Pc vs Mac

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Mac is a trend which is currently popular with the young due to a mass media campaign and a handful of trendy gadgets

PC is a computer

nuff said

And if I had it my way we'd all go back to DOS so you asshats who can't use computers would just leave them alone so I could forgo removing copious malware from your systems every 6 months
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Put it in real-world terms...

PC = america
Mac = communist china

In the US, you can chose to watch just about anything, or google any site, without having the govt (OS) tell you that you can't do it.
In china, you get blocked, get blury porn, and all the rest. lol

where do you live? yup.
I agree with the lower price tag, but I dont think they can do better at everything else. Are there credible studies that prove a pc is better or faster. Do better and faster mean the same thing when talking about computers. I am also not comparing apple and microsoft, just the computers. Both apple and microsoft are businesses trying to make money.

I get the feeling that I am one of the VERY few people here that have never owned a pc.

Are there credible studies that prove macs are better or faster?
Put it in real-world terms...

PC = america
Mac = communist china

In the US, you can chose to watch just about anything, or google any site, without having the govt (OS) tell you that you can't do it.
In china, you get blocked, get blury porn, and all the rest. lol

where do you live? yup.

I have never had any problems with getting blocked, and my porn is very clear. Does this happen to people for real?

Are there credible studies that prove macs are better or faster?

I never said there was, I was just curious. I would like to see comparisons if they were available.
lol yeah, becuase you don't live in china. lol
my point was that mac's are ike that, in that they tell other people what they can or cannot do.... in software terms.

i guess my analogy went right over da head
Since i only browse the internet & check email, ill probably get another 2 - 3 years (or more? screw you moores law) out of my current macbook.

My life will not be plagued with viruses, freezing or other headache related bs, i can move on to things that are more important. Its nice to have something that handles the basics flawlessly.
In my experience from working at geek squad, I'll say that macs generally have less software issues than pcs. Also there is less chances of getting malware. They also are more aesthetic and usually smaller and lighter (laptops) when compared to a pc of similar specs. As well as higher quality contol and the use of higher quality materials in manufacturing. All of this contributes to their higher cost, but if these things are important to you then you will be happy with a mac.

All of my computers are pcs, but that is because I game and do HTPC type stuff. I do have an iPhone and love it. I feel the os and ui is much more intuitive and easier to use than other phone os offerings, though android is a close second. I also like the aesthetics of the iPhone better than any other phone, simple, clean, and the perfect size for a mobe Internet device type phone.
ive recently refrained from dishing out in this thread but i must.

hope you sheeple are happy. enjoy your little pisspot 10 million dollar tablet tomorrow. i hope you all choke on your styluses :)
As for which machine has what problems more frequently, PCs will because of higher marketshare. Also Mac has ten percent of the market and most folks that are out to make coin through mal ware and such are not going to waste their time. Now that isn't to say it doesn't happen because it does. Second of all about the iPhone. I don't think that witholding a basic and expected function like MMS should be viewed as a good marketing ploy. Another expectation I have out of a smart phone is the ability to multi task. I am posting from my Pre right now and both my Twitter feed and my Facebook are both ipdating live as I type this. Why isn't the iPhone multitasking?
the iphone is fast enough for me for it not to matter. safari will load pages while other apps are open. thats pretty much all i need since there is only room enough on the screen for one app at a time.
Yeah B it was late last night and your analogy did go right over my head. After some sleep and some coffee I understand what you were saying. Well I guess I am done with this thread since it has turned into a battle of the smart phones and I dont even own one. Plus it is kinda one sided, I havent heard from any mac owners.
ive recently refrained from dishing out in this thread but i must.

hope you sheeple are happy. enjoy your little pisspot 10 million dollar tablet tomorrow. i hope you all choke on your styluses :)

I own no apple products other than the macbook i bought in april of 09.

I hate ipods, i hate the iphone, and i will not be purchasing the new, larger iphone (called the tablet) that comes out tomorrow.

I just want to get online & check mah mailz & mah newz. If i could have purchased a PC, with NO 3rd party software & an OS that was NOT windows vista back in 04/2009 I would have.

I am sure a new PC running win 7 with NO bs 3rd party crapware (factory installed no less) would run very well. Thats what I wanted and apple was the only company to offer something close to this when i needed a new comp.
Yeah B it was late last night and your analogy did go right over my head. After some sleep and some coffee I understand what you were saying. Well I guess I am done with this thread since it has turned into a battle of the smart phones and I dont even own one. Plus it is kinda one sided, I havent heard from any mac owners.

this is a website with over 10K members... good demographic here. we have what 1 maybe 2 mac owners in this thread? :ph34r:

when my service contract is up (or i can pass off my iphone to someone else) i will be going back to a blackberry.
I hit on the iPhone so much is because it is the pure version of what's wrong with Apple. I mean making people pay for Snow Lepord? It was a service pack. Nothing more. I do not agree with there business practices when it comes to consumers. With holding services or components to bend folks over a year later by reselling the same profuct with two new items.
what i heard about the MMS is that the 3G network couldnt support it properly so it was not released until much later.

honestly im not sure of all the hooplah about the dropped calls, i have yet to have one with my iphone.
The sheeples are listening...

Apple just recorded 3.38 billion $$$$$$$$$$ in profits for 4Q 2009.
Refer back to my comment about Apple making consumers pay for basic features. And releasing a new phone a year after the initial release.
Hmm... I wonder if I can pull a site statistic for how many people are hitting the site with Safari- that would be a good count of Mac users, at least those that don't use Firefox. :(