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most of us don't know WTF the motors are.. we are new to EDM motors.
no the engine code is soething like d15zb or somthing like that

and whats going in is a b16a2 engine in the uk its called a VTi
When you feel like typing in coherent English, go ahead and try telling me something again. Because I read that at least five times and I have no idea what 'if you aint got anything to say thats of any us fuck off' means. So try again.
how about this screw u :bash:

im asking for the wiring questions no other shit i cant be arsed with you replying no non-sence replys

probably an idiot what the fuck do u know :angry: :sleep:
u know jack shit
Originally posted by richie_vei@Dec 20 2002, 01:39 PM
who the fuck asked u looser oh i know no fucker if you aint got anything to say thats of any us fuck off


can u tell I like this pic ;)
Originally posted by richie_vei@Dec 20 2002, 05:26 PM
how about this screw u :bash:

im asking for the wiring questions no other shit i cant be arsed with you replying no non-sence replys

probably an idiot what the fuck do u know :angry: :sleep:
u know jack shit

Other choice phrases:

'how about this screw u'
'no other shit i cant be arsed with you replying no non-sence replys'
'u know jack shit'

Let's review:
'How about this: screw you!'
'nothing else, don't arse [sic] me with your nonsense replies'
'You know jack shit about _______'

Dude, if they're gonna name a language after your country, you could at least take the time to learn it.

That said, you should take back what you said about me knowing nothing about this. For a OBD1 VTEC engine to another OBD1 VTEC engine, there will be NO wiring change. It will all plug up just the way it should, with the exception of maybe a knock sensor depending on the ECU you use (run a chipped P28 for no knock sensor or a PR3 for a knock sensor). You may also have to add for a 4 wire O2 sensor as I believe the economy VTEC-E engines ran 1 or 2 wire O2 sensors.

Anything else you have to say? Make sure you really put some thought into it before pushing the submit button..make it a LITTLE easier on us..
now if you wrote this to start off with wouldnt that have saved all the trouble of insults and bad english what u wrote has help'd so y didnt you write that first, thank u for telling me in the end

regards richie

and for your information i got an A+ in english as my top grade when i left school its just thought you wouldnt understand proper english

Guy's,chill out.Richie I did the exact same swap you are doing( same motor((EDM b16a2 from a 93 VTi))into a 92 vx) if you have a question you can pm me but you keep asking the same question in like three different threads.
Originally posted by richie_vei@Dec 21 2002, 02:57 AM
now if you wrote this to start off with wouldnt that have saved all the trouble of insults and bad english what u wrote has help'd so y didnt you write that first, thank u for telling me in the end

regards richie

and for your information i got an A+ in english as my top grade when i left school its just thought you wouldnt understand proper english


A+? Was your teacher deaf and blind? Please, use puncuation(sp?). Do you know how hard it is to make any kind of sence out of run-on sentences?

p.s. Thank you for the occasional comma.
who asked you i write how i wanna write on my replys/posts i wanna know about wiring not fucking gramma n spelling go away
Fucking grow up, this isn't a ricer board. Please try to write using some grammer. There are a lot of intelligent people on here that do not want to read fucking broken english.
PS You'll have better luck getting your question answered if we can read what the fuck you wrote.
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