Since none of the liberals will...

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[starts foaming at the mouth]

Wait till I get home, hippy

-> steve
When I said "this", I meant this thread, so keep the rhetoric in your circle of friends, or start another thread.
[starts foaming at the mouth]

Wait till I get home, hippy

-> steve


so, let me ask this, now a couple days after the elections... how are people reacting? whats the scene like? do tell...
Perhaps you've just purposely read past the many places where I've said "this is awesome". I even said it in the first reply to this topic.

Iraq is, in fact, a Sovereign State.

No it isn't. Iraq has not once demonstrated sovereignty in over 35 years.

I'll be glad when our administration actually takes care of America, for once...imagine just how much good $1 billion a week would do for the AMERICAN people.

$1 billion a week towards the American people. Education, homeless aide, government housing and honest to goodness welfare exceeds - greatly - $1,000,000,000 a week. All that's to show for it is.. Well, Welfare cases, public housing and the same POOR EDUCATION that spawned this very thread.

I can find Powell's transcriptions of making the case for war, WMDs and the imminent threat they posed to America was the primary reason for the pre-emptive strike that went against the United Nations, a body that only works when its members actually follow the charter. I also have a nifty little link to Rumsfeld lying on camera about this "war", I can see if I can dig that up for you too if you'd like. This was spun into liberating people from Saddam's rule. In fact, here.

Originally posted by Collin Powell
The United States will not and cannot run that risk to the American people. Leaving Saddam Hussein in possession of weapons of mass destruction for a few more months or years is not an option, not in a post-September 11th world.

I'm going to say this for the last time, because it doesn't seem like it's sinking through with the liberal mind.

We attacked Iraq because Saddam Hussein stood behind a podium and declared on Iraqi television, and Al Jazeera, that he has the ability to attack the United States on US Soil - And he intends to carry it out - Allah Akbar. We did NOT occupy Iraq for WMDs. The WMDs are a UN brought up event, and it ended with the UN. If the US could invade legally for possessing WMD (Which we CAN NOT) then we did our best to find it. Finally, as you recall, the call was made to simply preemptively strike.

And holy shit am I glad he did.

I read about half and skimmed the rest,

And thus, you're a hippy.

I only saw the mentioning of human rights violations as further reason to remove Saddam, nothing about occupation and nation building. It's also worth mentioning that Powell is slightly less than proud about having said any of this, after finding out that wow, the U.N. Inspectors actually had been correct for all of those years. The fact is that the real evidence was completely ignored because it wasn't the answer we were looking for.

We never doubted the UN Inspectors. Never. Not for a moment. We Struck out at Iraq outside of any WMD findings. WMDs were the justification of the UN approving our move to occupy and furthermore modify the Iraqi society. The UN. Not the US. Again, I repeat for the last damned time - We did NOT go after Iraq for WMD. We after them because their leader seemed reasonably capable of, and threatened, to attack the US on US soil. End of deal, and in retrospect, I'm glad he called that the way he did.

(I read your links, and they all actually concur with my findings. Reading Comprehension)

To end this long post, I'm sincerly glad that something good has come out of this clusterfuck but that doesn't mean that I'm going to forgive and forget what our own country has done.

Luckily, your country has within it's constitution the heart to forgive you of yours.

I'll let you chew on this for a bit.

-> Steve

Politically-oriented threads go south VERY quickly in these parts.
since this thread is no longer on topic anyway I thought I'd share this....

my personal favorites are in red

You might be a Liberal if...

You think that protestors outside nuclear power plants are dedicated activists, but protestors outside abortion clinics are dangerous zealots interfering with a legal activity.

You believe that more federal regulations will make your life better.

You believe that even though the top 20 percent of taxpayers pay 80 percent of income taxes, that the rich are not paying their “fair share.â€

You think that Rush Limbaugh’s listeners are mindless “dittoheads,†but you have never doubted anything that you ever heard from Michael Moore.

You believe that the network news is a better indicator of what “real†news is than talk radio, Internet news sites, and blogs.

