Enjoy The Draft

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Has anyone seen Team America: World Police? Find the hiden meaning in the movie. The American dream has died. We've turned into something the likes of a Jehova's witness. Going door to door looking for trouble. I blame it on any public entities such as actors and the like. Because of their idiocy, the public opinion looked to the Middle East because it's not as good as America. And because the public turned an eye to the M.E., politicians did too, and noticed a little bugger called Terrorism. Now, I'm pretty sure ten years ago you could ask a random person on the street "Do you care if a few innocent Iraqi's got blown to pieces last night?" and that person would say "Hell no... I got laid/paid/drunk last night."
When no one gave a shit as to what was going on in another persons country, everyone benefited. Iraq had a higher population, America didn't have Michael Moore (in the spotlight), and French Fries were French Fries! Bring up 9/11 all you want. I blame the media.

I keep hearing this "war creates jobs" thing and I have yet to see it. Guess I'm not already rich enough. Yes, the country is always in debt and now the debt is at its worst point. This is a ridiculous amount of money to spend on this "war". Yes, those police and fire stations just don't need funding...neither do schools for that fact. And while we're at it, let's let our own people starve to death while we go play world hero. Then on top of that, we can just say "fuck it" to SSI. Yep, sounds like a great way to run a country. Oh and imagine that, some people actually need a helping hand once in a while. Damn us liberals and actually caring about the people that are in our own country, first.
[post=412833]Quoted post[/post]​

Its a fact that a wartime economy creates jobs because so many new things have to be produced and bought. Although theres not as many jobs as a usual wartime economy because the war isnt on a full out scale, its more of a small skirmish right now. If we just slammed them hard, went all out for 3 months and then got the hell out of there we'd be fine.

And yes, I personally believe that as a nation we should bother more about domestic affairs than foreign affairs but thats just not the nature of our nation and not what the forefathers would have wanted. I personally rather that we not deal with any other countries shit but then whats going to happen to trade relations, or fighting in other nations, genocides, war crimes, etc., etc. It sucks that we HAVE to help other countries out but helping our own people out puts us in the same kind of debt and doesnt secure our place in the world.

His mistakes have cost the lives of thousands of innocent people, not to mention our own soldiers. Walk it off.

It seems that you completely ignore common sense in all of your arguments.
[post=412837]Quoted post[/post]​

And vietnam costs thousands of lives, along with world war I, and world war II. Hell the civil war cost more lives than all of those combined but hey I guess we should've just left it alone and allowed the democrat party - the party of slavery - have there way and slavery. Thats the same as saying that we should allow Sadaam to gas his own people and commit genocide. It may not have happened in our nation but its still a terrible issue that needs to be addressed. So you walk it off, pal.

Minorities and other liberals forget so quickly that it was the democrats that didnt view them as people, the democrats that helped slavery along for so long.
you ass hat

that was before the political parties switched
the democrats that were for slavery turned into the modern day republican party

Thats the same as saying that we should allow Sadaam to gas his own people and commit genocide. It may not have happened in our nation but its still a terrible issue that needs to be addressed.

sure its terrible, and should be addressed, but we went to war for WMD's not genocide from a fucking decade ago... get that through your skull for the love of god
The prospect of dying overseas at my age right now isn't too appealing, but if I were called upon and served and died for a good cause, it would be an honor. If you think otherwise hug a tree.

so you call a war based on NON EXISTANT WMD's a good cause?
oh but wait, now the justification is saddam is a bad man, JUST LIKE HE'S BEEN FOR HOW MANY DECADES?
i refuse to fight for a war based on money and oil...
if its a good cause then so be it, but no good cause will ever come from bush and his team of unethical money hungry businessmen
Originally posted by reckedracing@Nov 9 2004, 10:17 AM
you ass hat

that was before the political parties switched
the democrats that were for slavery turned into the modern day republican party

Thats the same as saying that we should allow Sadaam to gas his own people and commit genocide. It may not have happened in our nation but its still a terrible issue that needs to be addressed.

sure its terrible, and should be addressed, but we went to war for WMD's not genocide from a fucking decade ago... get that through your skull for the love of god
[post=414177]Quoted post[/post]​

We went after Sadaam for a vast array of reasons, regardless of what the general public was told. The treatment of his people was obviously a major cause.

No the parties did not 'switch' in terms of their standpoint regarding slavery. The parties may have 'switched' on issues but the Republican party never supported slavery, period. The modern day Republican party obviously supports big business but the party never stood for slavery as did the democratic party.

My view on the government. Pave my roads and leave me the heck alone. I can get a job, I can pay for my own stuff. I dont need to leach of the government to do well for myself and no I dont come from a lot of money just a middle class family. Some of us are still hardworkers and believe we should do it on our own rather than have a hand out. Thats what the democratic party stands for, "Hey, if you cant do it...we'll set up a program to do it for you" and guess what those programs come from the tax dollars of others thay may just fall into a shitty tax bracket and not have enough money to be that well off but have too much money that they're out of the avg tax bracket. Modern day America seems to think that everyone's status should be equal, and everyone should do well regardless of all else. Perhaps they should vote for a socialist canidate. I for one don't believe that everyone should be equal, if you want something in life get off your ass and make it for yourself.

