Getting modern warfare 2 this week!!!!!!!

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i didnt have my mic plugged in or i would have LOL'd at them..
New map pack drops tomorrow kids, don't forget.
Shit I always miss the double xp. I will have to get on tonight.

Off topic: Hondadude what part of GA do you spend time in?
ok this just blew my mind:

1,285 replies 19,780 views

(that's for this thread, as of right, now as i post this)

now for illustration and clarity, here's what a "hot" mechanically-related thread has accumulated elsewhere on this site:

146 replies 13,605 views

(entitled "OBDII 97 EK swap to B18B1 non-vtec")

does anyone else here see my point?? lmao

ok to be more blunt:


We are all in the garage...We just have more to say about COD. I say to you pick up a controller and get to shootin.
actually not shooting but swinging a bat

We are all in the garage...We just have more to say about COD. I say to you pick up a controller and get to shootin.

yep, after i finished writing that statistical masterpiece you see up there, i snapped shut my netbook and ran down to the basement to fire up the Wii and knock some ''outta da park" in Wii baseball, a few hours later, i was still thinking about what tools i need to buy to start working on my Honda, but the Wii wand hadn't magically transformed into a wrench yet:huh:, now lest you take me for a sports nut, my little brother and i used to play Medal of Honor (sorry, gotta say its my favorite shoot em up of ALL TIME, wait, except for that ludicrous old game called Loaded (known as Blood Factory in Japan) from the 90s.:D

''Loaded was noted in many reviews for its violence; everything living encountered by the player must be killed, often resulting in explosions of gore. On June 29, 1996, Loaded was put on the infamous German index by the BPjS'' Wikipedia
Post 44 minutes ago:

Resurgence Package for #MW2 is now live - it may take a few hours to show for everyone. I'll be playing all-day in the Resurgence Playlists!
been using the ACR a little again, since i unlocked it today.. it takes getting used to after using the m16 so much.. i'll have to switch up between the 2
found the problem on mine, its not in the market its at the main menu right before you start the game
if you buy this pack, do you get the maps from pack #1?

i have a feeling this is going to be lame. i still play with people who haven't bought the first pack yet.
too damn expensive.. i'd rather spend another $30 and get a new game.. i'm perfectly content w/ the original maps.. lol ..