corner approach

anybody got a better idea

  • no, tard. This is how it's done

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yearnin' for info

Junior Member
i have a technique that i use to minimize my time i spend in the corners and maxamize my rev and speed coming out of the corner - If anybody knows better please tell me. im not saying im Micheal Shoemacher or anything im just saying its working pretty good for now. till one of u guys says otherwise.

Heres how i do it. Lets say im doing 110 mph in fifth gear and slowing for a corner sharp enough to slow down for - Approaching the rolling gut going into the corner instead of holding the breaks then shifting into 3rd which maxes out at around 90 mph in my car - i instead put it into 4 - once i arrive at the inner apex and getting ready to roll around the bend of the curve i down shift even further, into third. the reason i do this is because (in my mind) i am leaving enough"spool" time for the engine and tranny to sinc with each other this way it is a perfect match for 3rd coming out - therefore maximizing my rpm without overrevving - but coming out of the corner i don't have to ride the gear for very long at all i usually have to shift as soon i clear the corner - right back into fourth. i may sound like a little too much work if your not used to it but i havn't found a better method.

this is in my old 88 accord lx-i . She will be gone in a month (trade on of $1000 for the 96 civic dx)

so let me know

How about doing what comes natural, if it doesn't come out naturally your a fake. thats what I like to say. In most driving technics the best thing to do is whats logical, comes natural and ofcourse reach your own limits. Thats my opinion. Other than that, let the pros teach ya. B)

Don't get confused...I'm not one of them. :worthy:
yeah i always drive by what comes natural. i you go by what someone says rather than what you feel its hard to tell what will happen on the road. this was just my first post. i was trying to break the ice.

forgot my sledge hammer.
Originally posted by yearnin' for info@Aug 14 2003, 02:40 AM
this was just my first post. i was trying to break the ice.

forgot my sledge hammer.

you def shoulda used the sledge instead............

lol welcome to hondaswap :lol:
110 in 5th? somethings wrong. you should be just hitting 4th. :)

if your going to drop below 90, bang 3rd, keep steady throttle, hit the apex as late as possible without sacrificing too much on the early part of the corner, and you'll come flying out of it.
Not as fast, but much cooler...

1) Disengage clutch

2) Pull e-brake and turn wheel

3) Shift to 2nd

3) Rev to 7000 RPMs

4) Release e-brake and at the same time do # 5

5) Engage clutch

6) Proceede to straigten out car

7) Look at all the bitches jock you.....


Are you really asking a bunch of 16 year olds about corner apex's????? Talk to B16 or asmallsol or some of the auto x'ers....

Slow in - fast out....
go buy the book "Going Faster Mastering the Art of Race Driving"
then go attend a few HPDEs where you have the instructer in the car with you
or if you are really serious attend some Skip Barber classes
add some stickers. you'll fucking kill in those turns man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

wtf is "Approaching the rolling gut"???

are u talking about downshifting instead of using your brakes???? if is all about balancing the car. downshifting doesnt offer as much control as progressive braking. your car could easily get out of balance with downshifting around a turn. not so much that u lose control, but enough to hurt your time around the corner.
Originally posted by sohcslammer@Aug 15 2003, 12:58 PM
Not as fast, but much cooler...

1) Disengage clutch

2) Pull e-brake and turn wheel

3) Shift to 2nd

3) Rev to 7000 RPMs

4) Release e-brake and at the same time do # 5

5) Engage clutch

6) Proceede to straigten out car

7) Look at all the bitches jock you.....


Are you really asking a bunch of 16 year olds about corner apex's????? Talk to B16 or asmallsol or some of the auto x'ers....

Slow in - fast out....

going into this at 110 mph = busted engine/tranny
I’m thinking allot of you fucking guys better stick to racing in a strait line if this is your overall understanding of cornering. There has not been a new break through in technology for taking a corner in the last 100 years.

Couple good suggestions, running a track is an art and i am a finger
OK maybe i use Crayons

Phisics of raceing is great. track time with instructor is priceless
Originally posted by gyallis@Aug 14 2003, 07:34 AM
How about doing what comes natural, if it doesn't come out naturally your a fake. thats what I like to say. In most driving technics the best thing to do is whats logical, comes natural and ofcourse reach your own limits. Thats my opinion. Other than that, let the pros teach ya. B)

Don't get confused...I'm not one of them. :worthy:

What's natural isn't ALWAYS the best idea.

Say you start to fishtail in a fwd car (on gravel, if you do this, you're a genious because it's still really hard to do...) what would you naturally do? Slam on the brakes.

Wrong...You'll want to get off the gas slightly to correct it and then get back on the gas again.

