Mcdonald's Rant

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These snozzberries taste like snozzberries...
I NEVER eat at mcdonalds. It has probably been over a year. Acually, i never eat the food, i get ice cream once in a while from there. I decided that i worked out pretty well this week and would have a cheat day. mmmmmm, greasy fat food. So i order a quarter pounder with cheese, go large with a coke and a 4 piece nugget. AAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGG!!!!!!!

Total comes to $8.10. when the fuck did mcdonalds cost $8??? I could have bought a burger at Red Robin and had all you can eat steak fries for that. what a rip off.

So i open the bag, the "Go Large" fries are fucking weak. I get a 2/3 full container of cold chips of fries. I guess i was hoping to get an overflowing carton of hot, long, crispy fries. good luck

I get to my 1/4 pounder. My fucking Royale w/cheese. fucking shit was not royale. it looked like they took the 1/4 patty and put it on the regular hamburger bun. the shit was sticking out all around the bun. it was fucking horrible.

So i finally get to the nuggets. remember the old nuggets. before it was the "all white meat"? well, it was like those. rock solid turds that were dry as fuck. i had to soak them in bbq sauce so i could chew them.

Carl's Jr is my favorite by far. Burger king is good too. we don't have many options here in washington. no in and out, no sonic, we are screwed. Bah, i'm never going back there again.
lol I am eating Mc'y D's now actually and I must agree....if the food wasn't given to me I wouldn't eat it, mcdonalds ftl!
You could have that experience at any fast food joint.
Over all the food quality is better a Burger King but going to any fast food place is FTL.

I think mcds has 2oz burgers so if you want to get full you need to eat 4 of them.


Going some where else for real food FTW
You could have that experience at any fast food joint.
Over all the food quality is better a Burger King but going to any fast food place is FTL.

I think mcds has 2oz burgers so if you want to get full you need to eat 4 of them.


Going some where else for real food FTW
I guess i was just expecting the same shit i sued to get. now it's fucking garbage. cost cuts and poor service make food just shit. our economy sucks, everything is expensive, quality is diminishing. fucking world is going to shit.
I guess i was just expecting the same shit i sued to get. now it's fucking garbage. cost cuts and poor service make food just shit. our economy sucks, everything is expensive, quality is diminishing. fucking world is going to shit.

My coworkers get MCDs all the time, and its no different then what I remember. Even price isn't all that bad. If you only buy a normal burger with small fry and med soda.
When I was a kid I loved it, I was always happy with a single burger and fries. Now it takes 4 burgers and a large fry to make me somewhat happy huger wise, Thats why it seems so high priced..

As far as everything being crap, like the hard chicken nugs, thats because of the store, they were sitting around and you got the end of the batch.

Fries not being filled thats not MCDs thats the dumbass who filled the container. Should you blame it on MCDs, or the manager whos working at that privately owned MCDs?

Call the 800 # to MCDs and bitch, I bet you'll get free food outta it.
true, i think i went to a shitty place. but i think if scarred me. if you went to a bad restaurant in NY and you saw it in cali, you would go somewhere else.
true, i think i went to a shitty place. but i think if scarred me. if you went to a bad restaurant in NY and you saw it in cali, you would go somewhere else.

Yup but you're talking about a major chain that has served how many billions of people?
you should have gotten an angus burger
they're actually kind of decent

i always get chicken nuggets or just a couple hamburgers
kind of hard for them to fuck that up
ask for extra pickle, or fresh off the grill so they don't give you a brick
you should have gotten an angus burger
they're actually kind of decent

i always get chicken nuggets or just a couple hamburgers
kind of hard for them to fuck that up
ask for extra pickle, or fresh off the grill so they don't give you a brick
i always ask for "no onions" so its fresh. i got the 1/4 pounder out of tradition. i used to get it all the time.
Yup but you're talking about a major chain that has served how many billions of people?
Mcdonalds is like Jenna Jameson. Just because it has served billions, doesn't mean it's good to eat.
It's fast food, you want better go to local owned sit down restaurant.

Your getting served by probably a bunch of kids who break their back for just over minimum wage. You want the food fast and cheap and high quality, rarley does this ever happen at the same time. The food has to be cheap, alot of people like me, just get the $1 menu items, cheaper food makes it more profitable.

And drive thrus, half the time they can't even hear you. I don't know how many times I have gone through one and they give me one item and I really wanted two.
I stopped going to MCD's a while ago after having an altercation with the manager on-duty.

If, IF I want to eat fast food, it's Wendy's, or BK. But it is rarely that I will go for fast food. Subway is usually the norm.

MCD is just proof that marketed correctly, people will pay absurd prices for relative shit. Those burgers, the fries, shit - even the soda is so incomprehensively marked up that you will shit bricks if you saw what MCD's pays for the raw materials.Not to mention that shory of maybe chicken selects, most of the food does indeed taste like ass.
We have a Hardees (I think same as Carls Jr.) and I dont go to McD's unless Im getting coffee and shit for other people.
MCD is just proof that marketed correctly, people will pay absurd prices for relative shit.
same with starbucks. people who know coffee, don't like it. but you can't help the fact that it's on every fucking street corner.
Starbucks is a completely different taste of coffee than others. If you like burnt, bitter coffee, its for you. If you don't, then you don't. I like some of theirs, and some not so much.

I spent 3 years at bk, worked up to morning manager. Honestly, I'd recommend eating there if you want fresh food. We were super anal, and honestly it was a very legitimate place to eat. But the food is horrible for you, so I don't recommend it for that factor. A burger there literally had a 15 minute time limit in the warming trays, and was literally flame broiled, and checked everyday, multiple times a day for consistency. It was a very strict atmosphere actually to serve food that was quality I feel.
I dunno how you can even eat a McDonalds burger in the first place. If I try, I get 3 bites in and start gagging. That shit isn't beef.

If I do go, I get nuggets/Chicken Ranch BLT and a fry, that I make them drop fresh.

Gimme Wendy's anyday of the week.