You believe that there was never, ever a problem with biased news coverage until Fox News went on the air.

You believe that Mikhail Gorbachev deserves more credit for losing the Cold War than Ronald Reagan deserves for winning it.

You mentally subtract 100 points from someone’s IQ if the person speaks with a Southern accent.

You think that Dan Rather got a raw deal.

You think that the phrase “separation of church and state†is in the Constitution.

You pride yourself on your global awareness, global sensitivity and global outlook, but can’t name your state legislator or school board representative.

You are dedicated to helping the poor, the downtrodden and the less fortunate, but you have never given blood.

You believe that a woman should make it on her own, without depending on her husband (except for Hillary Clinton).

You believe that professional, working women should never be judged on their appearance (except for Katherine Harris).

You believe that rich people should not be allowed to contribute so much money to candidates for office (except for George Soros).

You believe that government should make a special effort to hire members of traditionally oppressed groups, such as African-Americans (except for Clarence Thomas, Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice).

You feel a deep sense of common cause with oppressed groups, such as Hispanic immigrants (except for Cuban Americans fleeing Castro).

You believe that a mother’s wishes for her child, especially a mother’s last, dying wish for her child, should outweigh the wishes of a father who had long before deserted his family (unless the child is named Elian Gonzalez).

You have no problem with Hollywood movie stars flying around in private jets to give speeches on the evils of SUVs.

You think that raising taxes will reduce the budget deficit.

You are more concerned, more often, with the rights of convicted felons than you are with the rights of small business owners.

You uphold a woman’s right to choose, unless a woman chooses adoption, chooses to be a stay-at-home mom, chooses to homeschool, or chooses to start a business.

You are more concerned with Vice President Cheney’s links to Halliburton than with Saddam Hussein’s links to international terrorism.

You have used the phrase, “in Europe, the government pays for health care and vacation,†without irony.

You are worried about how the French view Americans.

You believe that nativity scenes should be banned from public view, but that anyone objecting to pornography "only has to look the other way".

And finally, you are almost certainly a liberal if you refuse to admit that you’re a liberal, and accuse anyone of calling you a liberal of McCarthyism.
First, allow me to thank Ahedau... That was great. Now, lemme crack my knuckles and dig into this one.

Okay, I'll bite

You might be a conservative if:

* You watch the Rush Limbaugh show the same way your kid watches "Barney
and Friends"

* You believe an adulterer who served his wife divorce papers while she
was in the hospital and later had to be taken to court for lack of child
support payments named Newt when he talks about how he's for "Family

* You complain about the "liberal media" on any of the numerous
conservative political TV/radio talk shows.

* You have a bumper sticker that says "Insured by Smith and Wessen"

* You believe the hole in the ozone layer to be a myth created by crazy

* You believe the Holocaust to be a myth created by crazy liberals.

* You fervently speak about the evils of marijuana at social gatherings
with a vodka straight in hand.

* You believe the Constitution states the Christianity is our official

* You molest campaign workers, then lie about it on national television...
oops, my mistake... that's "You might be Newt Gingrinch if.."

* You think the words feminist and lesbian are synonyms.

* If you fit any of Jeff Foxworthy's "You might be a redneck if..."

* You believe every man, woman, child and fetus should be armed to the
teeth with AK-47's, hand grenades, handguns, and any other weapon

* You actually believe that people actually own AK-47's for "hunting

* You have faith in idiotic economic policies such as "trickle down

* You don't see why everyone's so down on Mark Fuhrman.

* You think that Michaelangelo's David should be wearing boxers at the

* The hostess at the Sizzler knows you by name.

* You have a button that says "I'm not prejudice, I hate everyone"

* You can ask your daddy to bail you out when you lose hundreds of
thousands of dollars from embezzling S&L's

* Your main source for news is an egocentric man named Rush who distorts
facts consistantly to fit his views and opinions.

