pet peeves

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people who start threads like this ..........jj :P

i dont have any.

EDIT: i take that back, it really bugs me when hot girls insist on wearing clothes. :D
Originally posted by Smonkeyboy@May 18 2004, 05:16 PM
people who start threads like this ..........jj :P

i dont have any.

EDIT: i take that back, it really bugs me when hot girls insist on wearing clothes. :D

i was expecting that, so people who are predictable!...jj :D
my pet peeve is women who are fat, and still carry an attitude like they look good and are too good for you.

Newsflash Shamu:

When you start small brush fires from you thunder thighs rubbing together while walking down the just might be overweight.

when you need a winch to pull the chair that is stuck on your ass as you got up from sitting juuust might be overweight.

when your arms are as big as a highschool football juuuuust might be overweight.

there's nothing wrong with being overweight......

what is wrong is that you carry yourself in life like you are the shit, and you think you look good and get an attitude the same.
1. Bad drivers.
2. People who are stupid and ask for advice but don't take it.
3. People that are obnoxious and can't take repeated hints to stay out of my space.
My biggest pet peeve is when you are having a conversation with someone and another person keeps interrupting, or when you are in the middle of a point in a conversation and the other person tries to rebute your response before you are even done with it.
Originally posted by Frankie P.@May 18 2004, 06:13 PM
My biggest pet peeve is when you are having a conversation with someone and another person keeps interrupting, or when you are in ----

---I know exactly what you mean!

My Pet Peeve is idiots. If the law allowed, I would kill them all.
people that say such dumb things that when you hear them, you feel like your IQ just dropped just for being within earshot of them.

When you start small brush fires from you thunder thighs rubbing together while walking down the just might be overweight.

Dude, I don't think that they could start the fires from all the butter seeping from the pores.

I hate fat people too
1. Conservatives (sorry if your one, I don't want to argue, you just piss me off)
2. Supid People (often ^)
3. People Who don't Signal when turning and changing lanes (almost always ^)
People who pronounce SQL as 'sequel'. It's pronounced S-Q-L, The Empire Strikes Back is a goddamn sequel.
Originally posted by Sabz5150@May 18 2004, 08:44 PM
People who pronounce SQL as 'sequel'. It's pronounced S-Q-L, The Empire Strikes Back is a goddamn sequel.

What in the FUCK are you talking about?
When B doesnt swallow. =(

ohyeah and fat chicks who wear really tight clothes and think they're hot with their belly hanging out over their pants "check out my belly ring aint it cute" BAH nasty
Originally posted by Havok@May 18 2004, 08:46 PM
What in the FUCK are you talking about?

SQL stands for Structured Query Language, several databases are based on it. Microsoft SQL server and MySQL for example. For some ungodly reason, people mis-pronounce it as 'sequel'. Yes, I'm a bona-fide geek.