al Qaida letter a fake

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We should kill each and every one of them. Women and children too. One at a fucking time. But that would lead others to rise up against us. So we'd have to kill them too, which would cause a domino effect, and sooner or later we would be in world war 3. We would lose millions, so would they. People would be killing eachother constantly.. The large countries would unleash a nuke or two to scare the little ones away. Someone would take offence to that and start nuking the other big countries. Maybe us, maybe russia.. maybe a well-connected terrorist group. World population would drop dramatically.

So yeah, I think it would be a great idea.

Fake? Who gives a shit. real or fake, they all need to die anyway.

[there isn't a flame suit big enough]
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And you have the nerve to call yourself an American? Go live in a totalitarian government somewhere where human life has no meaning. In fact, I think that you'd fit right in with the Muslim extremists.
Wouldn't it be great if we all think like you? Oh wait, that's what you are always complaining about, yelling at people for expressing ideas you don't like, like love it or leave it, then you go and post the same kind of response....hmmmmm, what's the word I am looking for....
I'm gonna go off on a bit of a rant here... but you need to realise that I'm only slapping this up here because these are funny, and shouldn't be regarded as something to spend a ton of time on:

Anne Coulter (I see some of you hissing now) said "Muslims, extreme or not, are a culture of people that not only think, but believe, that no one else on earth should be alive than Muslims. They are hate mongers, and it is in their very nature, their core, to want to kill. We should wipe them out (sic)"

I elaborate: "Muslims CRAVE a bullet to the brain. They tell their children bedtime stories of death and the afterlife. They don't want to be here - You can see that in their culture of living in bombed out shacks, and after 25 years STILL not cleaning up the ravages of war. They make no attempt to advance society, and they look foreward only to a day that they can bring the earth back into pre-armada days. They want only one thing on earth - to be the dominate, neigh, only people here and then they crave the day of their death. They dream about dying in the glory of taking the lives of those that are different, and smile. They awake refreshed for a whole new day of battering and oppressing women, hating everyone that isn't them, and resenting others for being so damned future-minded. Theirs is a lifestyle that treats intolerance by promising reward in the afterlife, and I believe that deep down inside, they want that afterlife with every waking breath."
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Anne Coulter (I see some of you hissing now)


Muslims, extreme or not, are a culture of people that not only think, but believe, that no one else on earth should be alive than Muslims.

So do Christians.

They tell their children bedtime stories of death and the afterlife.


They make no attempt to advance society, and they look foreward only to a day that they can bring the earth back into pre-armada days.


They want only one thing on earth - to be the dominate, neigh, only people here and then they crave the day of their death.


They awake refreshed for a whole new day of battering and oppressing women, hating everyone that isn't them, and resenting others for being so damned future-minded.

Yep. Ditto again.

Theirs is a lifestyle that treats intolerance by promising reward in the afterlife, and I believe that deep down inside, they want that afterlife with every waking breath.

Seeing a pattern here?

Religion: the opiate of the masses.

(Taking some of the fire off of Phyre.)
I believe that by and by, the Catholic and Christian religions are tolerant. They aren't the MOST tolerant out there, but they are definately NO Islam.

Neither are that great of a choice, but it's a choice that millions... no, Billions take all the time.

People are so worried that something else may be out there. Buddhism makes perfect sense, yet people call it ignorant. Then even better than that, there are people out there (Like inuits) who don't believe in much, but are still just happy living life and winding up in a hole in the ground.
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I believe that by and by, the Catholic and Christian religions are tolerant. They aren't the MOST tolerant out there, but they are definately NO Islam.

Neither are that great of a choice, but it's a choice that millions... no, Billions take all the time.

People are so worried that something else may be out there. Buddhism makes perfect sense, yet people call it ignorant. Then even better than that, there are people out there (Like inuits) who don't believe in much, but are still just happy living life and winding up in a hole in the ground.

There are millions of muslms as well, and almost all of them believe in non violence. I've talked to a few of them and they all condone the acts of the extremists groups. But, just like with Christianity, there are extremists that preach hate and intolerance and they always get the attention of the cameras.

You obviously haven't seen many of the current events these days. Speak of gay marriage, abortion or stem cells to a Christian and hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo boy! Do you remember the funeral for a young boy who was beaten to death because he was gay? Of course not... so you don't remember all the evangelicals holding up signs saying that he got what he deserved, how AIDS is punishment for being gay and all sorts of shit. Yes, these were Christians.

Tolerance? Right.

