Michael Moore's new "movie"

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Capitalism: A Love Story.

He was on Leno last night while I was channel surfing, and he was plugging his newest film. He claims to criticize Dems and Repubs equally this time, and did spend a moment criticizing Chris Dodd for some no cost loans he took, but I doubt it's non partisan.

Apparently there are several interviews in the movie with our lawmakers in DC, which piques my interest, although I have never watched 1 minute of 1 of his films.

The 2 things that get me about what he said last night are he claims not to ambush people in this movie like he has in the past, then in the clip from the movie he shows up at AIG in a Brinks truck to try and talk to the CEO and make a citizens arrest. How is that not an ambush? This idiot shows up at your office with a film crew, and I guarantee he didn't call ahead, and says it's not an ambush?

And he of course complains about the rich, how the top 1% contol 95% of the wealth, how it's not fair to the citizens of the nation to not have a say in how the money of the country is handled and how policies are set.

This from a guy who makes Hollywood films, being interviewed by a guy with a museum full of cars that probably makes 15 million a year.

And people buy into this stuff.

Sorry, kinda long winded, but someone mentioned Leno in another thread and it got me to thinking.


Can someone correct the spelling in the thread title. Fuck.
if i make 25k a year that money is mine no one should beable to tell me how to manage my money. if i make 25millon a year that is also my money should not tell me how to manage my money.
And he of course complains about the rich, how the top 1% contol 95% of the wealth, how it's not fair to the citizens of the nation to not have a say in how the money of the country is handled and how policies are set.


if i make 25k a year that money is mine no one should beable to tell me how to manage my money. if i make 25millon a year that is also my money should not tell me how to manage my money.

Not a socialist.
Until I see Mr. Moore sharing a vast amount of his personal wealth I won't call him a socialist.

I prefer hypocrite.
either way this is The Unided States of America!!!!! thats why i am glad i am an american. if you are happy with 12k a year great if you are happy with 12mil. a year great. it really bothers me that people have the nerve to say if you have a little its yours but if you have alot we have to have some. and who the hell are they to say whats alot? thats the best way i can sum it up with out going intop lots of details....... niow that doesnt mean no taxes or medicaid or any kind of help. shit happens in life and sometimes we need help but that doesnt mean my dollars are not mine if i have "too much"!!!! my dad has a company and he does well small but still does well. and he helps and does alot lot for the folks that work for him. he takes very good care of us as i work for him too. and since he makes 250k or more a year they want to tax the hell out of him. and that would fuck us the employes and our family's that get that help. and imo. if you multiply that times all the rest of the 250k people in the country you will be fucking alot of every day joes...ie: middle class. and if you got 6 kids and make 250k a year you probly dont have tons of money left over after everyone is cared for. god forbid you want to send your kids to a nice school so they can get a good education. wht in the fuck are these guys doing. also how dare Obama even concider him self in the same "class" as a 250k year sallery!!!!! ps. sorry for the shitty spelling.
Michael Moore is a complete fucking moron. And anyone that takes his shit seriously needs to seek help. If he belived half of the shit that comes out of his fat ass mouth then he would move to Venezuela and hob nob with his best buddy Chavez. Ill probably watch it so I can get a better handle on what kind of retarded arguments I will hear in the future.
either way this is The Unided States of America!!!!! thats why i am glad i am an american. if you are happy with 12k a year great if you are happy with 12mil. a year great. it really bothers me that people have the nerve to say if you have a little its yours but if you have alot we have to have some. and who the hell are they to say whats alot? thats the best way i can sum it up with out going intop lots of details....... niow that doesnt mean no taxes or medicaid or any kind of help. shit happens in life and sometimes we need help but that doesnt mean my dollars are not mine if i have "too much"!!!! my dad has a company and he does well small but still does well. and he helps and does alot lot for the folks that work for him. he takes very good care of us as i work for him too. and since he makes 250k or more a year they want to tax the hell out of him. and that would fuck us the employes and our family's that get that help. and imo. if you multiply that times all the rest of the 250k people in the country you will be fucking alot of every day joes...ie: middle class. and if you got 6 kids and make 250k a year you probly dont have tons of money left over after everyone is cared for. god forbid you want to send your kids to a nice school so they can get a good education. wht in the fuck are these guys doing. also how dare Obama even concider him self in the same "class" as a 250k year sallery!!!!! ps. sorry for the shitty spelling.
You consider 250K a year middle class?
i loved his bowling for columbine.
he was one of the fucks trying to say that marilyn manson was to blame, but his interview didnt go the way he wanted it to. turns out, manson is an easy going understanding guy who felt compassion for both the victims and the shooters.
he expected to put manson in a corner.

i dont take anything he says seriously at all, more of a comedy with a fat greasy piece of shit running his cock sucker.
You consider 250K a year middle class?
no i dont. but if you make 250k a year and have 6 kids for example then you have a lot more to take care of if you had none or lnly two. the gov. wont say well you have this many kids and yada yada..... they just say 250k= more taxes!
no i dont. but if you make 250k a year and have 6 kids for example then you have a lot more to take care of if you had none or lnly two. the gov. wont say well you have this many kids and yada yada..... they just say 250k= more taxes!
well, you get deductions for dependents (EG: children)
i loved his bowling for columbine.
he was one of the fucks trying to say that marilyn manson was to blame, but his interview didnt go the way he wanted it to. turns out, manson is an easy going understanding guy who felt compassion for both the victims and the shooters.
he expected to put manson in a corner.

i dont take anything he says seriously at all, more of a comedy with a fat greasy piece of shit running his cock sucker.