* You want to find another out-of-work actor to play the figurehead for
the Republican party (perhaps Bonzo's free)

* Your response to anything Bill Clinton says includes a reference to
Arkansas hillbillies.

* You still attempt to defend Dan Quayle's intelligence.

* You get offended if someone is unusually quiet on the way to a funeral...
oops, sorry, my fault again... thats another "You might be Newt

* You refuse to talk to your sister because she's a lesbian... dangit,
sorry...once again, another "You might be Newt..."

* You obsessively impose your own morality upon others.

* You wish to ammend the Constitution to make desecration of the flag

* You wish to rewrite the first ammendment to make desecration of the
flag illegal.

* You wish to rewrite the first commandment to make desecration of the
flag illegal (and here, you thought you were such a good Christian...)

* You believe that if parents and teachers don't mention sex to a child
until s/he is 25, then s/he won't even know it exists until then.

* You think Clarence Thomas is a good spokesman for the black community.

* You must first don rubber gloves before shaking hands with a homosexual.

* You attribute the lack of close families to Murphy Brown.

* You helped to ban Beavis from saying "fire", yet keep a loaded handgun
in the house (doesn't matter if it's hidden.. your kid knows where it
is, trust me.)

* You have a sticker saying "Guns don't kill people, people do" (and I
suppose those little bullet things are harmless too)

* You believe that everyone else should hold the same moralistic and
political views as you, and by God, you're going to see to it that they

and finally...

* You believed anything on the previous "You might be a liberal if..." list.
We attacked Iraq because Saddam Hussein stood behind a podium and declared on Iraqi television, and Al Jazeera, that he has the ability to attack the United States on US Soil - And he intends to carry it out - Allah Akbar. We did NOT occupy Iraq for WMDs. The WMDs are a UN brought up event, and it ended with the UN. If the US could invade legally for possessing WMD (Which we CAN NOT) then we did our best to find it. Finally, as you recall, the call was made to simply preemptively strike.

And holy shit am I glad he did.

So, we attacked Iraq for WMDs. Thank you for clarifying that. Oh, and I didn't say anything about the occupation in that paragraph.

I'm not sure if I phrased this correctly or not.. Or perhaps, you "read half, and skimmed the rest". Brew up some coffee, and read it again.

Actually, hippies are peace loving people who go out of their way to encourage peace, love, and tolerance.

Hippies are peace loving in much the same way Goldfish are. In fact, the two are very close. Mull that over.

Last time I checked, hippies didn't have severe anger management problems, carry guns, or hang out with gangbangers. Aren't stereotypes just peachy?

Ted Koscinski, Son of Sam, Ted Bundy, Charles Manson. Aren't accuracies peachier ? (All of these upright citizens thought, in the deepest of their hearts, that what they were doing was right for all. They wanted nothing more than Peace on earth, Tolerance (Well, maybe not the later years Manson) and to be loved. )

Yes, I'm honestly a little cold hearted, refer back to your hippy crack. However, the fact that something good actually did come from this war doesn't mean that our government should just be let off the hook for all of its wrong doings. I'll keep saying this, since it doesn't seem to sink into anybody's mind: The ends DO NOT justify the means and there is NEVER a valid reason for blatant hypocrisy.

And people say that I'm an arrogant asshole.

It would have been better had I said "Thus, you're a Hippy :)" Smileys make the pill easier to swallow. I love talking with you about this, don't think that I'm attacking you in anyway. I look forward to your responses in these discussions - Moreso than half of this board. Also, it seems that the US shouldn't be let off the hook for all the wrong it's done - But we are so much quicker to let enemies of the free world "off the hook". Why do you hate the US so much ?

We haven't been dirty-nuked. That airplane that the ShoeBomber was on didn't go down. The US Borders remain safe. There are no Civilian casualties, and not one terrorist attack on US soil since September 11th - The day that President George W Bush stook up to the world and said "No. Not here. Not now. Not ever."

