Anyone battle with weight?

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yea, i know.. i ride my bike around sometimes, but its a 1 speed beach cruiser and its hardly a workout
get a gym membership?

bike with a sweatshirt on. run with a sweatshirt on. Eliminate soda, dont eat chips/snacks, buy fruit, cut down red meat, start eating salads with little to no dressing, eat smaller portions more frequently, stop eating 3 times with larger portions, drink plenty of water, do situps 2 times a day, do pushups 2 times a day (2 sets for each each time).

oh and when you start exercising, make it a religion. Do it atleast every other day. Find time to do it, put off watching tv to do it. Put off smoking weed to do it, hell, smoke weed after lol. Its just an hour (at most) out of your day, thats not too much to ask at all. (im not pickin on you, just stating)
yea i know, i keep tellin my GF to put me on her gym membership .. its 3 blocks away, i could walk there
I eat in inervals... i eat 6 small meals a day. A little run down of my basic day...

meal 1 - 2 scrambled egg whites and wheat toast
meal 2 - apple or some type of fruit
meal 3 - subway 6 inch sub
meal 4 - baked lays that came with my meal
meal 5 - bigger meal of the day, it depends
meal 6 - protein bar at night

I also drink one 3 20oz water servings a day, and 1 20 oz tropical punch protein shake, and 1 8 oz chocolate protein shake after i work out. It isn't like that everyday, with the meals per say. But yup that is is basic meal plan.
DO IT!!! 3 blocks?!! plus you can go with her, or talk a buddy into going with ya.

i guarentee if you keep up with the simple things youll lose pounds. lifting weights isnt something that is necessary, but a moderate amount is good. If you're just looking to lose weight, take it easy with your lifting. When i lost 20 pounds i didnt want to lose muscle and keep what i already had, so i just kept up with curls, skulls, forearms, bench, upper back and shoulder machine, <-- at gym. You dont necessarily need to lift every time you go to the gym either, spread it out. Youll lose weight, keep your muscle and even gain some.
hell, when i was moving out of my apt. i did most myself.. .. in two days i lost 10lbs..
Yea i did all my moving on my own also, but i gained all my weight within a year. Last year this time I was 195, i lived at home and my parents had a scale. I went unemployeed for a month. I saved money and just hung out at the house. Then my weight shot up, I hit a max of 272 on December 16th. My new Years resolution was to loose weight. I am down to 241 today, and all i did is change my eating habits and go to the gym to run cardio and lift slightly.
its just the matter of me gettin off my ass and doing it.. i used to do push ups and sit ups and shit.. but i slacked off hard since i moved out
do it before you start smoking for the day :P thats how i was doin it when i went to the gym a lot. If i wanted to smoke, i made my ass get to the gym first.
well, see the hard part is .. i cant feel the front half of my feet, they're numb from the chemo treatments i went through.. i lost alot of my muscle during this period too...
well, see the hard part is .. i cant feel the front half of my feet, they're numb from the chemo treatments i went through.. i lost alot of my muscle during this period too...

That sucks about your feet. But like blanco said. go biking and get clip on shoes/etc for cardio and such.
Take up martial arts and make a point to particle kata day in and day out.

I try to make a point to run through all my basic katas it takes about 30 minutes and if I do them nonstop I walk away from it soaked in sweat. I find it a great filler for bad weather days when I can't take the bike out or don't feel like running when its 30o out.