Same thing with drifting in a RWD car, if you start to take a corner and your rear end is hanging out, if you don't know what to do you'll probably try to slam on the brakes...again...Wrong. You'll just end up fishtailing, spinning, and if you hit a rock or something big you could end up flipping your car.

The best way to enter a corner in a fwd car is to slow enough to take the 1st half of the corner from the outside, once you reach the inside apex get back on the gas and accelerate out of the corner.

Minimize your braking, but don't try to push yourself past you and your cars' limits.
stay in 4th. the time that it will take you to down shift to 3rd, and then back into 4th is wasted ticks of the clock. not to mention you have to take your focus off hitting the proper turn in/apex/exit points.

plus, you save ur self the chance of over reving the motor by staying in 4th.

so, less work, safer, faster. why do anything else?
Originally posted by sleepergtx@Aug 20 2003, 11:13 PM
The best way to enter a corner in a fwd car is to slow enough to take the 1st half of the corner from the outside, once you reach the inside apex get back on the gas and accelerate out of the corner.

just FYI, that is the best way to take the corner in ANY car.

before i got my shocks/r sway bar i would try to late apex (espically in autox). this would give me a good "buffer zone" where i can have understeer and not be taking out cones/ dropping wheels. plus its always fun to see how late u can brake into a corner.

perhaps with my new suspension mods i wont have to worry about it so much in autox. i deffinantly know i dont on the track, espically with my non sticky paradas. even with the front shocks stiffer than the rear i was still starting to lose the back end around corners when i was really pushing.
Originally posted by 98integrals@Aug 21 2003, 04:58 AM
just FYI, that is the best way to take the corner in ANY car.

That's the best way to take any corner, yes, but not necessarily in any car... RWD cars oversteer more, if you're taking that same apex at full throttle like you would in your FWD car, you could end up spinning and end up looking at where you came from if you're not careful.
What's natural isn't ALWAYS the best idea.

Say you start to fishtail in a fwd car (on gravel, if you do this, you're a genious because it's still really hard to do...) what would you naturally do? Slam on the brakes.

Wrong...You'll want to get off the gas slightly to correct it and then get back on the gas again.

Same thing with drifting in a RWD car, if you start to take a corner and your rear end is hanging out, if you don't know what to do you'll probably try to slam on the brakes...again...Wrong. You'll just end up fishtailing, spinning, and if you hit a rock or something big you could end up flipping your car.

The best way to enter a corner in a fwd car is to slow enough to take the 1st half of the corner from the outside, once you reach the inside apex get back on the gas and accelerate out of the corner.

Minimize your braking, but don't try to push yourself past you and your cars' limits.

But if the right thing to do comes natural to the driver, WHATS YOUR POINT. Anyway I understand and practice slow in fast out, but someone who doesn't can easily toast their car pushing too, then past the limits (doing it un-naturally).
My point is don't over do your limits until you actually know what they are. Good enough? :)
the "apex" is the fastest way around a corner.

outside point, inside point, outside point

whether you are on an car, on a ninja, or on a big wheel. :driver:

braking time, how much G force your "vehicle" can handle. power out of the secound half of the apex without pushing your tires out.

FWD-push your front end with to much power

RWD- drift your back end

the apex thing goes for if you are on your friends back too :thumbsup:
Thanks to all whom replyed. I was new and my post was basically to see if most of the people on here were helpful and informative or if there were just a-holes. Turns our theres only a couple of the brown pipers. And there is nothing wrong with my car if im going 110 mph in fifth. Its called gas conservation. I didn't say i was racing- just bookin it in general.

Also here are the top speeds that i have tested in my car myself. i live in southern ohio and there are no pro driving schools close by. or anywhere here that i know of - i would really like to attend the skip barber driving school though.

(Not necessarilly top speeds but redline points)

1st- 34
2nd- 55
3rd- 95
4th- ?
5th- ?

Hey what can i say my car (except for a replacement radiator cap) is all factory.

I just got a 96 Civic Hatchback 5-Speed not too long ago
I bought it wrecked in the front but after replacing the front bumper cover two headlights and straightening out the left headlight bracket ( My brother used a 4x4 and levered it off of my valve cover) it looks brand new. Im going to get the best suspension, rim/tire, strut tower bar upgrades that my broke self can afford. Im also going to put two 15" VR3s and a Class D two channel 1800 watt power acoustics amp in it.Since its just the D16y8 SOHC v-tec im just going to do bolt on modifications untill i save up enough dough to drop in a B16A in it. :ph34r: Also i am pretty good at system stuff so if any one has questions about that just e-mail me or leave a post and ill reply thaks.