New Xbox Announcement

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could you build an 8-core system? you could do a dual quad core, but thats considerable expense and not as mainstream for gaming/graphics performance.

most stuff ive seen has been 6-core + HT.
I will stick to my pc for hardcore gaming, but im most deff getting the new xbox for titles such as forza, COD (none of my friends play pc) , and it will be nice to clear un-needed electronics out of my living room that the xbox will take its place, it deff will be worth having just to entertain guest
actually its not really 8-cores, its 2 x "4-core," kabini stuck together where 2 "cores" (modules) share L1 cache, FPU, etc..

anyway, technicalities aside, a 4-core 1.6ghz kabini is as fast as a dual core ivy bridge @ 800mhz.

AnandTech | The AMD Kabini Review: A4-5000 APU Tested

so, no it wont be "8-cores" for that cheap, but a regular i3 2-core ivy bridge will run circles around the jaguar's cpu.

btw: I built a 6-core with HT intel 3930k with 16GB for $500:ph34r:(of course thats with heavy discounts and shopping).

i think $300, $400 max would be an appropriate price for either system mainly due to software/1st party games.
I am not impressed with this yet. My biggest problem with it is the kinnect having to be used. I do not play games that would use the kinnect and I don not want xbox having a live feed in my house. I may switch back to the playstation.
I am not impressed with this yet. My biggest problem with it is the kinnect having to be used. I do not play games that would use the kinnect and I don not want xbox having a live feed in my house. I may switch back to the playstation.

Yeah, that's what I don't get either. The new Kinect sounds pretty cool. From what I'm reading it's quite a bit further advanced than the original one and it seems like you'll be able to do a lot of cool things with it. I just don't get why it needs to be on for the console to function though. Maybe they'll reveal more info about it at E3...
Microsoft really needs to get their shit together and answer a lot of these questions. But what is surprising is no one is asking Sony a lot of the same questions. Minus the Kinect of course. But the online check-in requirements if there is one is not going to be XB1 specific in my opinion.
Microsoft really needs to get their shit together and answer a lot of these questions. But what is surprising is no one is asking Sony a lot of the same questions. Minus the Kinect of course. But the online check-in requirements if there is one is not going to be XB1 specific in my opinion.

Sony said that they never even considered making it a requirement: Sony rules out always-online for PS4 - Report -

What the guy says there is quite interesting actually. He straight-up admits that having the online requirement is a great way to do DRM, but if you make it mandatory then you're shunning customers in certain areas that might not have Internet access or who's parents may not allow them Internet access.

Is Microsoft considering that? I read this this morning: Microsoft: Over 1 Billion Next-Gen Consoles Will be Sold - IGN MS is hoping to sell 100 million of these things. That's not going to happen if they're relying on mostly North American and European sales (and yes, I realize that Japan is a big games market and has the appropriate infrastructure, but look up Xbox 360 sales in Japan - they do not give a FAWK about Xbox).
I really hope that isn't true. I usually bought most of my games used, simply because buying new was too much of a risk and I'd rather rent them first to see if they're even worth owning.
Yeah, for me personally I usually just buy new or wait until the price drops and then, new. I dunno, I'm just anal. I'd rather have a freshly sealed copy of something as opposed to a used one...I mean God knows who owned it before. The disc could have been laying on somebody's bedroom floor for a month with their dog's balls all up on it.

I do trade shit in quite frequently though, so I'll be disappointed if this setup effects what I would receive for my trade-ins in any way.

So far Sony has announced that used games will work on the PS4, but that was all they said. I suppose they could try to implement something like this as well...
Meh, I prally wont be standing in line to pick one up. Only time I ever touch my 360 is to dust it. If it wasnt such a great space filler, itd be in the box in my closet lol.
I'm not impressed with the new Xbox at all. The commercials to me come across like they are advertising a cult almost.
I dont like getting the first batch of anything, so i wont be getting it right away... ill wait a few months before i get it
I'm not impressed with the new Xbox at all. The commercials to me come across like they are advertising a cult almost.

They all want you to join their own special cult. Sony wants you, Google, Apple and Microsoft. That is where the money is. A one time payment for the system is pennies. Getting you to invest in the ecosystem is where the big money is at.
I actually know one of the head guys that is in charge of developing the Xbox one. He's my gf's Aunts husband (Uncle in law? Idk wtf you'd call him).