyone, as I have, to read and learn as much as you can about the people that will shape the future of the globe, and of our own lives. Also, it's important to understand that our cultures are SO VASTLY different, that seeing eye-to-eye may never happen - And I mean never as in, tens of thousands of years. Possibly to the ends of civilization.

-> Steve
[post=457796]Quoted post[/post]​


Generalizing by saying ALL MUSLIMS hate us is wrong, as they obviously do not.

Only the radical types do, and a few facts about them:
1.) Radical muslims are the ones who make all their women be completely covered in public at all times > thus, they are not exactly feminists.

2.) Radical Muslims hate Jews more than us - That's why Israel is the way it is . .

3.) They hate us for the same reason Hitler hated the jews - for being "different and inferior". Both Hitler and Muslims felt called to exterminate the jews (and all other undesireables).

Here is a question we all must ask ourselves:

If somebody truly believe's that they were put on earth to kill you - what should you do to protect yourself from them????

Keen eye.

Present Participle in the series of "wrong, more wrong, most wrong" being "wrong, wronger, wrongest,"

Dialectual Morpheme. It's in my accent, like Bush's "Nookewler" :)

I'm also in the habit of spelling words like "Specialise" and crossing oxford english, avoiding Queen's (I can't say "Bought" in a sentence) and the far superior of them all - American englishes :)


hah.. this is a riot

-> Steve
well, to get things back on target . . .

It kinda makes me mad when people say that we should just leave the muslims alone because they cannot presently hurt us.

>>> Its stupid to be nieve and think that they wont take every chance they can to destroy us -> ie 911, daily terrorist bombings in Iraq and in Israel, etc.

i dont want to turn this into a political discussion about Bush's foreign policy, but in answer to my previous rhetorical question "If somebody truly believe's that they were put on earth to kill you - what should you do to protect yourself from them????", Bush is just taking the most logical approach to protecting our country from these people.

- > he is not seeking to destroy them, he is seeking to remove them from power (democratic elections in Iraq and Afghanistan).

Personally, im scared for our country. What if terrorists unleash massive attacks with horrific weapons (smallpox), Dirty bombs, etc. . . .

after much deliberation, i can only conclude the following:

This has been bound to happen sooner or later, and now is the time for us as Americans too unite behind the war on terror effort.

Simply wanting to sit and do nothing will not fix this - now is the time to act.

BTW Steve, make ur sig an actual link to this topic :nod:
Originally posted by Cashizslick@Feb 7 2005, 11:22 PM
well, to get things back on target . . .

It kinda makes me mad when people say that we should just leave the muslims alone because they cannot presently hurt us.

>>> Its stupid to be nieve and think that they wont take every chance they can to destroy us -> ie 911, daily terrorist bombings in Iraq and in Israel, etc.

i dont want to turn this into a political discussion about Bush's foreign policy, but in answer to my previous rhetorical question "If somebody truly believe's that they were put on earth to kill you - what should you do to protect yourself from them????", Bush is just taking the most logical approach to protecting our country from these people.

- > he is not seeking to destroy them, he is seeking to remove them from power (democratic elections in Iraq and Afghanistan).

Personally, im scared for our country. What if terrorists unleash massive attacks with horrific weapons (smallpox), Dirty bombs, etc. . . .

after much deliberation, i can only conclude the following:

This has been bound to happen sooner or later, and now is the time for us as Americans too unite behind the war on terror effort.

Simply wanting to sit and do nothing will not fix this - now is the time to act.

BTW Steve, make ur sig an actual link to this topic :nod:
[post=457822]Quoted post[/post]​

haha nnieve is spanish for snow, so i sat there confused for a minute until i got it. I couldn't agree with you guys more, it's all about keeping them out of power, so they can't harm us.
Celerity reminds me of this kid in my World Civ 2 class. Goes at things different than the majority, but brings things well researched and articulated and not always sounding like a racist or a total right winger. I like reading this stuff, keep it comin.
Originally posted by Cashizslick@Feb 7 2005, 11:02 PM

If somebody truly believe's that they were put on earth to kill you - what should you do to protect yourself from them????

