COD: Black ops

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the RC works best in headquarters. wait until they have a group capping it, then just piss in their cheerios. i've done it several times. lol it's the only way i get kills.
I did that exact same thing with a flashbang, only I was where the guy you killed was and the guy I killed was standing by that backhoe.

I think Clint watched the replay with me. Half their team had been camping over there all game.
yea.. i remember that.. lol.. hit by his left leg and said it killed him on impact
I did that exact same thing with a flashbang, only I was where the guy you killed was and the guy I killed was standing by that backhoe.

I think Clint watched the replay with me. Half their team had been camping over there all game.

yea.. i remember that.. lol.. hit by his left leg and said it killed him on impact

I love killing Second Chancers with flashbangs. There's something so satisfying about it. I also like to run in circles around them, and I'll sometimes tea-bag my team-mates instead of reviving them just because I hate Second Chance so much, lol.

And speaking of that, they're actually considering changing it: Call of Duty: Black Ops

If they actually do that, it would fix my main gripe with the perk (that I can load somebody up with enough bullets to kill them, but then my team mate can come along and fire a quick shot and get the kill and I only get an assist). It would still be annoying, but I could live with it...
Found out something nifty yesterday. If you're about to prestige and you've got a bunch of CoD money left over, go into a high roller wager match and then prestige while you're in the lobby. You still get to play the wager match, so if you can just break even, then you'll start your prestige with 30,000 points, and even more then that if you can win...
Nice. Ill have to remember that.. im about to prestige again
Nice. Ill have to remember that.. im about to prestige again

Yeah, it's good to know. I messed up though. You'd get 30,000 if you take first place, and then 12,000 for third. Don't remember what 2nd was. Still, a good chunk of money to start your prestige with...
The Shirt!


The tactical moves... this one is the "choka bitch" i nearly have it perfected!!



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I never loved quick-scoping, so it doesn't bother me too much that it's gone. The only thing that sucks about it not working anymore is that when you're sniping now, and somebody surprises you, you're most likely dead. At least you had a chance at taking them out with your sniper rifle in MW2, but between the slow scope-in time and that .5 or so of a second that it takes your sights to settle after scope-in, you're pretty much fucked unless you just take a shot and get lucky.

I suppose that's what secondaries are for, but most of the secondaries have very minimal range...
i was playing Gun Game earlier.. w/ both snipers i got quick scope head shots one after the other.. the other guys started bitching.. lets just say i won that one.. lol
i was playing Gun Game earlier.. w/ both snipers i got quick scope head shots one after the other.. the other guys started bitching.. lets just say i won that one.. lol

Haha, nice! Yeah, I occasionally get nice, quick-scope kills on BO, but it's few and far between. Definitely not like on MW2...
i was never really a quick scope guy. but i hate the fact like brutal said when you get surprised you have such small odds on your side...
My bro in law is all about quick scoping... so much that he sold his black ops the first week and bought back mw2
I told him if he played hardcore he wouldnt have to worry about getting hit markers
First map pack is due out Feb. 1st, and there are rumors of a double XP weekend either that weekend, or the one after.