why don't my legs tan

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Shadow shouldn't apply, as i was in all kinds of various positions of sitting, laying, double inverted upside down lean overs, and all kind of other poses to get to every nook and cranny.

Ok, now the flag needs to go up. lol

Might have something to do with living in the northeastern part of the country, and we actually only have 14 nice days out of the year. :dunno:
there's strong sun from may - septemeber here, plenty of 80/90 days, and a handful of 100 baggers too.
Have you tried to actually go to the beach and try to tan that way. That is the only way mine will tan. The legs don't get as much sun.
Have you tried to actually go to the beach and try to tan that way. That is the only way mine will tan. The legs don't get as much sun.

I believe he tried that once and the result was a badly burned B, if memory serves me he wound up purple and in the er
i used to go to the beach all the time back in the day. i only had to go to the ER once, and that was bad. i lost like 3 layers of skin on my shoulders... 2nd degree burns or something like that. I don't wish that pain on anyone. raw, itchy, unsatiable pain.

and even then, my legs were never burnt.
if you are disproving the shadow theory then i'm going to have to fall back on the gravity theory
it didn't have to come to this :ph34r:
Don't forget, UV Index and temperature are only loosely correlated. We have plenty of 70 degree days in CA with 10+ UV Index. Just because it is 100 degrees out, doesn't = sunburn. Not that this has anything to do with your conundrum.

My guess is the obscuration of the UV rays by your thick mat of leg hair is why your legs don't tan. Take a hair trimmer and shorten that shit down to a respectable length. Not swimmer/cyclist shaved...just trimmed.
I'm really not that hairy at all... the pic is a bit deceiving.
I got sunburn on my leg one day just driving around for an hour or so. Also, I went to flordia last year and forgot to put sunscreen on my legs/feet. BIG MISTAKE. I couldnt even wear shoes for almost a week. I wish me legs didnt burn too.