[post=457803]Quoted post[/post]​

Kill them before they kill you.
Originally posted by senate_9427+Feb 8 2005, 02:56 AM-->
@Feb 7 2005, 11:02 PM

If somebody truly believe's that they were put on earth to kill you - what should you do to protect yourself from them????

[post=457803]Quoted post[/post]​

Kill them before they kill you.
[post=457907]Quoted post[/post]​


Ill admit i dont want our soldiers in iraq any more than the next guy, but they are doing a noble thing (protecting our freedom) over there.

The radical muslims are no longer in power, and the citizens of Iraq are free from life under a tyranical regime.

Weather or not you are for or against this war, America is doing the best thing for America and we as AMERICANS need to support that.
All I have to say is to take a course in the new field called 'Cross Cultural Psychology' and have a sound background in all religious texts and it will make everything crystal clear.

We gave away their holy land and tried to impose our ways upon their culture, just as we do to everyone. That gives more than enough reason to dislike the United States.

Going back further to literally the beginning of time, theres many other reasons that the muslims have to dislike the west.
Yeah, it has always been my opinion that we have done quite a bit to provoke the anger of the Arab world. I don't blame them for hating the United States, hell, I live here and I disaprove of how our government handles international situations.
When you think about it, there's not a lot we have really had to even DO. They've had a strong hatred for things as simple and ingrained as our lifestyles and whatnot for as long as we've been on the international scene. It's easy to understand why certain groups of people hate us for our policies and practices... but it's baffling to think that there is this group of people that hates us for really nothing more than being who we are.
Their hatred for us was inevitable, whether we fuck with them or not.
Those radicals have a lot of similarities with Der Fuhrer. Damn.
Originally posted by Battle Pope@Feb 8 2005, 01:53 PM
but it's baffling to think that there is this group of people that hates us for really nothing more than being who we are.
[post=458062]Quoted post[/post]​

Now you know how gays feel when it comes to Christian extremists.
Originally posted by Sabz5150+Feb 8 2005, 01:28 PM-->
Battle Pope
@Feb 8 2005, 01:53 PM
but it's baffling to think that there is this group of people that hates us for really nothing more than being who we are.
[post=458062]Quoted post[/post]​

Now you know how gays feel when it comes to Christian extremists.
[post=458112]Quoted post[/post]​

Correction - I always knew. Not from a firsthand perspective of course, but the absolute intolerance of the modern religious extremist (and in some cases even the not-so-extremist) borderlines that of the muslims that want to kill us. Hence, the reason I find modern religion so frightening.
Originally posted by driverunknown@Feb 8 2005, 02:01 PM
Their hatred for us was inevitable, whether we fuck with them or not.
Those radicals have a lot of similarities with Der Fuhrer. Damn.
[post=458072]Quoted post[/post]​

Yes, they do have a lot in common with the fuhrer. One could argue from a religeous standpoint that they are another group of people doing the will of Satan - to destroy the Jews.

- If you ever read 'Mein Kampf' you will see how Hitler thought he was the anti christ - thats why he wanted to conquer parts of africa and the middle east (Rommel in the Desert). The anti christ is supposed to sit on the throne in the middle east . . . . . thats what Hitler was trying to do.

According to the Bible, Israel is supposed to own the "Holy Land" that the arab world is now in control of. . . . . The U.S. backs Israel no matter what -> there's where the arab's hatred of us comes from.
All good points, But I have to knock it down to another lowest common denominator.

We could be on their side. We could play into them. We could be their best friends, politically, and they would STILL hate us.

It's not our policies, it's our mere existence.

You see, when a devout muslim couple have a child, they intend to bring into the world another follower of Islam. When they are fucking, their idea is to bring into the world another person to serve the will and ideals of Allah.

To them, we are vermin from the very get-go. We have children by mistake, we raise them in an un-religious way (Which, remember, is un-muslim) and we basically infect the earth with no direction or purpose.

Forget about our policies, and how they view us in a world-wide perspective. To them, our culture is sinister and vile. That's why I wanted to talk about the kids at the restaurant.

Also, did any of you watch the video ?

-> Steve
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