If you weren't looking for a handout you wouldn't vote democrat now would you?
[/end rant]
Originally posted by reckedracing@Nov 9 2004, 10:22 AM
The prospect of dying overseas at my age right now isn't too appealing, but if I were called upon and served and died for a good cause, it would be an honor. If you think otherwise hug a tree.

so you call a war based on NON EXISTANT WMD's a good cause?
oh but wait, now the justification is saddam is a bad man, JUST LIKE HE'S BEEN FOR HOW MANY DECADES?
i refuse to fight for a war based on money and oil...
if its a good cause then so be it, but no good cause will ever come from bush and his team of unethical money hungry businessmen
[post=414180]Quoted post[/post]​

Yes Saddam has always been a bad man and he should have been removed from power a long while ago. We failed at an assisination attempt on him during the Gulf War. its always been my point that he should have been taken out of power.

What does it matter which president takes him out of power as long as he's taken out of power?

And go listen to Michael Moore some more about "bush and his team of unethical money hungry businessmen".

The world is driven by money, if it wasn't we'd still be a barter and trade society. If you haven't figured that out, you're a moron. So get the fuck over it or continue to live in your la-la land.
We went after Sadaam for a vast array of reasons, regardless of what the general public was told.

no shit...

slavery was how many decades ago? how is this relevant to todays politics at all???
and i;m pretty sure neither republicans or democrats stand for slavery now

If you weren't looking for a handout you wouldn't vote democrat now would you?
i;m not looking for a handout

"Hey, if you cant do it...we'll set up a program to do it for you"

you truly are the most ignorant person i've ever tried to have a meaningful political conversation with...
Yes Saddam has always been a bad man and he should have been removed from power a long while ago. We failed at an assisination attempt on him during the Gulf War. its always been my point that he should have been taken out of power.

What does it matter which president takes him out of power as long as he's taken out of power?

And go listen to Michael Moore some more about "bush and his team of unethical money hungry businessmen".

The world is driven by money, if it wasn't we'd still be a barter and trade society. If you haven't figured that out, you're a moron. So get the fuck over it or continue to live in your la-la land.

i've already stated i have not seen 9/11, can you read???

and lets see bush get public approval for a war based upon "SADDAM BEING A BAD MAN"
it would never happen, bullshit
he scared the public making them think saddam had links to bin laden and that saddam had the capability to use nukes or other WMD's against us...

and no shit the world is driven by money
did you? are you profitting from this war?
we are not the people getting the spoils of this war where our young comrades are dying...

seriously dude, you talk a lot of smack and say i live in a la-la-land, but you are the one thinking we went to war for a just cause, and you are the one thinking bush and his friends aren;t making money hand over fist while the GENERAL american public gets fucked in the ass

this war was an oil grab, as proved by the oil ministry being protected before the iraqi people that we were suspossed to be fighting to liberate...
Originally posted by DarkHand@Nov 9 2004, 10:26 AM
Was trying to look for another die thread die thread, but this one will suffice. :D


[post=414204]Quoted post[/post]​

Texas says fuck you, buddy.
Can't you people see past your noses?

It's not about the draft, or the war, or even the economy anymore... This has turned into the Christian Conservative rise-to-power. I am frightened.
Originally posted by Battle Pope@Nov 9 2004, 11:08 AM
Can't you people see past your noses?

It's not about the draft, or the war, or even the economy anymore... This has turned into the Christian Conservative rise-to-power. I am frightened.


I think that's the point I've been trying to get across to everyone I talk about this with, just stated much more efficiently. :D
I think it's kinda funny how the past 10 years or so, the powers that be have been shifting our country into a more conservative state. There is a large wealth of Christian Conservatives out there who will campaign/vote for any moral or religious issue that strikes them. Notably the success of the 11-state gay marriage ban. IMO, the republicans have been setting this up for a very long time, and it's finally coming full-circle with Bush's reelection. Let's face it: Bush won pretty much because he has aligned himself and his party with the christian conservative movement. 4 years ago, the popular vote was much closer because Bush hadn't found his untapped pool of popular votes. Of course, in retrospect, the christian conservatives say, "Wow, this works out well", because now the middle class ones can say, "I'm supporting my religious beliefs", and the upper-class ones can say, "Wow! Supporting my beliefs AND a big tax break!"

I find it funny how as soon as extreme liberals get on the media or into power, they are criticized for their tolerance, lack of defined morals, and general "flip-flopping" attitude. Yet, when a GOP zealot gets into power, nobody seems to mind too much their promoting intolerance, bigotry, and "let the rich get richer" attitude.

I currently have little faith in either party - which is why I hate the "vote or die" campaign. "I didn't vote and I didn't die! Fuck you, P. Diddy!"

EDIT: Holy shit that's long. guess I just had to get it out there...
Originally posted by Battle Pope@Nov 9 2004, 12:08 PM
Can't you people see past your noses?

It's not about the draft, or the war, or even the economy anymore... This has turned into the Christian Conservative rise-to-power. I am frightened.
[post=414220]Quoted post[/post]​

Its always been that way, thats how this country was formed. You shouldn't be anymore frightened than with any other president in office. They can't do everything themselves.

I'm not saying this because I'm religious, because infact I'm non practicing but just feel its nice to have a president with some morals that will take a standpoint rather than some lying bumbling asshole.

Bush may not be the best but hey atleast he'll tell you where he stands and tell you to your face. Other presidents so much shit has occured behind the scene that the general public will never find out about. I just think its ironic that people talk about Bush's hidden agenda when he's a simple person and isn't the type of guy that would take the time or intelligence to lie to you...he'd just tell you what he felt flat out, like he does with the media time and time again.
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