The Ends DID Justify the means. As a nation we turned to Bush and said, in a unified voice "Protect us ! Don't let terrorism hit our land again!" And Bush rose to this challenge unequivically. No one would have answered the call so diffidently and with such resounding force. Bush, his Draconian law, and yes - Even the Evil mr Rumsfeld (I don't like him either, don't worry) are some of the people responsible for our safety today. And yes - We knew all along there would be changes in rights - And we were told that these changes would make us safer people.

And they haven't lied.

Last year the Assault weapons ban lifted - If but slightly. I feel 100% more safe knowing that the population I live in is now armed - Arming a populace is not the action of a tyrannt, or of a control freak, or of an overlord - Of which Bush has been blamed of being over and over again.

"The first thing they will do is take your weapons away" These words resound in my head daily. They were spoken to me by Saul Snodgrass, a Dauchau prisoner survivor. "We gave up our guns so readily, because we were so safe. When we were completely disarmed, they came for us with no resistance"

I'm done with my personal responses for you and your sake. Please, remember that I'm not attacking you - This is just text on a screen. I appreciate the conversation here, and I appreciate you putting in your opinion. If I type alittle "Terse" or "Surly" it's because this is a very serious topic in a serious time - And I am committed to squelching the lies and misconceptions about what is going on in the world - good or bad.

-> Steve

I will, someday, post my feelings towards Liberals in general. Wait to the day I explode on that.
Originally posted by Celerity@Feb 1 2005, 11:30 PM

Ted Koscinski, Son of Sam, Ted Bundy, Charles Manson. Aren't accuracies peachier ? (All of these upright citizens thought, in the deepest of their hearts, that what they were doing was right for all. They wanted nothing more than Peace on earth, Tolerance (Well, maybe not the later years Manson) and to be loved. )

So do people who shoot doctors at abortion clinics.

We haven't been dirty-nuked. That airplane that the ShoeBomber was on didn't go down. The US Borders remain safe. There are no Civilian casualties, and not one terrorist attack on US soil since September 11th - The day that President George W Bush stook up to the world and said "No. Not here. Not now. Not ever."

The Ends DID Justify the means. As a nation we turned to Bush and said, in a unified voice "Protect us ! Don't let terrorism hit our land again!" And Bush rose to this challenge unequivically. No one would have answered the call so diffidently and with such resounding force. Bush, his Draconian law, and yes - Even the Evil mr Rumsfeld (I don't like him either, don't worry) are some of the people responsible for our safety today. And yes - We knew all along there would be changes in rights - And we were told that these changes would make us safer people.

Well, 9/11 did happen, and on Bush's watch.

What amazes me more than that is you are freely willing to trade your rights for security. I am not going to trade my freedom for your paranoia.

And they haven't lied.

Where are those WMDs? Where's the yellowcake? What about those falsified papers?

Last year the Assault weapons ban lifted - If but slightly. I feel 100% more safe knowing that the population I live in is now armed - Arming a populace is not the action of a tyrannt, or of a control freak, or of an overlord - Of which Bush has been blamed of being over and over again.

I agree that everyone has the right to have a weapon, but goddamn do you really need an AK? Are you safer knowing that someone who doesn't like what you say could ventilate you on the way to your car? Are you safer knowing that gun deaths are higher than anywhere else on the planet? I surely don't wanting Joe Crackhead buying an AK, do you?

I don't mind people having a gun, hell I own a shottie. I do mind people having TONS OF GUNS. Do you need a dozen portable howitzers? Hell, you can't even shoot them at the same time.

"The first thing they will do is take your weapons away" These words resound in my head daily. They were spoken to me by Saul Snodgrass, a Dauchau prisoner survivor. "We gave up our guns so readily, because we were so safe. When we were completely disarmed, they came for us with no resistance"

"War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength."

Those are the words that resound in MY head daily, and I see it daily.

I'm done with my personal responses for you and your sake. Please, remember that I'm not attacking you - This is just text on a screen. I appreciate the conversation here, and I appreciate you putting in your opinion. If I type alittle "Terse" or "Surly" it's because this is a very serious topic in a serious time - And I am committed to squelching the lies and misconceptions about what is going on in the world - good or bad.