OK, I had never seen that movie, so I just watched it online...

MM was not really on the spot for the cause, and he wasn't cornered. But Heston was.

And watching that movie that was years ago, and the present time frame as a view.... It's really starting to hit....that This guy might be on to something. I watched his Sicko flick...and it touched on other stuff that's right now happening....

I kinda can't wait for this new flick to go viral.:ph34r:
i kinda can't wait for a redneck conservative to assassinate him. fucking hippie liberals.
I can't wait for some fed up Deltas and Rangers to take out every branch of our corrupt government and install a simple, functional government, but it's very unlikely to happen.
Michael Moore is a fat ass hippy hipocrite. Just like the rest of the far left. Its okay that they make millions as long as they don't have to share.
I'm going to go with this. I fucking hate michael moore.

But this thread is so full of shit its ridiculous.

I doubt a single person in this thread knows what the tragedy of the commons is. I doubt anyone in this thread is in the top 1%. And I doubt anyone in this thread knows the difference between egalitarian, utilitarian and deontological points of view.

Our version of capitalism is so out of perspective its ridiculous. Look at the recent financial crisis. The so rich in control put us in the biggest hole ever. Are you telling me its american's fault for using these extended 5/1 arm loans? Or the banks that scheme to put everyone in a house that way out of their league.On top of this financial crisis, you have Goldman Sachs propping up companies then shorting them because they are the fucking oracles. The worst part about the oracleism is the ablity to set negative trends. Explain that capitalism to me. If they have a hiccup, american's get fucking swine flu.

But besides the fact, I doubt anyone in here is a reader of liberal garbage like hostile takeover or other david sirota jargon. (I actually reall dig it and i'm a libertarian).

Micheal Moore is arguing that Capitalism is dead. That the whole idea has worn out its welcome. That we need to transition to a newer better economic system. I wont argue with you that our current application is not some retarted beaten red headed step child to the capitalism our founders had in mind. But that is not what Moore is arguing. Here is a quote from Moore on Larry King Live

King: Are you saying capitalism is a failure?
Moore: Yes. Capitalism. Yes. Well, I don't have to say it. Capitalism, in the last year, has proven that it's failed. All the basic tenets of what we've talked about the free market, about free enterprise and competition just completely fell apart. As soon as they lost, essentially, our money, they came running to the federal government for a bailout -- for welfare, for socialism. And I thought the basic principle of capitalism was that it's a sink-or-swim situation. And those who do well, the cream rises to the top and, you know, those who invest their money wrongly or, you know, don't run their business the right way, then they don't do well.

Now Moore is completely ignoring how Big Government has helped pervert our economy. Forced loans for 'Community Reinvestment Act' and Freddie Mac was a quasi Government entity back under under Johnson. So a lot of people played some incredibly risky because they knew that the Government wouldn't allow Freddie Mac to fail.

The mess we are in was set in motion a long time ago. And Moore is exploiting the fact that people dont do their own damn research. Moore can do as he pleases, this is America after all. He has the first amendment to back him up but he is a complete ass monkey for using our capitalist system to make millions of dollars each and every year while decrying it in the same god damn breath.
On top of this financial crisis, you have Goldman Sachs propping up companies then shorting them because they are the fucking oracles. The worst part about the oracle-ism is the ability to set negative trends. Explain that capitalism to me.
You knock Goldman for their business practices, which are respected around the world BTW, but you have to realize that if the Government gave them control for one month, we would be out of this crisis. In my opinion, they are capitalism at it's finest. Financial crisis? They made money while their competitors died. They got knocked for taking money from AIG's bailout. You say they "propped them up". It's a standard business practice. A lot of companies got money from other companies' bailouts, they just got the most. Why? because they were in a stable enough position to loan the most. They refused and were forced to take a bailout of their own. Their only problem is success. And success has enemies. Does Michael Moore even mention Goldman Sachs in his movie?
You completely missed the point of my goldman point.

My point had nothing to do with moore pointing out goldman in his movie because I don't know if he does or doesn't and I detest that fat fuck enough to not even try. I was more towards pointing out the oraclism of large entities that control enough capital to set economic precendents. Hence the goldman bubble, buffetism, etc, and the unfortunate inability for them to be perfect where they didn't see this problem and actually made it much worse, for every single company they purchase and short lot(100,000 units) shares of.

Shit we had one of the VP's give a great speech on there ability to persuade markets last year during this financial "crisis".

I'm not taking away from reputation of their ablity to make money, or their capitalism at its finest, I'm just trying to give you somethign to think about with how capitalism isn't the best thing for society in all cases. It lacks what we call "social responsibilty" the greates debate. That corporation being a imaginary intangible thing that has human rights but has no human responsibility. Hence the utilitarian vs. deontological point of view.

Now please, like I said up there, educate yourself on this stuff and quit sucking capitalism's dick.