You ever confused yourself?

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I'm sitting here eating dinner at 1 am... yeah... I've been playing video games winding down and letting off steam since I got home from work, anyway I went to the store to get some more food because all I had was hotdogs.

So I spend a 120 on groceries and misc items, of which included some corndogs.

Like I said, all I had was hotdogs cause thats what I picked up on Thursday before I left from work so I could eat dinner, and thats what I had for dinner Thursday night.

Not wanting to have hotdogs tonight, I wanted something different. What did I end up putting in the oven? The corndogs...

I finished my first corndog before I even realized that I didn't want hotdogs, yet I'm eating hotdogs with bread around them. lol

I may be broke, but I'll be able to eat for the next few weeks while I sit around not having a life. :)
Yea all the time. I tend to overthink things waaay too much and it leads to confusing and frustrating myself.
Apparently I was just the opposite tonight, it never occured to me until I was finishing my first corndog. I think I turned my brain off around 6:30.
Best thing I have ever done was pour a glass of milk, and wind up taking the gallon with me and leaving the full glass there on the counter top lmao and having the GF go wth in the am! haha
I'm fat. I will eat anything, anytime.

I tend to confuse myself by second-guessing my actions. I'll be in the middle of doing something, stop to make sure I'm doing it right, and then decide to start all over again because it could be wrong. Eventually I get to the same point I was at in the first attempt, and realize that I was paranoid about nothing, and continue on my way. It doesn't sound that bad, but make that cycle an endless loop and you can see how it would get confusing. I'd like to blame drugs or something, but I can't. I'll mark that one up to mere retardation. It's the best explanation.
Have you ever said a word over and over until it lost all meanning? It's weird because you say car like 50 times then you're like wtf is a car?
Have you ever said a word over and over until it lost all meanning? It's weird because you say car like 50 times then you're like wtf is a car?

yes i have. a lot of times if I see or hear a word so many times it'll start to look like its wrong to me. I know it's spelled right, but it just doesn't look like it is.
Have you ever said a word over and over until it lost all meanning? It's weird because you say car like 50 times then you're like wtf is a car?
yeah, words become strange as fuck.

yes i have. a lot of times if I see or hear a word so many times it'll start to look like its wrong to me. I know it's spelled right, but it just doesn't look like it is.
that too.
I hate that. Especially words that you see alot and you know for a fact that its right, but you still find yourself checking the spell checker.

I hate when I'm working on a vehicle, then be like, I need this tool across the yard, go to get it, get all the way there, find something else entertaining, then turn around and walk back to the car your working on. Then your just sitting there going. wtf. I forgot that tool >_<
I hate when I'm working on a vehicle, then be like, I need this tool across the yard, go to get it, get all the way there, find something else entertaining, then turn around and walk back to the car your working on. Then your just sitting there going. wtf. I forgot that tool >_<

Lol, I hate that shit. Or when Ill be under the car and think, "Ok, I need the Xmm wrench for this, I better go get it" then I get to my tool box and have no idea what Im there for.
thats something completely different.
thats short term memory loss and a.d.d.. haha
i tend to have stuff pop in my head.. i get up to do whatever it was, halfway there i forget what the hell i was doing.. it blows my mind sometimes.. i'm usually stoned when it happens though.. haha
I'll be watching T.V. and the commercials will come on and I'll spend the entire commercial break trying to figure out what the hell I was watching.
i tend to have stuff pop in my head.. i get up to do whatever it was, halfway there i forget what the hell i was doing.. it blows my mind sometimes.. i'm usually stoned when it happens though.. haha
same here ^_^
Same shit happens to me, though I don't smoke. Sometimes I get so confused I don't know what the hell I was thinking about; and I'm just standing there staring at nothing/thinking nothing, then after a brief moment thinking "WTF". It's really annoying, because then I have to remember what I was thinking about before my brain shut down.