Barack Obama not an American citizen!?!?!

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I'm just gonna add my two cents in here...

I'll come right out with it, I'm going to be voting for McCain. Now this isn't because I'm some racist neo nazi that can't handle a black president, or a radical christian that can't handle a muslim. I have a lot of respect for Obama. He is a VERY good speaker, and I believe he has the power to motivate this country. I do have a couple of issues though ---->

1) I don't know where this issue of him being a natural born citizen is going to lead, but for one, in the process of becoming an Indonesian citizen, he was required to renounce his citizenship of any other country as they didn't (I don't know if they still don't) allow dual citizenship. Two, if this comes back to haunt him AFTER he's elected, I'm a little more scared of Biden than I am Palin.

2) Also, this whole issue of campaign contributions, while not directly pertinent to who's best at running the country, does concern me a little. Every cent McCain has been given has been honest. I'll leave this one to rest though, because I'm not well educated on it.

3) I would have to agree that McCain does sometimes worry me. I'm sick of hearing this "maverick" shit from their mouths. It seems like every other word out of Palin's mouth is that McCain's a "Maverick" of the senate. I think they beat that word to death and then some. Sorry, I ranted. His age is a concern to some, but I'm one to believe that if you're in your 70s and your mother is still alive, chances are you have some years ahead of you.

Now I hear a lot of people expressing adamantly how Palin has NO business in the white house. While I do agree that she's a little young to have the experience necessary, I think she has the energy to get things done.

But that's not it..... There's one really important thing we have to consider, and it's that the government was constructed to have a system of checks and balances. What SOOOO many people, especially a lot of young Obama supporters, don't understand is that the President can't make all the changes they talk about with the stroke of a pen. The ONLY power the President has exclusively is that of Commander in Chief. He can send us to war without the house and senate's consent, and on that note, I trust McCain's judgement and experience with the military a LOT more than Obama's.

There also lies the issue that the democratic party will have majority control two branches of our gov't if Obama is to be elected. I don't think a national gov't full of "left wingers" will be good for this country, especially seeing as how I'm one to believe the current economic crisis actually stemmed from the clinton years and is the result of democrats. I don't want to go any further with that though.

So, long story short, I support McCain, but not necessarily because I'm his HUGE BIG A+ #1 FAN, but simply because I support the values of the republican party. When it really comes down to it, I'm going to vote party because I don't believe I should have to give up more money if I work harder to make it. Biden can kiss my big fat white ass with his "be more patriotic and pay more taxes" BULLSHIT.

Oh yeah, I heard about a porno soon to be released, or maybe released already called "nailin palin".
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sorry guys, I know that was long. I'm really not trying to argue with anyone. Take what I said or leave it. I simply just like to try and inform people of what I know. Educate me if I'm wrong on anything.
Obama has repeatedly said he would be just peachy with paying extra taxes.
of course he would say that. He would be a flaming hypocrit if he didn't. Sometimes you have to look past what the candidates are saying though. Not to mention that I think this more a remark as to the democratic party's platform as a whole. The whole "spreading the wealth" theme is a party politic, not strictly Obama. This is why I am voting party, not why I'm voting against Obama.
1) I could care less where the man was born. Everyone was an immigrant in America at one time. You know your stuff, you know your stuff. No matter where you where born.
2) I don't know about this topic either.
3) McCain's age only concerns me because of Palin. Simply look at her views on abortion. Never OK no matter the situation. Very black and white. Black and white ideals simply don't work in a democracy. There needs to be gray in the White House. It's great to stick to your morals no matter what. But if everyone does it, nothing gets done. You need to be able to negotiate.

Yes a President doesn't have total control, but he also won't allow the Senate and House to run a muck. And vice versa. Again, a government working together for the greater good.

McCain's military experience? Yea, he has a lot, but does he give a shit about my friends getting shot at in Iraq? Probably not. Meanwhile his son is at the Naval Academy acting a fool and will never see real combat.

Democrats responsible for the economy. I have heard it before, had it explained multiple times and always have the same answer. Are you fucking serious? Clinton had a surplus. In business terms, that is profit. Businesses that create profit succeed. The Government however is the only business that can run a trillion dollars in the hole and still move forward. Any other business, the banks would have foreclosed.

