Local Rice Picture Thread?

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My bad wasnt sure, I didnt notice the first time I looked at it.
check this out

theres a point where you can go a little overboard with the after market parts and this is a prime example...I was speechless when I saw it.


  • subaru1.jpg
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  • subaru2.jpg
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Holy fuckin MOLY !!! Tubbed out FWD !! WTF !!








There is nothing i can do to my car, EVER, that will make me feel ricey now that i have witnessed this. I truly do not know what to say. I'm stunned. Dazed even. I suppose I have to admire his dedication to the bizarre and the will to be absolutely fucking, well, I don't know what word could express it...

I mean what state is this? How does he/she even get ten feet down the street without the cops crawling up his/her ass?

No stolen inspection sticker here...
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I mean what state is this? How does he/she even get ten feet down the street without the cops crawling up his/her ass?

No stolen inspection sticker here...

It's probably a pure show-car.

How come nobody noticed that it's not even supercharged? That's just a fancy intake. <3 the dryer-ducting intake too.
It's probably a pure show-car.

How come nobody noticed that it's not even supercharged? That's just a fancy intake. <3 the dryer-ducting intake too.

I admire that you can maintain any sort of focus in the face of such an abberation. Bravo.
The only thing I see wrong is the ? at the end of the first sentence

its supposed to say..its a woman its GOT a period.
but we were in a thread talking about aleafs crx--how it acts up every month,,so he said its a woman,and its acting up because its having its period..so
its a woman,its a period..and that celica is fucking dumb,,,just dumb
Btw, I think it might be pregnant. It hasn't acted up in almost a month and a half- two months. Better be a purebred CRX is all I gotta say. I don't want no Astro van/ CRX combo. My car's a slut.... :(
I hope she wasn't out with one of those dirtly little rice cars...

Imagine if she fell for the red monstrosity pictured above. Teenage love you know...
Btw, I think it might be pregnant. It hasn't acted up in almost a month and a half- two months. Better be a purebred CRX is all I gotta say. I don't want no Astro van/ CRX combo. My car's a slut.... :(

i own a 1994 astro van. it was in really nice condition until about a month ago when i smashed a deer into about 0174578346534 peices. now i need my entire passenger side of the van repaired. SUX.
i love that POS