Wisdom teeth removal

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if they tell you its overcrowding and going to pinch a nerve get it done asap. I've been putting off getting mine pulled for a year. last night half of my jaw and parts of my tounge went numb. I woke up today not feeling like it was numb but when I eat I can't feel any part of my tounge and I cant taste anything.
freakin great bro im in california too. but i gotta go have my teeth x-rayed, to see if they need to be taken out, but you bet your ass im going to drain them of pain killers. I remember i had to have fillings put in when i was like 14 because of two cavities. OMFG, it took like two hours for the novocaine to wear off. holy shit it was a fukin full waiting room i was in for like an hour, but fuck me cause my whole mouth was freakin swollen. i looked like the fat ass vampire off of Blade. pearl therecord keeper, the one that got charred to death. Everyone looked at me like WHAT THE FUK IS WRONG WITH YOU.
had all 4 of mine out at once. they put an IV in my ass so i was asleep. they put it in and told me to count backwards from 10. i think i got to 8, lol. yea so i looked like an f'in chipmunk for about 4 days. the grossest stuff is the smell from the food that gets trapped in the hole. that stuff hurts to wash out, but if you dont wash it good, the stuff will smell sick.
Originally posted by pissedoffsol+Sep 22 2005, 03:33 PM-->
@Sep 22 2005, 04:31 PM
they put an IV in my ass
[post=558671]Quoted post[/post]​

WTF? they used a vein from your ass????
[post=558673]Quoted post[/post]​

:lol: no, they put an IV, like you know, a needle, in my arm. not in my ass, i was just using that as an expression.