How do you adjust your mirrors on your car?

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I've been using that method for years. Makes a big difference. Any car coming up on my left or right directly transitions to the corresponding mirror from the rear view. Basically figure 3 and 4 in that article.

The only trouble I have is telling how close I am to the curb when parallel parking. So having power Mirrors I can just adjust to see quite easily.
pretty much fig 1/3/4
been doing it like that for years
cant see the side of my car unless my head is just about on the window
usually adjusted almost or all the way out
there is no point that i cant see a car around me

drives me insane when i have to drive a car with the side of the car taking up half the fucking mirror
I have the mirrors adjusted out to the point of a small sliver of the car is viable less than 1/16 when sitting with my head against the seat. When i drive though i lean forward for some reason so the mirrors give a "wider" view. I feel like i need the reference point. then again its now a 11 year long habit....
I've been using that method for years. Makes a big difference. Any car coming up on my left or right directly transitions to the corresponding mirror from the rear view. Basically figure 3 and 4 in that article.

The only trouble I have is telling how close I am to the curb when parallel parking. So having power Mirrors I can just adjust to see quite easily.

Your passenger mirror doesn't adjust down at less than 5mph or on a toggle?

It's a nice feature to have
I put the handle in the lower inside corner of the mirror, then adjust out just passed where I can see part of the car. I'd guess I'm somewhere in the middle the these 2 techniques. Might have to try the recommended one. I always look though. Been looking over my shoulder before changing lanes for nearly 12 years. Doubt my mirror position would change that.
I've got mine adjusted pretty far out, pretty much the same as E. Although, I always glance over my shoulder, whether I think about it or not - became a habit from racing bikes (and crashing into them).
will have to try out this method. i don't do much highway driving, and always have my side mirrors pointed behind me for cop identification purposes.
will have to try out this method. i don't do much highway driving, and always have my side mirrors pointed behind me for cop identification purposes.

I'm the opposite in that I do nearly all highway driving, but the same in that my side mirrors are more for cop identification than anything else. :)

I found this SAE method on my own but could never get used to it, so I went back to the regular setup.
With my Xterra, the rearview mirror position is determined by the back window... the field of view pretty much perfectly fits it. The side mirror I have adjusted to where I can just barely catch a glimpse of the rear quarter panel as a reference point. However the orientation changes if im towing a boat (pretty often) I tend to adjust them in and down more when towing.
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I am pretty close to being in the middle of the two. But I will be adjusting my mirrors to match figure 1 and 4 to give it a go.
I've been using this basically. However I always make a head check unless I'm moving faster than all the other cars on the road...
Didn't change my set-up, but assessed the situation this morning. My rear view is pointed way more to the passenger side. This causes my driver's side to barely share any field of vision with it, but the passenger has a lot of overlap. Think I'm going to try this way on the way home and see.
It is a little weird not indexing off of my car while looking at my wing mirrors. I do about 95% city driving these days so it will take some time to see if i have them setup correctly to track vehciles behind me moving over to pass.
My mirrors you can barely see the side of the car... but I also have little fish eye mirrors I stick there... makes blind spots and parking a breeze
I owe you guys for this one. I had the chance to get on yesterday, saw this post and adjusted mine to 1-3-4. Talk about a HUGE help and difference when it down poured today. Had my mirrors not been re-adjusted to 3 and 4, driving in the crazy rain we had yesterday would have been hell. This was a great post. Thank you.
Brian! How are you man? I'm digging this new format. It's so nice on my cell phone. Seriously though, this was a great article and am spreading the general concept around like wild fire. It took me very little time to adjust to the new angles and I have to say it is definitely awesome and makes a lot of sense. Thanks again for posting.