A few vacation pics.

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Why did I think Myrtle Beach was in Florida?
I am not going to rant about my own bad experiences with the state. Too many to mention. Instead I offer this:

There are many types of micro-societies in the U.S. I would like to focus on two: those based around education, learning, and constant process re-engineering, and those based on an umbrella industry that supplies the livelihood for the entire region in question. The former, most of CT, NH, CA, MA, WA, parts of TX, Atlanta, are thriving economic centers full of bright ambitious people. The latter however, like Steubenville and most any city on the Ohio River, died years ago and have yet to realize it. The problem arises when a region bases their entire future not on education, constant progress, societal updates, and technological advancement, but rather, on the steel industry. Nobody in the Ohio Valley planned far enough ahead to think what they would do if steel collapsed, so, when steel collapsed, they were left with nothing. They are still waiting for steel to be revived, while the mills cut more people every month. The majority of residents collect some kind of welfare benefit. You can buy a house for $30,000. Children play in the road like it's their front-fuckin' lawn. Heroin is abundant.

As far as the job market is concerned, it is the theory of 10's. People in management positions in the Ohio Valley are, on average, intellectual 6s. 6s will not hire 7s, 8s, 9s, or 10s, out of fear. I have bosses at work who can barely read/write, spell their own names. I can not get a promotion or more hours to save my life. Argh, I'm ranting. Sorry.....
i was down in summerville sc not too long ago,,i love it down there,
everytime i go,i just want to stay:D
CT blows now
If you think Connecticut blows try living in the Midwest. ANYWHERE in New England is better than Ohio. Appreciate where you live and quit whining.
ive enjoyed ohio both times ive been there
spent a weekend in mentor once
and went to six flags ohio once

planning to go to cedar point soon

ohio knows how to do roller coasters :D
spent a weekend in mentor once
and went to six flags ohio once

planning to go to cedar point soon

ohio knows how to do roller coasters :D

Mentor is and OK town, but yeah we do have a lot of amusement parks it seems.
Ok, so here is the story.

Me, my friend Ford and Shane were walking down the beach the 3rd night we were there, I smoked my last cig an hour ago. So we see this group of 3kids up ahead, so as we get up to them I ask the one kid for a smoke, he gets all cocky with me calling me and my friends yankees and what not, tells us to get the hell off his beach. So we walked like 10 feet from them and they start calling us pussies and what not. I turned to Ford and said "Fuck this Im gonna fuck this kid up" I run up to the kid that told me to get off his beach grab him by the shirt and throw him on the ground, and start whailing on him, Shane jumped in and started going to town on the other kid. The last kid (from what Ford told me) ran up to him and said "I got a blade" Ford said "What the fuck do you think your going to do with it?" and he went back to help his other two friends up off the ground. As me and my group of friends are walking away the kid that told Ford he had a knife said something, and I still hard a hard adreneline rush going so I run back up to this kid and throw him a hay maker and he hits the ground, I get on top of him and continue to trow punches at him, Ford and Shane pulled me off of him and we walked away calling them pussies and saying, "now who's beach is it" We walked for another hour or so, I noticed my eyebrow was bleeding like ten minutes after we walked away, and didnt think anything of it. I thought I just took a good one to the face, so I washed it off in the water. Then on the way back I started feeling a pain in my leg, again thinking "Ok so he just hit me in the brow and the thigh and I got a charlie horse or a nasty bruise. Three hours later we got back to the hotel and I got to get in the shower and see the hole in my leg and I lost it. It was one of those things that it doesnt hurt until you see it, well it hurt like hell when I seen it. Then Kristin found the one in my shoulder, so we call the ambulance, they cart me off to the hospital, stretcher and all, sew me up and write me a perscription for Vicodin, so the last three days of the trip was ok because I just took an assload of Vics and drank a shitload of beer and sat on the beach. Other than getting stabbed it was a good trip.


should have let it go man
that could have been an artery in your leg, or your eye, or ligaments and shit in your arm
you got lucky if you ask me
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I hear about all this crap, much of it relatively nearby, and run into none of it here in the yuppie suburbs of Chicago where all the punks lurk in coffee houses and blog about their angst.

Oh and +1 stab rep :ph34r: