My continuing EF project

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mostly at home in the middle of nowhere

but i had it down at my apartment complex in center city philly, where it is supposed to be a "secure" lot where only residents who pay for a pass can park
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mostly at home in the middle of nowhere

but i had it down at my apartment complex in center city philly, where it is supposed to be a "secure" lot where only residents who pay for a pass can park
yet another reason why i hate phili. there is seriously like 2 streets that shouldnt be blown up in that fucking city.
how bout it, when my lease runs out im out of here, i dont even care im commuting to school next year on the train

the benefit of saving money by not living in the city and getting cars stolen far outwieghs the hassle to commute

and to make things worse i just added up how much all the parts / stuff ive spent on the car not including the actual car that i purchased
its close to 4k

pew im gonna lose a crazy amount of money

i hope the people who stole this get caught under a gas truck and die
damn man, i never this would have happened to ya, this sucks. you arent alone, its happened to me.
i know, im working on my insurance claim now.... im just hoping i get something decent back that i can buy another car, but im afraid i wont and ill be stuck with no car, no money and be fucked
You can pick up another ED for nothing in my area. And while Imports aren't that common in the western side, they are cheap.

I say give it another try.
yeah, i think im gonna go back to how i started and get another DA

if i get next to nothing my sister has a clean 93 gs that she will sell to me for less than next to nothing.

if i get more from the insurance co ill shop around to maybe find one with a b16 or even get a 92,or 93 gsr like ive always wanted lol

but im still sad but my overwelming desire to finish my turbo project outweighs my feelings for wanting to give up
me too, r5 from lansdale to temple

then i take it to paoli/malvern to my girlfriends place...
well even though my car is gone my boost project lives on ( i bought this before the car got stolen), whatever i buy this stuff will go on

a sweet autometer boost gauge with mount

just found this, a pic i took the day i got the turbo looks nice too bad some fuckers stopped that

and to make things worse it doesnt sound like im gonna get jack shit from my insurance co :mad:
