y8 manifold

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the pvc valve just goes into the air intake
thanx for the pm. but the pics didnt show up and it still didnt tell me where the pcv valve would go. thanks though dude
do u know what a pcv valve is? mine goes into the very last intake runner right b4 it goes to the head. the y8 manifold has no place to put it. i cant just do away with it.
it will be the same thing if yours is not going into the air intake its in the wrong place, you are talking about the vent on top of the valve cover right ?? because thats the pvc valve
i simply have a hose that goes from the valve cover to the air intake but they call that a breather hose. im talking about the pcv valve that goes from my intake manifold to the last intake runner b4 it bolts to the head.
take a pic of it and put it up thre breather hose that you call it is the pvc valve so im not sure what your talking about, were else does ths hose go your talking about besides the intake main
well thats kinda hard i have 5 cars and 3 of them has had 2 diffrent kinds of motors in them lol
ill post a pic hold on a second but no none of mine had that i went with the d15b,brb
d16z6. well close enough lol


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actuly were both right just find a vaccum line to the y8 and t it into there and it will be fine. and my bad its pcv not pvc lol