ever dry hump a chair???

  • Thread starter Thread starter eg6sir
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Did you see the chick in the paisey SPANK THE SHIT out of that thing ? I'm sorry man, I need a cigarette.
See that ? SEE THAT ?!? We've got tons of people reading this thread, no one responding - they're too busy fapping.
when i seen it first, i was literally laughing out loud
Holly shit!, the dude in the begining on the right is totally molesting that shit(chair).

See that ? SEE THAT ?!? We've got tons of people reading this thread, no one responding - they're too busy fapping.
If people are beating it to this yall got issues.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure I would fuck a chair.

But dude, it's a chair - I mean where is it gonna go in ?

Go in ? You need to open your mind, man. Sex is all in your mind. IF you were hypnotized to think that the chair was a beautiful woman, what's the big deal ? I mean it's a private thing anyway ?

Well, ok I... No. No way would I fuck a chair.

No, dude - it's cool. I mean you're in an auditorium FULL of people fucking their own chairs. Everyone is down with it.

Only if everyone else had to be hypnotised too then. And no cameras !

No .. No cameras then. No one wants to film you stickin it to yer old lady anyway. You're a sick dude.

How am I sick ?

You fuck chairs!
ok... i did that when i was 12. old news.... but i couldn't watch the video. i'm responding to the title, really. hahaha granted it was not for pleasure, more for making an idiot of myself... but... yea.