Why do Muslims hate us ?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Celerity
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Originally posted by Battle Pope@Feb 9 2005, 12:51 PM
holy crap, Steve's had a revelation! Quick! We need a midget... and a joint!
[post=458575]Quoted post[/post]​

... One old Priest and one Young Priest...

-> Steve
Originally posted by Cashizslick@Feb 9 2005, 12:25 PM
Just because this happened in the year 0711 does not mean that radical muslims now are any different than they were then - so lets hear none of that jargon. 

just to add a little humor to the situation. does anyone else find it a coincidence that this happened in 0711 and now they work at 7-11. thats kinda racist but i had to say it. hell, Jet at my local 7-11 is a great guy.
Originally posted by Cashizslick+Feb 9 2005, 11:25 AM-->
@Feb 9 2005, 11:52 AM
**Respond only to this part:

****If they hate all non-Muslims, then why don't they act against all of them instead of just America??? This is the question I'm getting at.****
[post=458549]Quoted post[/post]​

The muslims took over most of Europe after the Roman Empire collapsed, and Charles "the hammer" Martel was the one responsible for their defeat.

Just because this happened in the year 0711 does not mean that radical muslims now are any different than they were then - so lets hear none of that jargon.

The Muslims attacked then because they had the power to launch a full scale invasion of another country, now they dont, so they resort to terrorism.

I thought you knew about all this.
[post=458564]Quoted post[/post]​

Um...they didn't attack europe out of hatred, they wanted to conquer more land and spread the word of Islam. This is far different than their hated for the US. They arn't trying to lauch a full scale invation of the US so they can have our land, they want us dead. Also, stop bring up completely irrelivant historical facts for the sole purpose of stroking your own dick. You still haven't answered my question. For the last time I ask:

***Why don't the Islamic peoples of the Middle East want to kill the Japanese???***
Celerity, I watched that movie and a lot of it supports my argument. They made no reference to religious reasons why Muslims would hate America, they said it was completely political, which has been my argument the whole time.

Also, there were some huge errors in that animation. #1 The french don't hate us. Sure, they aren't all likcing our balls, but they don't want us dead. Futhermore, that Howard Blum idiot said that the ancient babalonian city of Baghdad was Muslim. REALLY?!?!?! How could it have been muslim when islam has only existed for ~1400 years, not 5,000. Islam is one of the newest religions out there. If you need more history on Islam see: http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/isla/hd_isla.htm.

That animation is what we like to call "propoganda." It's only purpose is to make those that agree more riled up, and those that disagree more pissed off. The guy that made that thing is very ignorant and many of his arguments just dont make sense. His overall premis for the animation was quite accurate, I agree with that, but many of his supporting "facts" were bullshit.

My argument is:

Middle eastern hatred of the United States is based on a history of mistreatment by the west. First Britain and now America have been controling their lives for almost 100 years. Of course they feel like the underdogs when they have been controled by outsiders for so long. Finally, while Religon is used by many Extremists to justify their actions, the basis for their hatred is not religous, it is political.
Originally posted by ktanaka@Feb 9 2005, 01:27 PM
Um...they didn't attack europe out of hatred, they wanted to conquer more land and spread the word of Islam. This is far different than their hated for the US. They arn't trying to lauch a full scale invation of the US so they can have our land, they want us dead.
[post=458595]Quoted post[/post]​

Same reason Christians took over land... to shove their religion down other people's throats.

Religion holds us back. It's held us back for quite some time.

Also they could hate us because we threaten to invade their countries for things we ourselves do.

U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said today that Iran must live up to its international obligations to halt its nuclear program or the next steps are in the offing. "And I think everybody understands what the 'next steps' mean," Rice told reporters after a meeting with NATO foreign ministers and European Union officials. In his state of the union address, President Bush singled out Iran as "the world's primary state sponsor of terror -- pursuing nuclear weapons."

Waitaminit, haven't we heard this line of bullshit before?

Yeah I'd hate us too if I were them.
I'm at work, so I'm keeping this simple.

1) Don't patronize me, or anyone else on this topic. You simply aren't in a position to patronize - being a student.

2) The seat of civilization lesson wasn't taught as a Muslim thing. It's about power and control. Ancient Babylon wasn't founded by Muslims, but it certainly has been occupied by them for a long time. In that same Manner, Rome is not founded on Christianity.

3) Fundamentalist Muslims who follow the teachings of their Ayatollah DO hate any Japanese that do not follow the Koran. They hate afghans, Iranians, Iraqis and Syrians who do not follow the Koran. They hate Icelanders, Zimbabweans, Prussians, Australians and the Maori.

4) You're yelling louder and louder that we aren't answering you and I'm yelling louder and louder that you aren't listening. One more time, And I'm putting you on ignore. You demand our respect, yet give none of it back.

-> Steve
Originally posted by Celerity@Feb 9 2005, 03:03 PM
Fundamentalist Muslims who follow the teachings of their Ayatollah DO hate any Japanese that do not follow the Koran. They hate afghans, Iranians, Iraqis and Syrians who do not follow the Koran. They hate Icelanders, Zimbabweans, Prussians, Australians and the Maori.

You're yelling louder and louder that we aren't answering you and I'm yelling louder and louder that you aren't listening. One more time, And I'm putting you on ignore. You demand our respect, yet give none of it back.

-> Steve
[post=458634]Quoted post[/post]​

I quoted 6 parts of the Koran, and it still didnt sink in on him that radical muslims hate all "unbelievers" and want to kill them with their "chains, yokes and blazing fire."

Ktanaka, you really need to stop disagreeing with facts. Muslims are Religeous, they follow a religeous text that commands destruction of non-muslims. This is not a point of argument as it is a proven undeniable fact

- thats why i have been ignoring your arguments which are kin to arguments about the existance of gravity, or weather or not the earth is flat.
Well that video is a great example of the ego of the Americans. I live in the west do I not?
But when I travel over seas I am greeted with open arms and kindness! Are you? My country gives foreign aid, as does yours. But do we ask for a countries loyalty and there devotion like you?
I work as a contractor, I have many Muslim clients and I get more referrals than I can count from them. I have spoken too many of the wife’s and daughters, they are home during the day when I am working there. The one common thing that I have understood is that they choose to live the way they do. They enjoy staying at home and not having to worry about working. But to the Americans and every many people in my country these women are too scared and live in fear, NOT TRUE.
Now what was that question? Oh ya, If somebody truly believe's that they were put on earth to kill you - what should you do to protect yourself from them???? Easy show them kindness, show them that you are not evil. And who are we talking about? Arabs, Nazi’s, Catholics, Protestants, one of the other hundreds of religions that are taught hated and to kill someone?
This topic has gotten out of control. There will be no further discussion / argument.

Closed by a moderator.

Originally posted by Cashizslick@Feb 9 2005, 09:53 PM
I quoted 6 parts of the Koran, and it still didnt sink in on him that radical muslims hate all "unbelievers" and want to kill them with their "chains, yokes and blazing fire."

Ktanaka, you really need to stop disagreeing with facts. Muslims are Religeous, they follow a religeous text that commands destruction of non-muslims. This is not a point of argument as it is a proven undeniable fact

- thats why i have been ignoring your arguments which are kin to arguments about the existance of gravity, or weather or not the earth is flat.
[post=458658]Quoted post[/post]​

I am around Muslims all day everyday, as I am in Iraq, and no, they don't want us dead because "we" are christians. Most practicing muslims here, couldn't give a rats ass who we worship, I think you need to stop reading selective versions of the Koran.

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