The major reason I'm voting for Obama/Biden is tax-cuts. Everyone cuts taxes. But there is still a way to do it right. What happens when Bill Gates gets money back? His bank account gets a little larger. If he wanted to invest in something, he already had the money to do it. When I get money back? I go out and spend it. It makes it back to the economy. Tax-cuts for the rich are fucking retarded. I'm not 100% Democratic either. I'm scared about the health care shit, but I feel it's the better choice between a shit sandwich and a soggy shit sandwich.
of course he would say that. He would be a flaming hypocrit if he didn't. Sometimes you have to look past what the candidates are saying though. Not to mention that I think this more a remark as to the democratic party's platform as a whole. The whole "spreading the wealth" theme is a party politic, not strictly Obama. This is why I am voting party, not why I'm voting against Obama.
It's not that simple. If your making 500 million you can survive paying more taxes.

It's the middle class that can barely afford to get by anymore that will benefit.

Upper class will maintain their way of life. Lower and middle class will improve. It's the greater good.
I can't agree with you more that the rich are going to remain rich and uphold their lifestyles no matter what, BUT, it's just my personal feelings that if I earned the money, I should be taxed the same as someone else. Just because I worked harder for the money doesn't mean I deserve it less. yeah, maybe it's selfish, but I'm sorry. I'm by no means wealthy either. I make around 10k a year, +/- depending on whatever odd jobs I get, but I report them all as income. I would probably benefit from a lot of the democrat proposed taxes, but I still feel that if a person earned their money, as long as they're being honest and declaring it they shouldn't be taxed more just for working harder and making more money than most people. I think it's just more incentive for people to get off their asses and try to make their own way instead of the gov't handing it to them. I can only hope to one day be one of those people, and I don't want my hard earned dollar going to Joe Slum living off welfare with his "girlfriend" because they figured if they didn't get married they could live together off of welfare.

Obviously I don't support people who are wealthy and don't report their income ( drug trafficers, arms dealers, etc....... ha, ha, ha, oh come on guys, laugh, I'm trying to keep this light hearted). They don't pay taxes regardless.......

You're right, the president doesn't have total control, but what happens when we have a democrat in the office with a house and senate controlled by the democrats and a bunch of supreme justices all appointed by democrats? I think a republican needs to be in the mix to keep things balanced.

Yeah, Clinton's terms saw a great economic expansion. However, the credit crisis which I believe is underlying cause of this economic situation stemmed from him. It's late and my brain stopped working after my thermo class today so bare with me, I don't remember what it was called but he and many democrats were responsible for legislation allowing for rediculous home loans that people who couldn't afford them received, and unfortunately for Bush, it all got dumped on him. Now everyone blames Bush because it happened during his term, but in all honesty the problem started before he was ever in office.

NOW WAIT, You may think I'm a flaming Right wing activist now, but don't be too sure, because I'm one to believe that the PREVIOUS Bush administration did a pretty bad job running ship. I'll give Clinton kudos for cleaning up his mess.

All of the people that call McCain another Bush, seriously. He "voted with Bush 90% of the time). That was probably on fundamental things that would have passed anyway or that most democrats agreed with as well. What about the 10% he didn't? That's why he's called for lack of a better word the "Maverick" of the senate. because he went out of party boundaries for what he thought was the right decision to make. Obama has spent 144 days at work on the floor of the senate. I haven't seen one slightly remarkable thing come from him. People talk about Palin coming from nowhere, Obama came from nowhere as well.

damn, I ranted again, sorry guys
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Most super rich did not "earn" the money themselves. Daddy gave it to them. If GW had to earn his wealth he'd be holding a sign in downtown Dallas next to his box.
Well, the "Daddy" who earned it probably wouldn't want it squandered away in taxes. Regardless of how it got there, the money was earned at some point. I can't help it if "Daddy" has kids and gives them the money. That doesn't mean that since the kids weren't the original "earners" that they don't have the right to it.

GW with a sign in a box?!

not with his education, but ok. He'd have a job somewhere making an easy 6 digit salary. He appears stupid on television, and isn't the leader this country needs right now, but he's not incompetent. He has values and is just as reasonable of a person as 99% of the rest of the politicians in the house and senate.

and for the people who say the case against Obama not being a citizen is crap, well...

BERG v. OBAMA et al Document 1 - :: Justia Docs

see for yourself.

