COD: Black ops

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Yeah, the spawning is kind of ridiculous. On some of the maps though, I don't really know what they can do about it. Like Nuketown for instance. On TDM the spawns are constantly flipping, but then again, it's a TINY map. Unless both teams just stay on their own sides and shoot at each other from there, then you're going to have spawn flipping.

I've definitely had BS "just spawned" kills on some of the other maps that didn't really seem fair though...
are the updates for ps3 too? and will they be automactic? or do i have to select them? sorry for the noobie questions i allways wait to get games like this after they have been out for a while. by the time i get them they are DE-BUGGED.......ALREADY
yeah, the matchmaking is shit. i was in a round with 5 under level 20 against 5 over 35. fucking got raped.
They should come automatically. Next time you fire up the game it will tell you that you need to update to the latest version before you play. This happens even with older games too. It will download any updates when you install it...
yeah, the matchmaking is shit. i was in a round with 5 under level 20 against 5 over 35. fucking got raped.

Hasn't it always been like that though? I'm sixth prestige, around level 50 on MW2 and I get people from lower prestiges and even some non-prestigers in my lobbies...
With everyone still being so close it'll do that. Once people start getting through their 1st and 2nd prestiges you won't have that as much.
Really? You get to a certain level you can choose to prestige and restart everything back from level 1, just with a new icon.
I thin i am 30 something...... Do you get anything new if you start over or is it just a new icon?
Really? You get to a certain level you can choose to prestige and restart everything back from level 1, just with a new icon.


You get a new custom class too, though.
Prestiege? What do you mean?

They've had prestige since CoD4 I think. Basically, once you get to the top level (it's 50 on BO, it was 70 on MW2) you can either stay there and finish all your challenges, or you can start over and do it all again. You can prestige ten times, and you get a new emblem by your name every time.

Also, there are certain challenges that are only unlocked once you enter Prestige on both Modern Warfare and Black Ops, so you're missing out on a few challenges if you don't prestige at least one time...

EDIT: And yeah, every other prestige level you unlock another custom class slot, so you can eventually end up with 10 slots...
looks i'll be online again tonight. rebound pussy flaked again. stupid bitch. i hope she sends me more pictures to post.
They've had prestige since CoD4 I think. Basically, once you get to the top level (it's 50 on BO, it was 70 on MW2) you can either stay there and finish all your challenges, or you can start over and do it all again. You can prestige ten times, and you get a new emblem by your name every time.

there are 13 prestiges in BO since the highest rank goes to 50 instead of 70 like MW2
yea.. i was just about to put that.. i remember someone saying 15 online
I'm also sick of the hip fire being utterly worthless

what? i think youre smoking crack. "hip firing" in this game is complete bullshit! nothing pisses me off more than aiming down the sights and getting 3-4 hit markers with an assault rifle then somebody turning and spraying with the sprayk-47, 74, or any other bs submachine gun and killing me in two shots!