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and 8 more in the shed...but 235/40/zr17's

new wheels on the way, new flares on the way, and Vinny has the car almost back together...and ready to tune it.

uht ohhhh!!!!
on my way home from my mini-vacation in NY, I get a call from Vinny. He wanted me to come and test drive the Z to see if I'd be happy with it or if I want more done to it. So a slight detour...and was at his shop in 30 minutes. He's still having troubles with it, even after two months of raping it... like the exhaust manifold seams to be warped, no matter how he put it on, it would still leak. The carbs just seem to be too much for the motor, but then not enough for it when it's going full throttle, but he's got the idle set finally. So for my little test drive, I went around the parking lot, around a corner, and if you drive it like a normal falls on it's face. so I had a long spot to open it up...and the thing ran like a raped ape after a bottle of Tabasco sauce broke inside it's anus. He's bringing it back to my house Thursday, and I got a day to go through it to make it road worthy. hope to get it to the DMV by Saturday to get a plate for it.
If you would have gone Fuel Injection, I could have tuned that thing into a real go-kart.

I do want a ride, and it goes without saying that you have to take Jess out in it.
It's home!!!!

And it runs!!!

I just went around the block with it....

Can't wait to get it registered and toss some high octane gas in it!!!


it's just as fast as I want it... low end torque, revs climb like a bat out of hell, and stiff.
2 years later...still working on it....

I think this will work just fine.... a few more things to work on, but the rack is done...and works.



well, I'm tired of trying to find this damn short, so I'm replacing the whole dash electronics, gauges, and chassis wire harness. I just dropped $850 on some nice guages, toss in a nice 18 circuit painless wire harness, refab the dash to look restored, toss a nice stereo in...and that should just about finish the car for reliability. Nothing else left to replace that hasn't been updated or replaced already.

A full set of these will look sweet in the car.

Speedometer GPS Dual Gauge, Revolution Gauges Series by SpeedHut
That picture with the kayak mounted made me lol hard.

I might could have had a few beers tonite.