Calling for an assassination of a world leader doesn't sound like something that Jesus would approve of. Neither do bombings of abortion clinics and killings of doctors. The crusades, the Inquisitions, witch hunts, the KKK and so many other things have tained Christianity throughout the ages.

Yet you simply look at your feet and mumble something about someone else's religion.
im a firm believer in that whatever you believe in is cool. So what if some people do stupid things in the name of religion. religion is what you make of it, some people take it to extremes, some dont... with the good comes the bad.

You have muslims who preach hate, and ones who preach peace..
you have christains who preach hate, and ones who preach peace..

teh arguement over which is more tolerant is dumb, because its not so much the religion itself anymore, its the individual.
Great. I have Karnash on my team :)

The big difference is that the violent Christian groups are isolated and remote. They live in strange towns in the Bayou (Well... Used to hahahahahahaha) where the Ministers are the communtiy leaders (Parishes) OR they live in small pockets of cult-like existences.

In Islam, it's the other way around. The peaceful ones are the quiet minority. But you see, Islam has "Fatwa" and "Jihad". And the Ayatollah Khomeini has already declared both on the US, Western people and Christianity. And judaism. And, well... anyone that isn't Islam.

There is no official edict for this in the Christian faiths.

In recap, because I think everyone needs to know this, Islam is a religion with it's basis in violence and it's small break-away factions in peace, and Christianity is one of peace with small break-away factions in war.

That said, I agree 10000% that Religion, by and large, is a completely useless and vestigial status in the future of mankind.

-> Steve

At least, religion as we've seen. I can comment on how space travel NEEDS religion to happen, if you want to hear it.
muslims, extreme or not, are a culture of people that not only think, but believe, that no one else on earth should be alive than Muslims.

hmm, reminds me of another middle eastern country...
but i'm just another goyim...
My theory on life is this.

Live and let live.

But once those dirty arab bastards start threatening me and my country, it is time to take these fuckers to school.

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iraq's al qaida said the letter is a fake...


they're claiming it's a fake. It's not confirmed a fake. If your revolution was broke and getting their ass kicked would you admit it?

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Muslims, extreme or not, are a culture of people that not only think, but believe, that no one else on earth should be alive than Muslims.

So do Christians.

you're silly. but your point is valid yes there are .1% of christians that are this hateful white supremesy type.

but how many middle east muslims are hateful? like 80%?

invalid point only to bring up differences in religion. If you dont have fact to back up your claims please dont claim them as truth. You look just as ignorant as they do.
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Great. I have Karnash on my team :)

The big difference is that the violent Christian groups are isolated and remote. They live in strange towns in the Bayou (Well... Used to hahahahahahaha) where the Ministers are the communtiy leaders (Parishes) OR they live in small pockets of cult-like existences.

"Used to" is accurate. The right wing evangelical nutcases have been coming out of the woodwork recently, seeing that they have a leader to rally behind. Somebody who believes exactly what they believe in. Someone who believes that God speaks directly to him.

Shit, give me the keys to a mental institution and I will find you dozens of people that God speaks directly to. Some of them would be a better leader, too.

I wouldn't call the 700 Club a pocket of cult-like existance. Cult, yes. Pocket, no.

In Islam, it's the other way around. The peaceful ones are the quiet minority. But you see, Islam has "Fatwa" and "Jihad". And the Ayatollah Khomeini has already declared both on the US, Western people and Christianity. And judaism. And, well... anyone that isn't Islam.

There is no official edict for this in the Christian faiths.

I will put this in big bold letters for you.

<span style="font-size:18pt;line-height:100%">CRUSADES.</span>

Literal translation: WAR OF THE CROSS

Sounds like a Christian "Jihad" to me.

And these "Wars of the Cross" were to do what again, class? To take Jerusalem from the MUSLIMS

Seeing that we tried it four times, I don't blame them for having a bit of dislike towards the Christians. That, and there's always the OTHER reason that the cross hates the crescent:

The Temple of Solomon of Ir Ha-Kodesh.

That fight rages on to this day, and is a BIG reason for the discord between the two faiths.

In recap, because I think everyone needs to know this, Islam is a religion with it's basis in violence and it's small break-away factions in peace, and Christianity is one of peace with small break-away factions in war.

You know very little about the history of the Christian faith. Christians haven't been as peaceful as you'd like to believe. Trust me there.

That said, I agree 10000% that Religion, by and large, is a completely useless and vestigial status in the future of mankind.

At least we agree there.