Zimmerman - NOT Guilty.

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libertarian is the way, at least if we have any hope of things ever getting any better.

As far as Zimmerman, Im surprised he is still in his hometown. And good for him to grab a little positive press.
Who's to say if I were in the same situation, I wouldn't have reacted the same way? I'd like to think I would have shot him in the leg or in the shoulder, but I really don't know if I could think that clearly in that situation.

and you would have gone to jail for 20 years for assault with a deadly weapon.

it sucks but in the eyes of the law, you can only use lethal force (gun) in response to a lethal threat. using a gun in ANY manner is considered lethal force. so basically if you intentionally shoot someone in a leg or shoulder or whatever, the law will say that since you had the opportunity to do that, there must not have been a legitimate lethal threat, and hence, you had no reason to use lethal force in response.

best to either kill your attacker, or claim you were shooting center mass and "missed".
My buddy was taught in the police academy to shoot towards the center of the mass of your threat.
libertarian is the way, at least if we have any hope of things ever getting any better.

As far as Zimmerman, Im surprised he is still in his hometown. And good for him to grab a little positive press.

Here's the problem with libertarians...there aren't any libertarians with a name big enough to do anything. Not Rand, not Marco, they're still too steeped in party politics, but they're close...ish. Ron was the closest thing we had, but the US wasn't ready to go the whole 9 with a guy that looked like he might die on stage...and tbh, i think he was running just so he could steer the debate.
The movement is gaining momentum. the message of liberty exists. ben swann is leading it in the media
Reading about him now. I also avoid reddit, which is where much of the libertarian stuff gets started these days.

It's odd you use the term leading it. I googled Ben Swann libertarian and came back with a total of two links. Went to his site, got no where.

I understand now you probably meant leading like as in media attention, but still you'd think that a reporter leading something would have his name on more things related to the party and it's ideals.
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So yeah, you can feel victorious with your 'eat it libs' comment, but really, all your doing is feeding the machine, and isn't that what you've told us all you're avoiding?

I'm ashamed to call myself a conservative, if it means that I have to be associated with people with such a narrow view of the world.
While a lot of what Cel says isn't my cup of tea, I'd rather be associated with him then some something for nothing, Obama phone having, food stamp on lobster spending, medicaid with an iPhone "liberal" cunt.

I do not know him personally, but from his posts here, I take him to be a contributing member of society. Not some leech that is pissed that the free phone isn't the latest and greatest. Do I agreed with his opinions? I'd say on the majority, no. But as a conservative I believe he has the right to say, pretty much, whatever he wants without some PETA, feminist, PC liberal holding a march about it.

That is my biggest problem with liberals. They scream "FREE SPEECH", but what they really mean is "FREE SPEECH (that doesn't conflict with my ideals)". Some people are against gay marriage (I'm for it btw). They are not demons. They have a right to an opinion and a believe. Even if it pisses off a few other people.

So Cel, I don't like what you have said in this thread, but I 100% stand behind your right to say it.
So Cel, I don't like what you have said in this thread, but I 100% stand behind your right to say it.

Well, thanks. I guess. But I'm not sure what you're talking about. I haven't said much of anything in this thread.

Not that I'm ignoring everyone's attempts to light my fuse and get me to chime in - I'm simply too goddam smart to bite that particular bait.

I actually have some MIND BLOWING insight to this situation. The Celerity Institute has been defining and calculating potential race wars since 1998. Back then, they said it was stupid to focus attention on "Shit that ain't happenin', honky". As usual, the think tank has risen to the top of the chain for solutions. And frankly, my schedule has been so packed with people lining up for advice in the realm of Civil war, Revolution, the "Unique Interpretation of the Constitution" we provide, our extensive work in Unions and Communist manifest... That for every one of you slags trying to kick me out, there are 10 people trying to pull me in.

Now if I could make money on this, things would be alright.
I'm sensing a lot of stereotyping in this thread.

Liberal isn't a derogatory word as much as ya'll want it to be.

The war right now is the have's and have nots. And both sides are getting boned by the man.
But I'm a have-not who is the side of the Haves.

