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So, Russia just invaded Ukraine.

here we go....
Not surprisingly there is a group of folks saying let them! Insanity.

Here we go.

also this
Buncha fucking commies in here. Smh.

tell us how you really feel lol

we really shouldn't be the world police. everyone looks to the US for help. then they get pissed when we stick around. our modus operandi is always to occupy. we call it a peacekeeping mission, then we are there for a decade or more.

everyone is arguing about who has the biggest stick and who can be the loudest, we are dealing with pro nuclear countries now. it will take just one nuke and all bets are off......
tell us how you really feel lol

we really shouldn't be the world police. everyone looks to the US for help. then they get pissed when we stick around. our modus operandi is always to occupy. we call it a peacekeeping mission, then we are there for a decade or more.

everyone is arguing about who has the biggest stick and who can be the loudest, we are dealing with pro nuclear countries now. it will take just one nuke and all bets are off......
This ain't the desert for oil and military contracts.

This is Europe and an ally. They're invading a sovereign country unprovoked. Im truly sorry so many like yourself don't stand against the violence and death coming and advocate for peace. Putin's propaganda has already won in many regards splitting this country from uniting against such a person.

There is no staying out of it. Western world is going to unite against Russia. Globalization is here to stay. The world gets 70% neon gas from Ukraine to build lasers for semiconductors, etc. Russia is tapped on economic growth for Putin's pocketbook.
What can we really do... Do you want to hop on a plane? I don't. I am advocating for peace but everywhere we end up, we fuck it up which is why I'm also advocating to stay out of it. all this posturing since ukraine wanted to join nato. russia doesn't want a nato or US-ally country anywhere near their gateway border to europe. ukraine isn't technically an ally yet, but who knows what could go down if russia continues pushing west.

I don't have social media. I don't watch the news. I like to live in a bubble and keep my family safe and happy. i do my best not to spread misinformation.