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151 young flu patients have exhibited abnormal behavior | The Japan Times Online

Kyodo News
The health ministry has reported that 151 flu patients up to age 17 demonstrated abnormal behavior between late September and mid-November, including acting violently or uttering gibberish.
Most of the cases are believed to have involved patients with swine flu, and the strange behavior is thought to have occurred regardless of whether they were given the drug Tamiflu, according to a report submitted to a research group at the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry.
The number of cases, coming in a period of less than two months, is already close to the total of 179 seen in all of last year's flu season.
A ministry official said cases this year have been on the rise in line with the spread of the new H1N1 flu and young patients should be watched carefully for at least two days after developing a fever.
Of the 151 patients, it is known that Tamiflu was used in 26 cases, Relenza in 36 and neither of them in 16.
Tamiflu has been banned for use among teenagers out of fear it may cause abnormal behavior, though it can still be used in some cases.

well, on the path to zombies.
This was basically the premise of ZombieLand. Infection, Virus, Mutation then Zombies.
The research says that our best option is to preemptively nuke Japan. Again.... Who the fuck wants to face Japanese Samurai Ninjas???
Ya I hope it is not an immediate transition. If it is slow enough we can stave it off so that we are not in a Left 4 Dead style situation.
do you deal with japanese people, ones that have recently come from japan? or frequent it often along with your restaurant?

if yes, then yes, you are in immediate danger.

if you only deal with japanese that have no actual immediate ties with the country, then no, i would say you are safe.

but, you should still keep a strong eye and ear out, any funny noises or behavior, do not hesitate to grab a knife and take care of business.
We deal with a lot of Japanese tourists and business men. I guess I will have to start carrying my gun to work now. This sucks, I will probably miss out on a lot of tips if I start gunning down customers, but I guess its better then having my brains eaten.
if anything it means bigger tips, gun them down, take their wallet, if no cash, go ahead and swipe it. leave yourself a huge tip, then carefully dispose of the body.