And I tend to back you on this.

Sure there are plenty of people who inherited their wealth, but for every one of them, there are people who have made themselves wealthy with their own hard work. To think, 10 years ago, I was ringing up groceries at Kroger, and now I'm above 6 figures. Did I eschew a social life for that pay off? I sure as hell did. Was it worth it? I think so, there have definitely been negatives, no doubt about it. I've had cars repossessed, evictions and layoffs over that 10 year span, but I didn't so much as take unemployment (even though that's not technically welfare).

I understand that not everyone is on equal footing socially. Yeah I grew up in a quiet suburb outside of Dallas and only had to deal with fighting parents. A pretty easy childhood all things considered, but the moment I moved out, when I was 18, all that went away. I lived in a really shitty part of a large city in a roach infested apartment, without a reliably working toilet or AC (still dallas, 110+ summers). Went to school 12 hours a day, and worked another 6. Paid for all of my own college without student loans, or financial aid. And then went out there and worked my ass off. 16 hour shifts doing tech support for verizon, 38 hour days as a junior admin for a hosting company. 12 hour days as a low level admin for a SaaS company with on call every day. Then finally a mid level admin for a gigantic hosting company doing 12-14 hours a day on all 3 shifts. Yeah, they were all desk jobs, but don't think for a minute it wasn't hard work.

I worked my ass off to be where I am, and I find it offensive to have people tell me that because I worked hard for the life I have now, that I owe something and I have no control over where it goes.

I'd rather give my 28k in taxes each year to St. Judes or something than hand it over to the fed for programs that do little to encourage self improvement.

Maybe I'm just crazy, I'd love to have my eyes opened.
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:rolleyes: Every time I see the same old pompous douchery this image immediately jumps to mind.


I wish we could just flush it... :\

It's not always what you say, but 9/10 times how you say it. :shrug2:

who am I kidding? It IS EVERYTHING you say too.
It's not always what you say, but 9/10 times how you say it. :shrug2:

who am I kidding? It IS EVERYTHING you say too.

Um, I'm confused. What's going on again ?

Oh.. You're upset at how I say the things that I do. It's called humor, You get it or you don't. Not sure if you knew this or not, but The Celerity Institute is just me. And the Think Tank is just me. The Celerity Encyclopedia is real, however - And so is the Goth Sex translation.

As far as "Everything" I say, You and I probably agree on WAY more than you might think. The Celerity Institute (And if you're not following along, that's me) has many fans. I've been here rabble-rousing since 2003 and if you're keeping score I apologize when I'm found wrong - openly and without reservation - And I stick to my guns to what I know is real. This is a Honda forum, granted - But I care enough about you guys to engage your grey matter. I do love coming here.

And if anyone - anyone wishes to have a calm conversation about something, without bloodying their tampon and attacking me like a retard that wants my hotdog, I welcome it.

To those ends, I have defined for you all "Shark feedings". I have endured them, others have endured them. The internet and HS specifically has made it a sort of right-of-passage that either one fails, or passes. Some of us thrive on it.

So go ahead and lash out. Doesn't bother me even slightly. Or, put your stick down and ask the questions that are burning your very soul.

I'm here for ya, buddy :)
Oh, and if any one of you were to meet with me in person, we would be best of friends. Well, except DropShop. He drove to Niagara, saw me, got in his car and went home to New Hampshire. That was odd. I was looking forward to talking to him.
It doesnt come off as humor. I'll stick to my guns as well and say it comes off as pompous douchery. The EVERYTHING you say may be a stretch, but I'd say the rest is spot on. :shrug2:
It doesnt come off as humor. I'll stick to my guns as well and say it comes off as pompous douchery. The EVERYTHING you say may be a stretch, but I'd say the rest is spot on. :shrug2:

It doesn't come off as humor ? Really ?

Really ?
Now I totally don't take your outburst seriously. First it was the terrible hurting you endured in the Taurus thread - Now it's the make-believe paradigm of a running joke.

Ah. White text. You're right, this is a good way to express yourself.
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