-> Steve

I will, someday, post my feelings towards Liberals in general. Wait to the day I explode on that.
[post=454896]Quoted post[/post]​
Real Quick...

Originally posted by Sabz5150@Feb 1 2005, 11:25 PM
Okay, I'll bite

You might be a conservative if:

* You watch the Rush Limbaugh show the same way your kid watches "Barney
and Friends"
This is dumb

* You believe an adulterer who served his wife divorce papers while she
was in the hospital and later had to be taken to court for lack of child
support payments named Newt when he talks about how he's for "Family
John Kerry enulled his previous marriage, leaving a child behind because he didn't want her getting his money

* You complain about the "liberal media" on any of the numerous
conservative political TV/radio talk shows.
Complaint is the road to change

* You have a bumper sticker that says "Insured by Smith and Wessen"
"Wesson" and responsible gun owners know that no car in the world is worth firing a bullet. it's called "Humor"

* You believe the hole in the ozone layer to be a myth created by crazy
Or, you believe that something should be done about it. In fact, you become the #1 donor of money, equipment and manpower to correct the problem

* You believe the Holocaust to be a myth created by crazy liberals.
I don't get where you see this one.

* You fervently speak about the evils of marijuana at social gatherings
with a vodka straight in hand.

* You believe the Constitution states the Christianity is our official
The nation is formed under the name of God. That's it, buddy. Nothing more to talk about. What IS covered is your freedom of religion. And we're the only ones that guarantee it.
* You molest campaign workers, then lie about it on national television...
oops, my mistake... that's "You might be Newt Gingrinch if.."
Ooops.. your mistake. That's the Kennedies again.
* You think the words feminist and lesbian are synonyms.
You think the words Conservative and Redneck are synonyms.
* If you fit any of Jeff Foxworthy's "You might be a redneck if..."
Case in point.
* You believe every man, woman, child and fetus should be armed to the
teeth with AK-47's, hand grenades, handguns, and any other weapon
No, I do believe that responsible, capable people should do whatever they want in the pursuit of Freedom, Liberty and Justice. Imagine that. Also, I know that only two people fear an armed populace: Criminals and Tyrants.

* You actually believe that people actually own AK-47's for "hunting
We know full well that they dont' own them for hunting. We came up with that excuse in an effort to bypass legislation which intends to disarm a populace - see also "Criminals and Tyrants"

* You have faith in idiotic economic policies such as "trickle down
God bless it, it was the richest time in US history - Moreso than the Roaring 20s.

* You don't see why everyone's so down on Mark Fuhrman.
We DO see why everyone is so down on Rodney King.

* You think that Michaelangelo's David should be wearing boxers at the
The same man that brought you "Trickle Down" and "The successful, bloodless end of the cold war" also brought record-breaking funding for arts. Continued on by his Vice President for 4 years before Clinton brought it down for technology funding during the DotCom Farce.

* The hostess at the Sizzler knows you by name.
And I know hers. Moving on..
* You have a button that says "I'm not prejudice, I hate everyone"
As worn by Senator Byrd, a card-carrying member of the Ku Klux Klan, Democratic party member, and primary roadblock to the appointment of a black woman in a high position. Yes, he IS a KKK Member. Unabashedly.
* You can ask your daddy to bail you out when you lose hundreds of
thousands of dollars from embezzling S&L's
Instead of marrying the daughter of an oil Emir for business needs.
* Your main source for news is an egocentric man named Rush who distorts
facts consistantly to fit his views and opinions.
I defer to Ahedau's comparison
* You want to find another out-of-work actor to play the figurehead for
the Republican party (perhaps Bonzo's free)
Ouch. That hurts. Besides, at last count, Liberals had all the actors.
* Your response to anything Bill Clinton says includes a reference to
Arkansas hillbillies.
No, it usually includes a referrence to how many people happened to die when they spoke out against him in Arkansas - How his croney Clark almost started WWIII by issueing a command to attack a Russian installation in the Baltics, And about how he cheated on his wife in the oval office.

