obama sucks

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assignation posts removed. please don't even talk about that.
I thought some regulation of the securities/investment industry was necessary after savvy businessmen and poor investors laid waste to our financial sector and I even thought the hand picked Harvard graduates and career economists would have a beneficial oversight over the current system. In the end, the government has just proven that yet again, businesses operate in a more efficient manner due to the need to show shareholders a profit. The government on the other hand operates to deplete a budget.

Tax incentive credit for a new homeowner - good.
Government bailout of homeowners that were severely overleveraged - bad.

Trying to mend relationships in the Middle East - good.
Telling everyone they have to be friendly to their neighborhood muslim - bad.

Backing companies so they can perform structured bankruptcies - good.
Bailing out entire companies and throwing more money at the problem - bad.

Forcing renegotiation of union agreements in a time sensitive period for the benefit of the masses - good.
Overstepping legislative bounds and placing unsecured creditors ahead of secured creditors in a bankruptcy - bad.

Regulating top executives compensation within a "reasonable, market appropriate" level - not so bad.
Forcing top executives to take rescue packages or telling them in non-public documents, "If you don't take these bailout funds, we will force you take the funds or replace you." - bad.

Did the administration force BOA (DOW:BAC) to take TARP funds. My step mom and a friend that works at BOA in a very upper level management position swear that BOA did not want anything to do with it and had enough capital to cover their debts.

I haven't found exactly what I'm looking for with this matter, but what I've found is that they did apply and accept TARP funds and haven't paid them back yet. They have raised their Capital for the stress test with unsecured debt, and common stock, but I feel that they did NEED the money, unlike some other organizations such as Wells Fargo whose market capital hasn't decreased to the extent that BOA has.
Did the administration force BOA (DOW:BAC) to take TARP funds. My step mom and a friend that works at BOA in a very upper level management position swear that BOA did not want anything to do with it and had enough capital to cover their debts.

I haven't found exactly what I'm looking for with this matter, but what I've found is that they did apply and accept TARP funds and haven't paid them back yet. They have raised their Capital for the stress test with unsecured debt, and common stock, but I feel that they did NEED the money, unlike some other organizations such as Wells Fargo whose market capital hasn't decreased to the extent that BOA has.

Yes. The meeting was all top level CEOs from the top 8-12 banks iirc. The meeting was with Geithner and one of his number two guys.

Bloomberg was the source.
You've been duped, America.

Isaac Newton: To every action, there is an equal and opposite re-action. Unfortunately the equal and opposite re-action to GWB was not Mccain . . . .

Who watched Obama's victory speech? He claimed he was going to fix everything. Funny how 6mo later he has made everything worse.
This is the biggest reason next to Hondas that I love this forum. No room for ignorance :).

I'm glad I'm 18, now I can put in my 1 vote out of the millions to try to stop Obama's reign of socialism/communism :).

Seriously, and now he wants to give people $4,500 to turn in their clunkers and buy a newer, greener car? Let's see...they couldn't afford anything better than a clunker in the first place, so why not give them a big down payment for a car they obviously can't afford, end up with more bad loans, and of course another huge catastrophe in the transportation market similar to the housing mess which was due to the same liberal form of slavery and oppression through taking advantage of the poor to keep them at the bottom of the financial totem pole by giving them our money to barely get by?

Of course people want a free ride...why work and actually do good for your country and yourself when we the taxpayers got your back you lazy sack of inbred shit? And just keep pumping those profit-creating babies that I have to pay for with my own hard-earned money.

We've been a socialist country ever since welfare, food stamps, and lone star cards came around. Nothing like seeing an illegal drive up to the pump with a brand new car, jewelry, and a cell-phone strapped to her waste, and seeing her pay for it with that lone star card that enables her to have all this stuff with YOUR money, right?

Incase you don't have it, the lone star card is just another form of welfare here in Texas. They give the lazy people the card with your money on it, ready to spend.
He doesn't see that. He sees sales for GM/etc, not bad loans.

he owns GM now, not banks. what does he care if more banks go under?

We've been socialist since FDR. he ruined our country.
That, or the presidents who followed him and constinued his plans that were TEMP needed, but were no longer.
The lies are so thick - "It's free!"

It is a legitimate problem. However, the answer isn't to put more money in the insurance companies' pockets - healthcare should not be prohibitively expensive as it is now.

