So a blonde walks into an auto parts store...

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Man behind the counter: Hello there. How can we help you?
Blonde: I'd like some 710.
Man: Some what?
Blonde: 710.
Man: Uhmm... (checks computer) No, we don't have that, and I don't even have a listing. What kind of car do you have?
Blonde: A 1996 Geo Metro.
Man: Where do you put the 710? I've never heard of a product.
Blonde: In the engine.
Man: This I have to see. Is your car here?
Blonde: Yes, right out front.
Man: Let's go take a look.

So they get out to the car, and the blonde pops the hood, and after a few seconds, the man bursts out laughing.

Find out why he laughed.

ummmm no battery???



just looked at the pic again .... got it now :lol:
sorry.... not my fault some people are slow
dude...look at the oil filler's "OIL" upside down...

sorry, i had to give it away.
now, does that make me really lame for figuring it out or really cool? :p
Hold on one damn minute!!!
96 metro's weren't carburated!!!
Lying fuck!


No, I dunno they might have been.

That was kinda dumb tho...

Castrol Highmilage 710 ownz me

dumbass high milage car...