* You still attempt to defend Dan Quayle's intelligence.
While every democratic voting record, education background, military service and personal event goes unchecked.

* You get offended if someone is unusually quiet on the way to a funeral...
oops, sorry, my fault again... thats another "You might be Newt
Huh ?
* You refuse to talk to your sister because she's a lesbian... dangit,
sorry...once again, another "You might be Newt..."
I refuse to talk to my sister because she's a liberal :)
* You obsessively impose your own morality upon others.
Uh huh.
* You wish to ammend the Constitution to make desecration of the flag
Everyone has wishes. There are people out there who wish to make gay marriages an amendment. There are people who want to change the bill of rights so that Arnold Schwarzenegger can run for president. There are people who want cats given suffrage.

* You wish to rewrite the first ammendment to make desecration of the
flag illegal.
Are you reading this while you copy and paste ?

* You wish to rewrite the first commandment to make desecration of the
flag illegal (and here, you thought you were such a good Christian...)
I'm lost

* You believe that if parents and teachers don't mention sex to a child
until s/he is 25, then s/he won't even know it exists until then.
Same goes if you don't teach them about the Berlin Wall.

* You think Clarence Thomas is a good spokesman for the black community.
I think Anita Hill is a good spokesman for the black community. How about that ?
* You must first don rubber gloves before shaking hands with a homosexual.
Never happened.
* You attribute the lack of close families to Murphy Brown.
I thought we weren't giving Dan Quayle any creedence..
* You helped to ban Beavis from saying "fire", yet keep a loaded handgun
in the house (doesn't matter if it's hidden.. your kid knows where it
is, trust me.)
Tipper Gore did this. That's Al's wife, if you didn't know. Rock the Vote !

* You have a sticker saying "Guns don't kill people, people do" (and I
suppose those little bullet things are harmless too)
I'm willing to bet a million dollars that a bullet won't harm anything.
* You believe that everyone else should hold the same moralistic and
political views as you, and by God, you're going to see to it that they
That's what expression is !
and finally...

* You believed anything on the previous "You might be a liberal if..." list.

I'm a Conservative !!

[post=454887]Quoted post[/post]​

Did I pass ?
I bite back.

the ones I'm guilty of...

* You complain about the "liberal media" on any of the numerous
conservative political TV/radio talk shows.

* You believe the hole in the ozone layer to be a myth created by crazy

* You think the words "feminist" and "lesbian" are synonyms. <-- that's just funny!

* If you fit any of Jeff Foxworthy's "You might be a redneck if..." - you CAN be too drunk to fish!

* You believe that if parents and teachers don't mention sex to a child until s/he is [10], then s/he won't even know it exists until then. <-- why, pray tell, is this a bad thing?

* You obsessively impose your own morality upon others. <-- no. you do that. I just staunchly defend my morality.

* You believe that everyone else should hold the same moralistic and
political views as you, and by God, you're going to see to it that they
do! <-- once again, pot calling the kettle black, my friend

and finally...

* You believed anything on the previous "You might be a liberal if..." list.
Another quickie:

I don't mind people having a gun, hell I own a shottie. I do mind people having TONS OF GUNS. Do you need a dozen portable howitzers? Hell, you can't even shoot them at the same time.

I'm working on that...
"War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength."

I'm going to think about this one until blood squirts from my nose.

Seriously.. Explain that one.

Well, 9/11 did happen, and on Bush's watch.

And the Terrorist hostages were held for months on Carter's watch, and on the day that Reagan was inaugurated.... What happened ? And Lockerby ? And Iran Contra? and the USS Cole ? I suppose that Ike was to blame for WWII.