I wonder if someday we'll talk about "BERG VS OBAMA" like we do "ROE VS WADE" or something of that nature....
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Well, the "Daddy" who earned it probably wouldn't want it squandered away in taxes. Regardless of how it got there, the money was earned at some point. I can't help it if "Daddy" has kids and gives them the money. That doesn't mean that since the kids weren't the original "earners" that they don't have the right to it.
Bill Gate is not giving one cent to his kids. They need to earn it just like every other Joe. Will they be billionaires? There is a chance. If they are, will they know what it takes to get there?
GW with a sign in a box?!

not with his education, but ok. He'd have a job somewhere making an easy 6 digit salary.
Only got into that school because of who his father was(similar to how McCain's son got into the Naval Academy). Only graduated because of who his father was(similar to McCain's son is still in the Naval Academy). Daddy GAVE him two separate companies that he separately ran into the ground. Yea, a real genius.
You're right, the president doesn't have total control, but what happens when we have a democrat in the office with a house and senate controlled by the democrats and a bunch of supreme justices all appointed by democrats? I think a republican needs to be in the mix to keep things balanced.

The same thing that happened when we had a Republican president, a Republican congress and a quickly right shifting supreme court.

Two years ago.

That's right... the last congress was HEAVILY Republican. Alito and Roberts are HARD right slanting justices. Only one justice needs to be swapped to tilt the entire thing.

The underlying reason as to why I vote republican.

Do you know what the "Earned Tax Income Credit" is? It's a piece of legislature that basically says if you live at or below the poverty line, you get free money. Yup... the government takes our money and gives it to somebody else. Spreading the wealth around.

Now, do you know who expanded and emboldened this legislation? Clinton? Naah. Carter? Bzzt.



Socialist? Wealth spreader? You be the judge :)
Taxes are all its about, i mean its always "Ill lower taxes!" All about bribing, but where they lowed it, they raise it somewhere else. Taxes are necessary, how well there spent is the important part. I dont care if they want to raise taxes, as long as they prove to me that it will help me and everyone if they are. Follow through and keep focused or GTFO. If my taxes are spend improving the country and well being of me and every other citizen then its a good thing. A 1% tax increase isnt the worry of the average person, yes a couple bucks can add up but that few bucks from you also adds up to millions for the government, if those millions go to good use for EVERYONE then its win-win. I say the focus should change.

But think about it one person running a country of millions? Its impossible and even with the hundreds of staff and congress. No country will ever be perfect. One man CAN make a difference but if you try hard enough, you could be that one and have more power than the president. There are too many things going on at once, the government is in over their head and maybe this president will help or solve them. Start with proper and necessary tax distribution, then move on to something else, taxes are the foundation the whole country.

Side note:

In Canada we have 2 main taxes. GST (federal tax) and PST (provincial tax), both adding up to 15% on whatever you buy or pay for (excluding a few things, cant think of it right now). Now thats in Ontario. Some provinces pay different provincial taxes. For example in Alberta they dont pay PST, which you'd think that would be cool, but from what i hear it sucks out there, everything cost much more including gas, food and living. So really your not gaining much from less taxes.
Bill Gate is not giving one cent to his kids. They need to earn it just like every other Joe. Will they be billionaires? There is a chance. If they are, will they know what it takes to get there?
Only got into that school because of who his father was(similar to how McCain's son got into the Naval Academy). Only graduated because of who his father was(similar to McCain's son is still in the Naval Academy). Daddy GAVE him two separate companies that he separately ran into the ground. Yea, a real genius.

Lets not forget about the Texas Rangers....Any baseball fan will see where im going with that.
Do we have a choking on a pretzel and hitting it's head off a coffee table smiley? Yeah, you all forgot about that.

Fuck Ronald Reagan. Fuckin bastard is the reason my whole family is under the poverty level. "Mr. They won't settle on less health care and no job security? well then shut their asses down!!" Killed all our plants, shipped them away cause we wouldn't sign a contract that killed their benefits. Wish they woulda set him right in the middle of Lowellville when they shut our plants down. He wouldn't have made it for 10 min alive. thrown him in the river.

As far as John McCain goes, I honestly can't see him being anything other than Ronald Reagan Jr. It's pretty sad when you'd rather have OJ Simpson come through your county than a presidential candidate. He spoke at a local school today and i would have rather gone to mcdonalds than gone and watched him speak about things he doesn't even know happened in the Mahoning Valley.

I'm sorry for the rambling of local BS, but it really gets to me to see an entire town that was killed by the republican party everyday. I think it's at least time to try something else. I know steel will never come back, but we need better jobs, and less poverty.

As far as spreading the wealth goes, people who are against it are simply saying they're trying to burn the bridge between wealth and poverty. I think people who make 75K/year can afford to spare a little more cash than someone who makes 11K/ year.
McCain can swallow a wad of cum for voting with Bush 90 percent of the time i cant believe people are voting for some one that is going to be EXACTLY LIKE BUSH.... thats the last thing we need