roommate rant (similar to kanned's)

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ok so i live in an apt complex at school. for the past 2 years ive had the best roommates ever. cool as shit. and never messed with my stuff. there was a level of respect for each others stuff that was required when living with people you didnt previously know. well they didnt resign their leases so unfortunately they left. this was back in may.

fast forward about 3 weeks of living alone. this kid tyler gets moved in. this is an apatment complex that has seperate leases for each room, and they match you up with roommates if you dont have anyone to fill the other rooms. its aimed at college kids (which i am) so that you are responsible for your rent alone, and dont have to worry about collecting from everyone. well this has a vice, you get almost no say in who gets moved in other than the "compatability sheet" you fill out. so this kid moves in. hes like 19-20 and looks like the biggest tool/pothead you can imagine. and to top it off his fav band is ICP so that kind of says something lol. 1st thing i hate, he smokes. WTF, i put on my sheet that i didnt smoke, why would they do that? well i checked it out and i didnt check the box that said "wants smoke free environment". total BS imo.

so then after a few weeks i notice how much of a fucking slob he is. my room may get messy, but i always keep the living room spotless. after these few weeks, the room looks like a pig sty. his clothes are everywhere, it reeks of smoke, and the carpets are getting stained. i told him to try to keep the place cleaner, but he didnt seem to do much about it. then he started doing stupid shit. he would get up in the morning and turn the heat on full blast. in the fucking summer. i woke up and it was literally 90 degrees in my room, and only like 80 outside. i told him to cut that shit out too and said he would but the next day he did it again. then he started leaving the porch door wide open all fucking night. hes pretty much an alcoholic and passes out on the couch with the tv blaring loud.

this pises me off for a few reasons.

1. with the AC on and the door open, hes just wasting electricity. and although my rent includes it, if it goes over a certain amount average over 3 months we get charged for it.
2. although im on the second floor, its not hard to climb up (ive done it) and get in the apt. i keep some nice stuff that i allow other roomates to use (TV, PS2, DVD player, Myth frontend) and i dont want to be a dick and take it all in my room (plus i like to relax a watch tv on the couch). and i cant have that get stolen over someone being dumb and leaving the door wide open.

i told him twice about it and i still see it happen. then he started using my shit. he asked me the first day if he could use my laptop to check his bank stuff so i let him, but evertime i came back after that he was on it looking at porn or myspace or god knows what else. so i took my laptop over to my GF's. and he kept bugging me on when i would bring it back. the same shit went down with the PS2, asked me once and after that he would be constantl on it. it was just disrespectful and irritating.

and to top it off. he has his shady friends pretty much living there. they are ALWAYS there when he isnt, which is against the rules lined out in the lease. Tyler asked me if they could stay for a while while they find a place and i said OK hesitantly thinking it would be just a couple days, week max. well its been about a month and im tired of it. i was going to wait until tomorrow when the leasing manager was in the office to have them removed, but when i went to the apt today, what i saw took me over the edge. there were 5 poeple in the living room, playing my PS2, acting stupid and smoking in the living room with the door wide open. and they had a dog in there as well. i said fuck it. i called the office and had them send a courtesy officer to get them out NOW. courtesy officers are people who live at the complex to do off dut stuff like this. most of them are police officers too. so they are gone now, but now i have to deal with this filthy apartment and shitty roommate... i might be able to get him kicked out or moved to another apartment. and definitlely if he has people living here anymore he will get evicted.

Get him thrown out. He's already violated quite a few terms of your standard apartment lease, so just notify the office and have him removed from the complex.
agreed.. your situation is much different than Kanned's.. you can do something about it, he cant
There are two things you can do that will be effective or legitimate:

Move. If you can't move,

Keep everything to yourself and learn how to say no.

Barring those, you shut the hell up and suck it up. It sucks, but there is nothing you can do for a roommate. You either mention / act, or you act for yourself and find a better living condition. Don't tell me "I can't!" because that's fucking horseshit. People do it all the time.
If its anything like my college if anyone violates the terms of the lease they are immediately thrown out, no questions asked, my room mate has been great and is an extremely nice guy much like your old roomate sounds like, just file a complaint and get rid of his dumbass
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They have good points, especially Cel. Have to just say no and let the guy know you don't get along with him or remove one of you from the situation.
Fack having roommates.

Tell him to GTFO

done. =)

Read the post, cant just tell him to GTFO... College complex, college says leave or stay(it's how he got into this).

Roommates, you can't live with them and you can't :sniper: them. :D

Not legally, unless in Florida and you get him drunk and provoke him.have a best friend back you, no one else, if he doesn't comply then he also threatened your life LOL.
well like i said, since the leases are separate, its not my decision to make him move out. the property makes you have a peer mediation with the person you are having probs with before they take any action. its BS, but i'm about to that point.
Not legally, unless in Florida and you get him drunk and provoke him.have a best friend back you, no one else, if he doesn't comply then he also threatened your life LOL.

:lmao: I've gotten lucky with the roommates I have had in the past and only wish people the best in dealing with theirs.
well i spent like 3-4 hours cleaning the apartment. i scrubbed everything. it was fucking nasty. i literally didnt know where to start. there were 4 bags of garbage that i took out. and i didnt notice at the time, but he was using one of my big porcelin bowls as a dog bowl. thats nasty and disrespectful. i did 2 loads in the dishwasher and put it all away. and then i gathered up all his and his friends shit and threw it in his room. hopefully when he came back to a spotless apartment, it sent him a message. i havent seen him since lol. but im still going down to the office tomorrow to see what i can do about getting him kicked out. the carpets still have to be professionally cleaned and i cant deal with him, his friends, or their smoking/stupidity anymore.
hopefully when he came back to a spotless apartment, it sent him a message.
it wont he's an ass and has prolly lived like this his whole life. Put all your stuff in your room for safe keeping.
hopefully when he came back to a spotless apartment, it sent him a message.

If this is how he's behaved so far, then I doubt it will accomplish anything. In fact, it may just make him feel like he can do whatever he wants, and you'll clean it up for him...
You also cleaned up the evidence for the owners to see.
yeah, in future, camera. in fact, take pics of him and his goons in the act. passed out, door wide open, cig ashing on the carpet, knocked over beer bottle? rock. *click*