There's 300 million people in the USA - and the claim is 47 million don't have health insurance/ coverage. That of course means 253 million people DO have it.
Even if we accept the 47 million inflated figure, that's still over 5 to 1 of the HAVES vs the have nots.
So "prohibitively expensive" is only at most, 1/6th of the population, and we are told, many of those are young people who CHOOSE to not buy insurance because they are active and healthy - so an even smaller percentage than 1/6th , the inflated number, and those not buying because of personal choice (very, very important concerning one's own body we are told! One would think that could apply here too, not just to that other "choice", but I guess it's al in whose baby you are goring...) makes the number even smaller.
1/7th or 1/8th. One eighth of 100% is about 12%, and it is likely a LOT of those are illegal aliens in this nation because they chose to be criminals and illegally invade the USA. Furthermore, of that small percentage, BY LAW they are covered in emergency rooms, another government mandate, that caused great expense, that now is used as an excuse to "fix" the "crisis".
Healthcare will get more and more expensive as the years go by, wondruous machines, wondruous drugs, and amazing treatments that far surpass blood sucking leeches, plaster casts and an aspirin and call the Doc in the morning, are now commonplace, becoming more common, and getting very, very expensive,a dn will continue to skyrocket in price, complexity, and AMAZING scientific breakthrough, unless of course....that can be stalled, or reversed, to "save expenses".
The Insurance Companies take the premiums and INVEST them in the world markets, and make more often than not, very good returns over the long run, doubling, quadrupling, and exponentially increasing the economy and the money they have collected to HELP PAY for those that use the insurance.
The government, as you should well know, is "not allowed" and often "does not do it because it's all spent" - invest in the markets... for instance the 4 trillon that SHOULD be in the Social Security lockbox ( and building to 8,10, or 15 trillion since 1982) is merely an empty, now worthless, stack of IOU's, which of course, must be "reimbursed" by people PAYING TAXES AGAIN to "cover it" since the government already has been spending the SS TRUST FUND surplus since 1982 - and every year, without fail since then, they have spent every last dime and then some collected from everyone's paycheck under the SS tax everyone's check program. Since 1982 there has been extra every single year above and beyond SS payments, but the government SPENT IT all anyway in the "general fund", and borrowed more, and more and more, and more.
So, perhaps the dream of the government paying for it all, lowering costs ( I guess if we go back to plaster casts and an aspirin we can lower costs - or maybe we'll just have nothing new and go back 15-25 years and not to Dark Ages treatments), and having it cost ZERO tax dollars, is just such a fairy tale and a fantasy that noone should believe it.
When USA persons get breast enhancement, botox treatments(Kerry), hair plugs (Biden), butt suction, and who knows how many facelifts and wrinkle removals, sports injury repairs, personal trainers, vitamin and "pump up" mixtures, electromobile wheelchairs, electric shower and tub seats, electric van lifts, disabled access at every business in the USA, Prosthetic limbs that are almost becoming "undetectable", that all counts toward "our extraordinary" healthcare costs. Don't forget "seeing the baby in the womb" specialties, special diets, Dietiicians - and on and on and on - many, many, many LUXURIES....
Well just picture Nancy Pelosi @ 300lbs with gray hair and a Helen Thomas pruneface - (of course SHE won't be on "single payer option" - no,only the BEST for the big shot govey- for LIFE, forever, with ZERO co-pay)
I'd like to know how far down the markets will crash if Insurance Co's are destroyed, and how the government will MULTIPLY the $ collected from premiums "in the markets" they just half destroyed. Maybe they'ell bailout all the Insurance Companies they "take over" ? Keep those 5 million or how many ever people employed doing... what exactly ?
Are we going to have 110 million dollar and 30 million dollar CEO's of the government plans, like Howard Raines and Jamie Gorelick of Fannie and Freddie ? Is some party comrade going to get FILTHY RICH on the government programs ?
Do you believe even for one second , in this current political money whore machine in DC, that people won't be raking in hundreds of mililon and billions of the 3 trillion dollars per year we are talking about ? We already KNOW this government pays off banksters and wall street and the biggest bigshots in the entire world of big business - even taking some over with crooked hacks and breaking the bankruptcy laws Congress put in place !
That was a "crisis".
Now it's the next "crisis" - healthcare...
They won't come out and say it will cost TRILLIONS, they claim, including you know whom, it will cost NOTHING - no debt, no deficit, "it's paid for" as the slang goes in DC. There' just isn't a chance at all that is true - the moon would sooner turn into a blue cheese butterfly and flap it's way out of the solar system.
The reason there isn't a chance I'd support the criminal con artists is just that, they are lying, filthy, criminal con artists - and of course they have a golden heart of egalitarian love, that's why they spew thier lies to all our faces.
No, the reason of course is, they can STEAL trillions, have a power trip, claim they "love and care for everyone" - then line their pockets, their friends and families pockets, and their big business, banksters, and other FOREIGNER buddies pockets to beat the band, fly all over the USa and the world to do it, and endlessly praise THEMSELVES for being so "kind" as they live a jetset life of power and prestige and every little minion of the masses bowing and kissing their comrade ring and awaiting their prescence, and deferring to their piehole's spew...
No way.
Not now.
Not tomorrow.
Not until THEY are all gone, and someone speaks and the TRUTH comes out of their yaps, instead of the con artist criminal spew we hear now.
Whine>: Wahhh.. we pay too much for healthcare !! wahhh.... wahhhh
One would think, with all these educated geniuses, proclaiming they have a better way, it would occur to them, that the higher the class, and more sought after, and more exclusive the LOCATION, the more expensive, and 99% of the time, the higher the quality the product is...
I don't know, maybe Obama and the democratic Congress can turn the USA into a crappy pit where noone really wants to be, and then "the dive" can have really cheap products, like not "prohibitively expensive" healthcare that the snooty nosed upper crusty nations have, but some healthcare more approaching half way to the "back alley" version of costs....
One would think the liberal elite was well aware of location, exclusivity, and of course quality of product with those expensive type places those very same people frequent and brag about in their circles as often as possible...
But then maybe they are aware, and they can get more money collected and passed around to themselves in implementation, and stay in their exclusive club or upgrade it, while they "monitor" the minions below in the Mc'aDees ghettoized "for all" version they so kindly forced everyone else not of their pedigree, into.
This post is completely unrelated to the topic at hand, but, who the fuck was that guy? Anyone know where he came from?