-> Steve

Good night... get some sleep we'll pick this up in the morning.
1) Your perpensity to flat out ignore views that aren't yours, Then start swinging the hyprocit stick (*Thanks BattlePope) points out that any kind of fanciful rhetoric or ground-breakign truth will not in any way affect your teflon-coated life and opinion.

2) You read one thing that everyone views as one way, and construe it wrongly. You should not only follow, you should join it.

3) You can't seem to grasp simple comprehensive analogies and thoughtfully placed altruisms in the Hippy thing. Instead, it frustrates you and you have continued to consider them as personal attacks against you - All the while ignoring my flat-out compliments in your direction. You continue to grow frustrated at me, and the whole thing snowballs from there. I'll end this now - But only because you think this is a personal attack on you. And When philosophy turns to personal attacks it's time to take a rest and relax.

4) You, sir, are the weakest link. Good bye.

-> Steve
Originally posted by Celerity@Feb 1 2005, 11:51 PM
The nation is formed under the name of God. That's it, buddy. Nothing more to talk about. What IS covered is your freedom of religion. And we're the only ones that guarantee it.

Did I pass ?
[post=454918]Quoted post[/post]​

Ummmm, no. Put the crackpipe down for a sec.

Show me where in the Constitution of the United States it says "God" or "Christianity".

Saying "Under God" during the pledge was added in by Eisenhower during the early 50's. Our founding fathers never intended for that to be there.

"I pledge allegiance to my Flag, and to the Republic for which it stands: one Nation indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for all."

THAT is the Pledge, before it was changed. I don't see God.
Originally posted by Celerity@Feb 2 2005, 12:01 AM
Another quickie:

I don't mind people having a gun, hell I own a shottie. I do mind people having TONS OF GUNS. Do you need a dozen portable howitzers? Hell, you can't even shoot them at the same time.

I'm working on that...

Why? What is the purpose of being armed to the teeth? Armed is one thing, but you don't need that many guns.

Think about it, couldn't the scary terrorists get ahold of these weapons just as easily as you or I could. They got their hands on four jumbo jets, getting a few guns should be a cakewalk.

"War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength."

I'm going to think about this one until blood squirts from my nose.

Seriously.. Explain that one.

Nineteen Eighty-Four. Read it.

War is Peace: means that the government's military industrial complex maintains order by creating a perpetual environnment of war, threate of war, and war expenses. In today's world it is embodied in Bush's War on Terrorism, which morphs into what ever will create the next place to attack in order to distract the population from democracy. Peace is defined as the state controlling all dissent. War is used as the national security rationale to quash dissent of the government and therfore create the illusion of peace.

Freedom is Slavery: means that the government uses the supposed "chaos" of freedom to say that those who act freely are threatening society and therefore put the rest of society into slavery to fear. The freedom of civil liberties are used as the reason to restrict freedom because such freedom may threaten national security. If we, so says the government/capitalist controllers of the media military industrial complex, allow freedom then we will be enslaved by those who use freedom against us. In fact the truth of that logic is used by them to enslave us by corporate contol of the media.

Ignorance is strength: Only by keeping people in igornance can a nation state remain strong in its ideological purity. Most religions or political groups can not survive when their members are in doubt. Just think of how questions are received in the sunday school class. Thus keeping the members in ignorance prevents doubt and makes for the unquestioning obedience to the "group" and its leaders. That is a strong group in which inquisitions and witchhunts are freely enslaving the people. But the group is strong based on the ignorance of the individual members.

Well, 9/11 did happen, and on Bush's watch.

And the Terrorist hostages were held for months on Carter's watch, and on the day that Reagan was inaugurated.... What happened ? And Lockerby ? And Iran Contra? and the USS Cole ? I suppose that Ike was to blame for WWII.
[post=454928]Quoted post[/post]​

Well... I don't remember reading about a memo saying "Japanese determined to attack United States." I do remember something about a briefing that said "Osama Bin Laden determined to attack within United States". I don't think it can get any clearer than that.

Iran-Contra? Well, we will never know everything about that, will we? Did I mention my friend's paper shredder signed by Oliver North?