I hate the people in this country

  • Thread starter Thread starter JimJewy
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This weekend was one of those ones you never want to live. I went home from CFB Kingston to my gf house in London. about 4 hours of driving. There was a major accident and as an army personal in Canada we are required to stop. I was helping the cops dirrect traffic when a motorist rolled down his window and spit right in my face. I was too shocked to do anything. I brushed it off and a cop gave me rag to wipe my face with. Then about ten minutes latter someone women starts screaming at me calling me a baby killer. Like fuck off. I bust my ass of to try and help these live the lives they do but they don't care. When i finally got home and made my way to the scrap yard, I found out that they wanted 1700 for a B16a2 that had extreme electrical damage. I told them not a chance in hell. Now i see my tires have been slashed. This shit has got to get better. It can't get worse.
That blows man. Why do they hate army personnel in Canada so much? :unsure:
The problem in my mind comes a lot with the fact people don't really know or want to know what it is like to be us. The first thing that gets cut in the government is defense. We have a lot of university kids protest and yell at us because their Prof told them to. I try to reason with them but they "know everything"
ya hoosers!!

canada sucks. only good thing ever to come out of canada was "strange brew".

best movie ever.
America Junior. The united states 51st state.

LoL Maybe your new PM will actually capitolize from the ties that you guys have with the US, instead of revolting like the previous old fart PM did that just left office.
perhaps there's a reason for it. if the people aren't happy, they won't like you or anyone else in goverment. perhaps its not your fault or remotely in your control- but we're speaking on general levels here.
damnit u guys are dumb, dude the reason u got spit and yelled at is b/c canada is a peace loving country. we are like britian and alot of our citizans hate wars, b/c they solve nothing. to sisteve, i would rather die than move to the USA, u are cocky and arrogant(sp?) and need to rethink ur approach on everything, cause unlike what u believe not everything MUST be solved by war. The reason our old PM totally blew off the US, was b/c u called us traitors for not sending all of our troups into Afganistan. and to Pissedoffsol, our people are happy, if u havent seen the movie " bowling for Columbine" go watch it, u guys have nearly 100 times our death rate, i dont remember the last time my family locked my door, b/c we feel safe, we are always friendly, and when we go on vacation, we wear a Canada Flag on our backpacks ( which u USA'ers bitched about in the news telling us we are cocky) so that we arent seen as americans, b/c on trips americans get treated like shit( I went to england for rugby, and in a bar the guy thought we were americans, and gave us shitty ass service till he heard us talking to another English rugby team, and we said we were from canada, then he bought the team shot's)

Canada Pride!
Canada: Like a shitty one bedroom loft over a great party.

Canada: Leading the world in being just north of the United States.

I love how the rest of the world supposedly hates us, but relies on us for everything, from providing aid to third world countries to saving the rest of the world's ass from despots and dictators. I really do sometimes wish that we would take a completely isolationist policy toward the rest of the world, and then have one big nationwide betting process through the bookies in Las Vegas to see in what order the rest of the world comes crying to us, and how soon it takes.
Originally posted by SleEPeR_CRX@Dec 16 2003, 01:29 PM
damnit u guys are dumb, dude the reason u got spit and yelled at is b/c canada is a peace loving country. we are like britian and alot of our citizans hate wars, b/c they solve nothing. to sisteve, i would rather die than move to the USA, u are cocky and arrogant(sp?) and need to rethink ur approach on everything, cause unlike what u believe not everything MUST be solved by war. The reason our old PM totally blew off the US, was b/c u called us traitors for not sending all of our troups into Afganistan. and to Pissedoffsol, our people are happy, if u havent seen the movie " bowling for Columbine" go watch it, u guys have nearly 100 times our death rate, i dont remember the last time my family locked my door, b/c we feel safe, we are always friendly, and when we go on vacation, we wear a Canada Flag on our backpacks ( which u USA'ers bitched about in the news telling us we are cocky) so that we arent seen as americans, b/c on trips americans get treated like shit( I went to england for rugby, and in a bar the guy thought we were americans, and gave us shitty ass service till he heard us talking to another English rugby team, and we said we were from canada, then he bought the team shot's)

Canada Pride!

Are you kidding me? When did I EVER mention war in my post about canada. Not once. Wars Do solve problems however they create others in the aftermath. We did not call Canada "traitors" All the U.S. did was ask for support, into which your previous Prime Minister blatenly said no to. Did we fuss about it, No. Did you guys make it a big deal, yes.

Oh and I forgot, Bowling for Columbine is the leader of all democratic society references in relation to statistics regarding death rate and such.

How about looking at all the facts before spouting your opinions.
fuck canada..i had no dislikes towards canada still sleepppperrr crx opened his mouth...if thats how u canada fucks r then fuck you and canada Eh? you frenchie wannabe's. american girls shave their armpits

:puke: canada

America is better than canda in every aspect. better everything. canada's sports teams even suck..even hockey..y? because they will get paid more in the US. and get more fame and bitches.. america could conquer canada in 6 hrs.
Wars do lots of things to help. One such thing is to rejuvinate the economy. When supplies need to increase, so do the workers. Unemployment decreases. Casualties are just a part of war. Everyone knows that... everyone should live with that.

I can't help the Canadians go hug trees for a living.

Side note: It's gonna be interesting to see what happens to the French whenever Saddam talks about where weapons came from when nothing was to go into Iraq. No wonder THEY didn't want to go to Iraq.

:ot: but.....Why is dome on Rev's sn?

And yes, I go to canada a few times a year. I like it there as a vacation spot, but yes, that's rediculus, with the spitting, slashing of tires, etc.

Like Sisteve said, its AMERICA JUNIOR.
Originally posted by Slammed89Integra@Dec 16 2003, 07:02 PM
:ot: but.....Why is dome on Rev's sn?

And yes, I go to canada a few times a year. I like it there as a vacation spot, but yes, that's rediculus, with the spitting, slashing of tires, etc.

Like Sisteve said, its AMERICA JUNIOR.

to answer your offtopic.. i live up here now.. and it is easier to just post under his name, sign my name to it then log him off, sign me in, reply, then log me out, sign him in, so he can look around.
you guys need to move outa the USA and see ur country from someone else's eye.

also, not all canadians are french. i dont speak french, but saying " fucking french canadians" just shows how stupid u really are, and can't let another culture in your country.

h22abubbleback, u arent even worth waisting my time.

All the U.S. did was ask for support, into which your previous Prime Minister blatenly said no to. Did we fuss about it, No. Did you guys make it a big deal, yes.

y would u need our support? u went and did it anyway, and u obviously dont need our army to help? maybe its cause we are actually GOOD at talking things out instead of just blowing the shit outa everything?
Originally posted by SleEPeR_CRX@Dec 16 2003, 04:27 PM
just shows how stupid u really are, and can't let another culture in your country.

are you fucking kidding me? do you have any idea how many cultures are in the US? i think that statement shows your own ignorance. EH?