Just finished my first website

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I'vE been taking a dreamweaver class, and the semester project was to build our own site. I decided to make one for my photography to eventally have it set up to sell my work. I thought I'd post up here to get some feedback on it. The contact page has the send button disabled because the site is hosted on a free tripod domain for the time being. As soon as I get it up on a real host that supports php it will be working. Ignore the terrible source code, dreamweaver seems to throw it in there with no formatting, I'll have to spend some time cleaning it up.

Anyway, here is the link
Homepage | Photography by Dustin L. Michelson
Thats really good. Im quite impressed to be honest. My only critique would be to shorten the highlighting on the menu bar, but really that's it. I'm quite surprised at how good your first effort is :thumbsup:

My wife is shouting in my ear that 'Dreamweaver does all that for you in the new versions' and what i say to that for all the nay sayers (NAY!!!!) is that if you can use the tools that are given to you well, then more power to you.
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Thats really good. Im quite impressed to be honest. My only critique would be to shorten the highlighting on the menu bar, but really that's it. I'm quite surprised at how good your first effort is :thumbsup:

My wife is shouting in my ear that 'Dreamweaver does all that for you in the new versions' and what i say to that for all the nay sayers (NAY!!!!) is that if you can use the tools that are given to you well, then more power to you.

I like how you take like one sentence out of everything I said and then tell everyone in a way that makes me sound like a jerk. I am going to eat your soul mister, so sleep with one eye open. <3

@ creator of that site.... nice work for your first time to the rodeo :)
^^BUSTED. HA!! Repped her up!

Couple of tips to the OP:

Pay for hosting so you can get rid of those horrible banners across the top. Takes all of the class out of the site.. Otherwise it looks good, clean, simple.. You can get good hosting with a shopping cart and all of that good stuff for like $12 a month these days..

Much larger water marks on all of the pics so people can't use them or rip them off. Your marks are good for sales and prints, but you need a big one to more or less render the photos unusable until they are purchased.

Several great pics in there.. :thumbsup:
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Yeah, now I'm going to tear it apart..

You have the pricing list under "about".. In a customer mindset, I clicked a picture, it brought it up bigger, I liked it.. I scrolled down for pricing.. and there wasn't any, or any link to pricing, or any instructions on obtaining a copy.. So I clicked it, and it was just a picture. An amazing picture, but none the less, I had to back track and dig around to find a pricing list, and even then, there was no way to actually purchase the thing. I guess I email you and hope for a response? What do I refer to the picture as? There is no stock number, no title, nothing..

As a guy looking looking at pictures, the site is very nice. As a customer, it is horrible.

I mean this criticism in the most positive way possible.. Just trying to help out.
I decided to make one for my photography to eventually have it set up to sell my work.
guess he hasnt gotten to that point yet
Thanks for the responses. I do need to get a link up there to my pricing on each photo. I put the pricing page under "About" because I feel it fits there better than it does under "Gallery", I think a link would be better than moving the page over to the gallery section.

I honestly haven't worked out titles yet for all the photos, so that's why there's nothing there, but I know about it and it's the next thing I'm going to work on. I'm taking 17 units right now, and there's one week of school left. I still gotta write a bunch of shit out for my C++ and Java classes, do two essays for an art class, plus take finals in all of them before this coming Saturday. The website's not due till Saturday also, but I wanted to get it 99% done so that I can mess with the little details of it this week and not really worry much about it.

The hosting's gonna have to wait until around Feb. because I'm broke as hell right now, but it will get done at some point. Anyone care to recommend a good host to use? Also, where should I buy the domain from, GoDaddy?

Oh, reikoshea, what do you mean about the highlighting on the menu bar, I'm not seeing it. You mean make it only highlight the part right above the submenu and not the whole things? If so, I'm not sure that I can do it with the way it's set up. I did that menu bar using Spry and have them each set to 25% of the width. I didn't see any way to put spacing between them so that I can make them not so wide, but maybe I just need to do some more reading up on it.
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Looks like a first website. Welcome to the world of websites, it can only get better from here.

godaddy.com you can get a domain and host for I'm guessing 50-60 bucks for the year. all of my websites are on godaddy and I've never had down time, they also offer 24/7 tech support and have been GREAT everytime I've called them at 3am, great CS by far!

You can skip hosting and allow SmugMug Photo & Video Sharing. You look better here. to host your pictures as with handle the money transactions, they also print! however you will still need a domain to point to your website or host your own site and have smugmug be apart of it on your hosting end. They're not cheap but its a great option if you want to make money and it still looks pro.

If you want to handle all the money yourself and don't mind having to do more of the work building the site you can get simple viewer its something like 100k in size, it will allow you to build your own galleries.

Check out my site, I put it up more so to host pictures then to sell anything. We'll go out, take lots of pictures of the night friends/family then upload it to the site, then pass it to friends for them to see. Makes for easy picture sharing with zero ads, zero BS. most of my images are not listed on the website I just send the link of where it's located.

My picture website is


all about being clean!
I got the SimpleViewer files, but haven't really worked with it yet. I also was looking at using JAlbum with the fotoplayer skin, but again, haven't taken the time to work with it to see if I want to use it or not. I've looked at SmugMug, and it's eventually what I want to use, but at $150/year it's not possible right now.

I just added the link to the pricing page to all of the necessary pages too.
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Thanks for the responses. I do need to get a link up there to my pricing on each photo. I put the pricing page under "About" because I feel it fits there better than it does under "Gallery", I think a link would be better than moving the page over to the gallery section.

I honestly haven't worked out titles yet for all the photos, so that's why there's nothing there, but I know about it and it's the next thing I'm going to work on. I'm taking 17 units right now, and there's one week of school left. I still gotta write a bunch of shit out for my C++ and Java classes, do two essays for an art class, plus take finals in all of them before this coming Saturday. The website's not due till Saturday also, but I wanted to get it 99% done so that I can mess with the little details of it this week and not really worry much about it.

The hosting's gonna have to wait until around Feb. because I'm broke as hell right now, but it will get done at some point. Anyone care to recommend a good host to use? Also, where should I buy the domain from, GoDaddy?

Oh, reikoshea, what do you mean about the highlighting on the menu bar, I'm not seeing it. You mean make it only highlight the part right above the submenu and not the whole things? If so, I'm not sure that I can do it with the way it's set up. I did that menu bar using Spry and have them each set to 25% of the width. I didn't see any way to put spacing between them so that I can make them not so wide, but maybe I just need to do some more reading up on it.

Yeah, thats exactly what i meant, put spacing between the menu sections. I'll take a look after football and see if i can help.
k, maybe you were right. Its the SpryMenuBarHorizontal.css

i figured it'd be a smaller issue to fix than it actually is, so I'm just gonna leave it alone.
Just wanted to say I think this photo is AMAZING
Just wanted to say I think this photo is AMAZING

And this is why phyre said the watermark wasn't big enough. Luckily tripod has rules in place to prevent referring to images from a non-tripod URL.
And this is why phyre said the watermark wasn't big enough. Luckily tripod has rules in place to prevent referring to images from a non-tripod URL.

I love linking pictures from my site so if anyone likes it they will right click and find the location so they can look at more and hopefully bring that much more traffic to my site.

I hate big watermarks in the end they dont matter, they can ALWAYS be taken out.


is mine big enough? lol